global $version = "2.5.4" global $my_version = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath, "FileVersion") global $special_build = "Eejit Soup" #cs ffe - FFmpeg front-end for Windows *** BEFORE COMPILING *** This will compile with the latest AutoIt or AutoIt Beta (recommended). At the time of writing, that is v3.3.14.5 and v3.3.15.3, respectively. You will want to edit this file before compiling. Please see the compile options at the foot of this program. Search for "::dev::" in the code. About: FFmpeg, by Fabrice Bellard, et al., is a quite incredible multimedia converter (and much more!), capable of converting a vast number of input and output media formats, and depending on which binary you use, supports either a HUGE number of control parameters, or a REALLY HUGE number of control parameters. ffe is a simple yet powerful Windows® front-end for FFmpeg, designed for rapid testing of its various multimedia conversion parameters, enabling you to save lots of slightly different versions of a file very, very quickly; in other words, "find the best settings". It can then go on to perform the final job, of course, and a whole lot more. ffe uniquely uses MATOF technology to automatically update output file names to match your encoding parameters; you can tweak-and-go without worrying about obliterating your previous tests. While converting, the console output from FFmpeg can be viewed live inside ffe, and when complete, the entire process log is available for viewing/searching. ffe supports batch operation, automatic concatenation, infinitely customizable presets and customizable parameter buttons, pre- and post-job (and post-file) shell commands, dynamic @tokens, Media Info Reporting, Windows Batch Script Output, floating drop-window, command-line control and a host of other handy features and functions. More info here: ffe version info here.. To use: Drop ffe.exe next to ffmpeg.exe (the FFmpeg binary). Run ffe.exe That's it. If you run ffe somewhere else, it will ask you to locate FFmpeg before you begin work. See inside ffe.ini and the current itstory for LOTS of notes and tricks.. Bugs.. When toggling MATOF, old output paths return (no biggie - delete and boom! - but mildly inconvenient) 2do.. Search for "2do" inside the code.. 2do Maybe.. * Grab post-file exit codes and (if waiting) (optionally) only process next file on success (0) * Auto Parameter Increment testing. Use a button (next to outputfile?) to set a "sequence". = can be a range, e.g. 1-10,1 (step 1) or 1-10,2 (step 2) or a list: 1,3,5,6,8,9,10 button/manually in extra parameters.. crf=[[20,21,22,24,25,27]] crf=[[20-30,2]] * Watch Mode (use Windows API directly for this) _WinAPI_FindFirstChangeNotification() Automatically encode to current preset ("go") all files dropped in X folder. Add done files to a $known_files array and/or moving originals when done moving is better or else clear array after X days, to prevent long-term memory issues for instances running for months, processing millions of files. If no move-to folder specified, create a "DONE" folder in the working dir. Done, to document.. Aaargh.. A lot! Notes.. The program architecture; to use the term loosely; is fairly linear. As these things (GUIs) go, one or two functions becomes three, and so on. On the bright side, it should be pretty clear how to hack in new stuff. If you are compiling this yourself, you need to use "AutoIt Wrapper" to add the extra icons. You will also need to use AT LEAST version 1.9.3 of AutoIt Wrapper for the paths to work correctly. You can download it here.. Grab a ready-made binary (with source) here.. #ce #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ; Bite the bullet..! #include "Resources\cel.au3" ; Fun with animated GIF drop windows.. ; ; Of course this is sheer madness, a moving drop target!! lol ; BUT, if you want a dancing girl or throbbing arrow or whatever, on your ; desktop go right ahead. Enjoy your insanity! ; ; Of course you will need trancexx's lovely GIFAnimation.au3 script. Included. ; ; global Const $AC_SRC_ALPHA = 0x011 global Const $AC_SRC_ALPHA = 1 #include "Resources\GIFAnimation.au3" global $hGIF global $enable_animated_gif = true ; This gets set on image load, to use GIF routines for gifs.. global $gif_method = false ; ; While this started out as a bit of fun, I have since discovered a few animated ; gifs that work really well, with gentle visual indicators. I've spruced up the ; gif code a bit, too. I'll leave it in for the release. global const $EXIT_PRESET = "FFE-EXIT-SETTINGS" global const $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING = "--backup--" AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 11) AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) ; NEVER AGAIN!!! (getting there now, see MakeGUI()) AutoItSetOption("GUIEventOptions", 1) ; Init vars.. ; Set in ce.au3.. $my_name = "ffe" $ini_path = $my_name & ".ini" $my_domain = "" $data_dir = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $my_name global $me_app global $my_title = " ffe.. FFmpeg front-end" global $abort_batch = false global $got_helps = "" ; Will become the FFmpeg process PID.. global $ffmpeg = 0 global $my_url = "http://" & $my_domain & "/windows/software/ffe/" global $versioncheck_url = "http://" & $my_domain & "/inc/versions.php?app=ffe" global $download_url = "http://" & $my_domain & "/windows/software/ffe/#section-Download" global const $NAME_SETTINGS = "main settings" global const $NAME_BUTTONS = "custom buttons" global const $NAME_PRESETS = "presets" global const $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS = "mappings-video" global const $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS = "mappings-audio" global $not_presets global const $NOT_PRESETS_LIST = $my_name & "," & $NAME_BUTTONS & "," & $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS & "," & $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS & "," & $EXIT_PRESET ; For find in output.. #include "Resources\EditFind.au3" ; Enables you to see icons and such without compiling. ; Alter the second $me_app to match the place where you keep ffe.exe.. if @Compiled then $me_app = @ScriptFullPath else ;::dev::.. ; Enter the path to your own local binary.. $me_app = "C:\Program Files\corz\ffe\ffe.exe" endif ; Set in cel.au3.. $debug_level = 10 $dump_file = $data_dir & "\ffe_debug.log" ; 0 = no limit, or a number (in MB). Set in ini prefs. $max_debug_log_size = 0 ; Quick pre-check for installed users, prevents spurious debugging output bugging you.. if FileExists($data_dir & "\" & $ini_path) then $debug_level = Int(IniRead($data_dir & "\" & $ini_path, $my_name, "debug_level", $debug_level)) endif if FileExists($dump_file) then FileDelete($dump_file) ; Memory is cheap! global $inputfile, $old_inputfile, $extra_args, $v_codec, $a_codec, $resize_preset, $args, $short_args, $msgs, $count_ints global $installed_ini, $matof_string, $old_matof, $no_video, $no_audio global $launch_preset, $user_inputfile, $user_outputfile, $enable_custom_buttons global $find_count = 0, $switches, $go, $do_gen=false, $do_quit=false, $do_shutdown=false global $button_delim, $am_enable_custom_buttons, $am_button_notes_to_console global $tray_abort_batch, $tray_toggle_drop_window, $tray_toggle_start_minimized, $tray_toggle_delayed_start global $tray_toggle_fluid_image_menu, $tray_toggle_auto_copy_images, $tray_choose_image_folder global $ctxt_toggle_fluid_image_menu, $ctxt_toggle_auto_copy_images, $ctxt_choose_image_folder global $tray_toggle_retain_recent_files, $tray_about_ffmpeg global $now_time, $on_top_counter, $clean_comments, $warn_control global $delete_to_recycle_bin, $am_delete_to_recycle_bin, $always_warn_on_delete, $am_always_warn_on_delete global $ffeGUI, $GUI_DropWindow, $GUI_DropWindowResizer, $batch_output_dir, $inp_inputfile global $lab_inputfile, $inp_outputfile, $lab_outputfile, $ini_outputfile, $butt_wipe, $inp_input_params global $combo_presets, $ctxt_combo_sort global $x_param ; Prefs where restart is required.. global $sort_presets_list, $sort_presets_list_orig global $sort_presets_list_texts = "&Sort Presets (Restart" global $allow_console_tooltip, $allow_console_tooltip_orig global $allow_console_tooltip_text = "&ToolTips over Console Output (Restart" global $console_wordwrap, $console_wordwrap_orig global $console_wordwrap_text = "&Wrap Console Output (Restart" global $image_buttons, $image_buttons_orig global $image_buttons_text = "&Images on (some) Buttons (Restart" global $do_tooltips_orig global $do_tooltips_text = "Show &MouseOver ToolTip Help (Restart" global $butt_add_file_arg_to_input_params, $check_do_drop_window, $check_do_matof global $radio_preset_replace, $check_store_filepaths, $combo_v_codec, $combo_v_bitrate, $combo_frames_per_second global $inp_crop_x, $inp_crop_y, $inp_crop_width, $inp_crop_height, $inp_x_size, $inp_y_size, $check_concatenate global $label_active_crop_wh, $label_active_crop_xy global $check_run_pre_job_commands, $check_run_post_job_commands, $check_overwrite global $check_run_ffmpeg_task, $check_run_ffplay_task, $butt_reset global $combo_preset_resizes, $check_resize_first, $combo_a_codec, $combo_a_bitrate, $combo_target_type global $inp_extra_args, $butt_quicktest, $butt_mediareport, $lab_help_info, $edit_in_args, $edit_console_output global $butt_find, $butt_copy2clip, $butt_clearout, $butt_doit, $label_abort global $set_wh, $set_xy, $set_if, $set_of, $previous_pos, $do_countdown_timer, $time_in_title global $am_post_file_run_style, $am_post_file_capture, $am_post_file_show, $am_auto_codecs global $am_always_on_top, $am_allow_multiple, $am_do_countdown_timer, $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit, $am_start_minimized, $am_pause_is_global global $am_console_wordwrap, $am_trans, $am_reptypes, $am_image_buttons, $am_about_ffmpeg, $am_default_extension, $am_show_ffplay_output global $am_do_tooltips, $am_time_in_title, $am_sort_presets_list, $am_cpu, $am_drop_command, $am_launch_with_drop_command, $am_allow_output_tooltip global $am_retain_exit_settings, $am_use_mediainfo, $am_save_reports, $am_log_each_job, $am_log_append, $am_job_log_append global $check_quit_when_done, $check_shutdown_when_done, $am_about, $clean_outputfile_ext, $outputfile, $title_msg_string global $am_custom_buttons_columns, $custom_buttons_array, $preset_notes, $notes_prefix global $paused, $pause_is_global, $output_paused=false, $generate_script = false, $shifted = false, $timeout=false global $portable = false, $delay_start_at = false, $loaded_exit_settings = false global $current_preset = $my_name global $ctxt_vcombo, $ctxt_acombo global $dropwin_visible, $dropwin_trans_real, $lab_main_drop, $image_handle, $half_trans, $drop_win_state global $hover, $hovering, $switching, $blocking global $monitors_list[1][5] $monitors_list[0][0] = 0 global $img_index = 1 global $drop_images[1][3] ; trayID and item text global $made_files[1] global $recent_files[1][2] global $min_width = 860 global $min_height = 442 global $height_magic = 33 ; Magic! global $maximized = $OFF, $minimized = $OFF global $start_minimized ; App Menu Sub-Menus.. global $DropCommands[5] = ["None", "Go", "Generate", "Report", "Play"] global $DropCommandMenuItems[UBound($DropCommands)] global $arTransItems[10], $nTPChecked = 0 global $nCPUChecked = 0 global $arCPU[6] = ["Idle/Low", "Below Normal", "Normal", "Above Normal", "High", "Realtime (Use with caution!)"] global $arCPUItems[UBound($arCPU)] global $ReportTypes[7] = ["default", "compact", "csv", "flat", "ini", "json", "xml"] global $ReportTypesMenuItems[UBound($ReportTypes)] global $PostFileRunStyles[3] = ["Direct", "DOS", "ShellExecute"] global $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[UBound($PostFileRunStyles)] global $CBMChecked, $custom_buttons[502], $CustomButtonMenuItems[502] ; Arbitrary number ; "Known" files we have probed already.. global $known_files ; Associative arrays in AutoIt? Hells yeah! AAInit($known_files) ; We feed this list to FFmpeg for concatenation (join) jobs.. global $concat_list = @TempDir & "\ffe-concat-list.txt" ; Custom Button Grid.. ; Well, we put the button grid right *here*.. global $grid_x = 448 global $grid_y = 143 ; You can mess with size and spacing in your ini.. global $buttons_x_shunt, $buttons_y_shunt, $button_spacing ; ToolTips.. global $tip_icon_index ; global ToolTips we update on change (we update others, too, but differently) global $tip_post_file, $tip_pre_job, $tip_post_job, $tip_overwrite, $tip_concatenate global $tip_ffmpeg_task, $tip_ffplay_task, $tip_quit, $tip_shutdown, $tip_short_test ; ini prefs.. global $presets, $x, $y, $width, $height, $video_codecs, $audio_codecs, $auto_codecs global $file_types, $video_bitrates, $audio_bitrates, $frames_per_second, $target_types global $preset_resizes, $always_on_top, $user_trans, $log_each_job global $job_log_location, $log_append, $job_log_append, $replace_mode, $store_filepaths global $magic_butt_icon_index, $dropwin_butt_icon_index, $ffmpeg_task_butt_icon_index ; should not change, but /could/, so they're up here. global $folder_icon_index, $time_icon_index global $matof_separator, $cpu_priority, $short_test_frames, $fallback_folder, $console_output_font global $console_output_font_size, $custom_buttons_columns, $custom_buttons_font_size global $custom_buttons_width, $custom_buttons_height, $do_output, $button_notes_to_console global $drop_command, $launch_with_drop_command global $retain_exit_settings, $show_ffe_in_sorted_list, $ffmpeg_binary, $plugins_path, $ffplay_binary global $help_texts, $help_butts, $retain_recent_files global $GDI_dll, $allowed_image_types, $do_drop_window, $drop_win_image global $drop_win_transparency, $drop_win_hover_transparency, $drop_win_image_folder, $fluid_image_menu, $auto_copy_images global $pre_job_commands_file, $post_job_commands_file, $batch_commands_timeout, $run_commands_with_shell global $post_file_command, $check_run_post_file_command global $post_file_run_style="direct", $post_file_capture=$ON, $post_file_show=$ON ; FFprobe/MediaInfo reporting.. global $ffprobe_loc, $report_format, $save_reports, $report_directory, $report_extension global $report_switches, $nRTChecked, $pfsChecked, $store_probe_type, $un_escape_output global $use_mediainfo, $mediainfo_location, $mediainfo_switches, $nDCChecked ; Preset-level ffe settings.. ; If we set "defaults" here, we can use GetPrefs() to reload at any time using existing values as fall-backs global $resize_first = $OFF global $do_matof = $ON ; ffe job buttons. global $run_pre_job_commands = $UNSET global $run_post_job_commands = $UNSET global $run_post_file_command = $UNSET global $overwrite = $UNSET global $concatenate = $UNSET global $quit_when_done = $UNSET global $shutdown_when_done = $UNSET global $default_extension = "mkv" global $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit = $ON ; Read-only setting.. global $default_audio_extension = "aac" ; Red. You can set this in your ini. global $warn_colour = "FF0000" ; We check the user has actually altered these. If not, we don't save to the preset.. global $altered_resize_first, $altered_do_matof, $altered_do_output global $current_control_focus, $buttons_xy, $double_check_rclicks global $show_ffplay_output, $ffmpeg_command, $ffplay_command, $play_command global $too_far = false global $right_clicking = false ; We will update the ToolTips with the current state, so set the strings now for re-use.. ; global $tristate_prejob_title = "Pre-Job Commands" global $tristate_prejob_tip = "Before the job runs, run your specified pre-job commands batch file? " & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-click to specify/create a pre-job commands file." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Running " & $tristate_prejob_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_postfile_title = "Post-File Commands" global $tristate_postfile_tip = "After each file is processed, run your specified post-file command. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-click to specify a post-file command." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Running " & $tristate_postfile_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_postjob_title = "Post-Job Commands" global $tristate_postjob_tip = "After the job runs, run your specified post-job commands batch file? " & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-click to specify/create a post-job commands file." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Running " & $tristate_postjob_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_overwrite_title = "Overwrite Existing Files" global $tristate_overwrite_tip = "Should ffe tell FFmpeg to overwrite existing files? " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ $tristate_overwrite_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_concatenate_title = "Join Output Files" global $tristate_concatenate_tip = "During batches, should ffe tell FFmpeg to join the output files together? " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ $tristate_concatenate_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_quit_title = "Quit When Done" global $tristate_quit_tip = "Should ffe quit when the job is complete? " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ $tristate_quit_title & " is currently: " global $tristate_shutdown_title = "Shutdown PC When Done" global $tristate_shutdown_tip = "Should ffe shutdown your computer when the job is complete? " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ $tristate_shutdown_title & " is currently: " ; Unused functions are stripped at compile-time. ; This makes for easy navigation in a good text editor. ; You can click your function list to get straight here. ; func __________________START_HERE() endfunc ; Command-Line Parameters.. ; $CmdLineRaw = StringStripWS($CmdLineRaw, 3) if $CmdLine[0] then for $i = 1 to $CmdLine[0] $CmdLine[$i] = StringStripWS($CmdLine[$i], 3) next ; File path supplied.. if StringRight($CmdLineRaw, 1) <> ")" then $inputfile = StringStripWS($CmdLine[$CmdLine[0]], 3) for $i = 1 to $CmdLine[0] if StringStripWS($CmdLine[$i], 3) <> $inputfile then $switches &= " " & StringStripWS($CmdLine[$i], 3) next else $inputfile = "" for $i = 1 to $CmdLine[0] $switches &= " " & StringStripWS($CmdLine[$i], 3) next endif endif debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug debug($LOG_LF & "Begin DEBUG output for ffe at " & DateTimeString() & $LOG_LF, @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug debug("Command-Line Switches: ($switches): " & $switches, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug debug("Input File ($inputfile): " & $inputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug ; Process special switches.. ; $go = true : we run the job immediately ; $do_gen = true : generate a batch (.bat) file if $switches then $switches = StringStripWS($switches, 3) if StringLeft($switches, 2) = "go" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 4, -1), 1) $go = true elseif StringLeft($switches, 8) = "generate" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 10, -1), 1) $go = true $do_gen = true $do_quit = true elseif StringLeft($switches, 4) = "load" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 6, -1), 1) $go = false elseif StringLeft($switches, 3) = "run" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 5, -1), 1) $go = true $do_quit = true elseif StringLeft($switches, 4) = "quit" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 6, -1), 1) $go = true $do_quit = true elseif StringLeft($switches, 8) = "shutdown" then $launch_preset = StringTrimRight(StringMid($switches, 10, -1), 1) $go = true $do_shutdown = true endif endif debug("$launch_preset: " & $launch_preset, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug ; One-time special portable install switch.. if $inputfile = "portable" then $installed_ini = FileInstall(".\Resources\ffe.ini", @ScriptDir & "\" & $ini_path) ; No overwrite flag, so will fail if ffe.ini already exists. $inputfile = "" endif CheckDirWild($inputfile) debug("Input File ($inputfile) now: " & $inputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug ; Portable mode.. ; :bug: weird dev bug - if running program from exec command in notepad++, it ; "finds" the ini inside my "Resources" folder and then goes on to create a ; portable ini next to the program.exe. ; If this happens to you during dev, let me know! ; if FileExists($ini_path) then debug("ffe running in Portable Mode..", @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug $portable = true $data_dir = @ScriptDir $ini_path = $data_dir & "\" & $ini_path else ; Regular AppData usage.. debug("ffe running in Installed/Dev Mode..", @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug if not FileExists($data_dir) then DirCreate($data_dir) $ini_path = $data_dir & "\" & $ini_path $installed_ini = FileInstall(".\Resources\ffe.ini", $ini_path) endif ; Update ini to latest version.. if not $installed_ini then UpdateffeIniFile() ; STILL NO INI FILE! if not FileExists($ini_path) then debug("Problem with ini ==> " & $ini_path, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug MsgBox(0, "No ffe.ini found!", "ffe.ini was not found and could not be created." & $MSG_LF & "ffe will now exit... ", 10) exit -99 endif ; We grab *one* pref here.. global $allow_multiple = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "allow_multiple", $OFF) ; If already running and multiple instances disallowed, pass the inputfile path to the already running instance.. if $allow_multiple = $OFF then _Singleton($my_name, 1) if @error = 183 then WinActivate($my_title) ; Quite why this is now instance 2, I have no idea. Instance 1 is now the presets combo! Go figure. if $inputfile then ControlSetText($my_title, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]", $inputfile, 1) debug("ffe already running. Passing file to existing ffe instance.. ", @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug exit 5 endif endif ; OK! GetPrefs() SetHotKeys() MakeGUI() MakeTray() SetOnTop() MakeAppMenu() ; Load either the default settings [ffe] or some specified preset.. global $preset_loaded = LoadPreset($launch_preset, true) ; 2nd param set here only, for "INIT". ; We will find other uses for this variable! ; If ini file gets too big, or the user chose this now, clean up the comments. if FileGetSize($ini_path) > (1024*60) then $clean_comments = $ON CleanIniComments() ; Do it now? ; Command-line action.. if $launch_preset and $inputfile and $go then if $preset_loaded then DoIt() else ; Start where we left off.. if $retain_exit_settings = $ON then if not $launch_preset and not _IsPressed(10) and InArray($presets, $EXIT_PRESET) then $preset_loaded = LoadPreset($EXIT_PRESET, true) if $preset_loaded then $loaded_exit_settings = true ConsoleAdd("Previous exit settings restored.", @ScriptLineNumber) ; Hold down SHIFT during launch to disable exit settings.. elseif _IsPressed(10) then $retain_exit_settings = $OFF IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "retain_exit_settings", $retain_exit_settings) ConsoleAdd("Retain exit settings disabled.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif ; launch_with_drop_command ? ; if $launch_with_drop_command = $ON and $inputfile then if FileExists($inputfile) then DoDropCommand() else ConsoleAdd("Launch with drop command aborted: " & $inputfile & " does not exist", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif endif ; Idle loop.. while true if $delay_start_at then DoIt() CheckMouse() ; This is set if mouse is hovering over one of our controls.. $hover = @extended ; MouseOver transparency change.. if $dropwin_visible then $now_time = TimerDiff ($on_top_counter) if Mod($now_time, 10000) < 100 then SetDropWinOnTop() ; every 10s or so ; Mouse over drop window - provide feedback.. if $hover and not $hovering then if $gif_method then _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes($GUI_DropWindow, 0x345, $half_trans) else SetTransparentBitmap($GUI_DropWindow, $image_handle, $half_trans) endif ; This flag indicates the mouse is inside the DropWindow. ; If we didn't set & check for this, we'd be updating the transparency every 1/100th second. ; Using the two variables we get two states: switch-in & switch-out $hovering = true ; Mouse leaves Drop Window.. elseif $hovering and not $hover then if $gif_method then _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes($GUI_DropWindow, 0x345, $dropwin_trans_real) else SetTransparentBitmap($GUI_DropWindow, $image_handle, $dropwin_trans_real) endif $hovering = false endif endif ; Close the Drop Window any time (with HideDropWindow()) and THIS opens it again, so long as $do_drop_window = $ON if $do_drop_window = $ON and not $dropwin_visible then ShowDropWindow() Sleep(100) wend ; fin! ; Get user ini values.. func GetPrefs($current_section=$my_name) ; Specify section (for reference (see IniReads below) and later use) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("GetPrefs($current_section)" & $current_section, @ScriptLineNumber, 4);debug ; NOW we set the user debug level.. $debug_level = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "debug_level", $debug_level)) if $debug_level > 1 then debug("*** ffe running debug level: " & $debug_level & " ***", @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug debug("Dumping prefs:: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $dump_file = ffeDeTokenizeString(FixPathSlashes(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "dump_file", $data_dir & "\ffe_debug.log"))) debug("USER SET $dump_file: " & $dump_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if not $dump_file then $dump_file = $data_dir & "\ffe_debug.log" ; $data_dir & "\ffe_debug.log" debug("$dump_file: " & $dump_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $max_debug_log_size = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "max_debug_log_size", 0 )) debug("$max_debug_log_size: " & $max_debug_log_size, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; The available sections (presets+) $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) debug_PrintArray($presets, "$presets:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $x = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "x", -1)) $y = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "y", -1)) $width = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "width", 864)) if $width < $min_width then $width = $min_width $height = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "height", 590)) if $height < $min_height then $height = $min_height debug("Dimensions: " & "x: " & $x & " y: " & $y & " width: " & $width & " height: " & $height, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $minimized = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "minimized", $OFF) $maximized = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "maximized", $OFF) $start_minimized = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "start_minimized", $OFF) if $start_minimized = $ON then $minimized = $ON if $minimized = $ON and $maximized = $ON then $maximized = $OFF debug("$minimized: " & Human($minimized), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$maximized: " & Human($maximized), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $always_on_top = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "always_on_top", $OFF) debug("$always_on_top: " & Human($always_on_top), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $user_trans = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "transparency", 0) debug("$user_trans: " & $user_trans, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $do_output = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_output", $ON) debug("$do_output: " & Human($do_output), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Master ToolTips Switch.. $do_tooltips = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_tooltips", $ON) debug("$do_tooltips: " & Human($do_tooltips), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $do_tooltips_orig = $do_tooltips $allow_console_tooltip = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "allow_console_tooltip", $ON) debug("$allow_console_tooltip: " & Human($allow_console_tooltip), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $allow_console_tooltip_orig = $allow_console_tooltip $tooltip_time = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "tooltip_time", 10000) debug("$tooltip_time: " & $tooltip_time, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; ToolTip Icon: local $tip_icon_res = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "tip_icon_res", $me_app) if not $tip_icon_res then $tip_icon_res = $me_app $tip_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "tip_icon_index", 0) if not $tip_icon_index then $tip_icon_index = 0 $tip_icon = $me_app & "," & $tip_icon_index debug("$tip_icon_res,idx: " & $tip_icon_res & "," & $tip_icon_index, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; System ToolTip Icon override.. local $system_tip_icon = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "system_tip_icon", "") if $system_tip_icon and $system_tip_icon >= 0 and $system_tip_icon < 7 then $tip_icon = $system_tip_icon debug("$system_tip_icon: " & $system_tip_icon, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; ToolTip Style.. $tip_style = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "tip_style", 1) debug("$tip_style: " & $tip_style, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $sort_presets_list = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "sort_presets_list", $ON) debug("$sort_presets_list: " & Human($sort_presets_list), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Flag set for *initial* sorting pref $sort_presets_list_orig = $sort_presets_list $show_ffe_in_sorted_list = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "show_ffe_in_sorted_list", $ON) debug("$show_ffe_in_sorted_list: " & Human($show_ffe_in_sorted_list), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Use images on (some) buttons? $image_buttons = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "image_buttons", $ON) debug("$image_buttons: " & Human($image_buttons), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $image_buttons_orig = $image_buttons $replace_mode = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "replace_mode", $ON) debug("$replace_mode: " & Human($replace_mode), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Tristate - unset to remove control... $store_filepaths = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "store_filepaths", $OFF, true) debug("$store_filepaths: " & Human($store_filepaths), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $console_wordwrap = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "console_wordwrap", $OFF) debug("$console_wordwrap: " & Human($console_wordwrap), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $console_wordwrap_orig = $console_wordwrap $drop_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_command", "") debug("$drop_command: " & $drop_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $launch_with_drop_command = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "launch_with_drop_command", $OFF) debug("$launch_with_drop_command: " & Human($launch_with_drop_command), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Recent files list in tray menu.. $retain_recent_files = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "retain_recent_files", $OFF) if $retain_recent_files = $ON then local $tmp_rfstr = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "recent_files", "") CRT($tmp_rfstr, "|") ; Shouldn't be required - ArrayJoin() does it on writing. if $tmp_rfstr then $recent_files = StringSplit($tmp_rfstr, "|") $recent_files = OneToTwoDArray($recent_files) endif endif debug_PrintArray($recent_files, "$recent_files:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $retain_exit_settings = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "retain_exit_settings", $ON) debug("$retain_exit_settings: " & Human($retain_exit_settings), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $do_countdown_timer = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_countdown_timer", $ON) debug("$do_countdown_timer: " & Human($do_countdown_timer), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $time_in_title = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "time_in_title", $ON) debug("$time_in_title: " & Human($time_in_title), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $enable_custom_buttons = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "enable_custom_buttons", $ON) debug("$enable_custom_buttons: " & Human($enable_custom_buttons), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $button_delim = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "button_delim", "***") debug("$button_delim: " & $button_delim, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; The nifty custom buttons.. $custom_buttons_columns = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "custom_buttons_columns", "auto") debug("$custom_buttons_columns: " & $custom_buttons_columns, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $custom_buttons_columns = "auto" then $CBMChecked = 501 else if $custom_buttons_columns and $custom_buttons_columns < 0 then $custom_buttons_columns = 0 $CBMChecked = $custom_buttons_columns endif debug("$CBMChecked: " & $CBMChecked, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $custom_buttons_width = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "custom_buttons_width", 75)) if $custom_buttons_width and ($custom_buttons_width < 8 or $custom_buttons_width > 150) then $custom_buttons_width = 75 debug("$custom_buttons_width: " & $custom_buttons_width, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $custom_buttons_height = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "custom_buttons_height", 27)) debug("$custom_buttons_height: " & $custom_buttons_height, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $buttons_x_shunt = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "buttons_x_shunt", 0)) $buttons_y_shunt = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "buttons_y_shunt", 11)) $button_spacing = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "button_spacing", 3)) debug("$buttons_x_shunt: " & $buttons_x_shunt, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$buttons_y_shunt: " & $buttons_y_shunt, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$button_spacing: " & $button_spacing, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $custom_buttons_font_size = Round(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "custom_buttons_font_size", 9), 2) debug("$custom_buttons_font_size: " & $custom_buttons_font_size, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $button_notes_to_console = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "button_notes_to_console", $ON) debug("$button_notes_to_console: " & Human($button_notes_to_console), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug LoadCustomButtonData() $double_check_rclicks = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "double_check_rclicks", $ON) debug("$double_check_rclicks: " & Human($double_check_rclicks), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $show_ffplay_output = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "show_ffplay_output", $OFF) $ffmpeg_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_command", "-help") $ffplay_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffplay_command", "-help") debug("$show_ffplay_output: " & Human($show_ffplay_output), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$ffmpeg_command: " & $ffmpeg_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$ffplay_command: " & $ffplay_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Play Command. This is for when you right-click on the input file label. $play_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "play_command", "shellex") ; Logging.. $log_append = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "log_append", $OFF) $job_log_append = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "job_log_append", $OFF) $log_each_job = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "log_each_job", $ON) debug("$log_append: " & Human($log_append), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$job_log_append: " & Human($job_log_append), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$log_each_job: " & Human($log_each_job), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Log location.. GetLogLocation() $job_log_location = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "job_log_location", "@datadir\logs")) debug("$job_log_location: " & $job_log_location, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; FFmpeg binary location.. $i = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_binary", "")) if FileExists($i) then $ffmpeg_binary = $i else SetFFmpegBinLocation() endif debug("$ffmpeg_binary: " & $ffmpeg_binary, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; ffprobe/mediainfo.. GetReportingValues() ; FFmpeg plugins.. $plugins_path = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "plugins_path", "")) if (not $plugins_path) and FileExists($ffmpeg_binary) then $plugins_path = GetParent($ffmpeg_binary) & "\plugins" IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "plugins_path", ffeTokenizeString($plugins_path)) endif debug("$plugins_path: " & $plugins_path, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug LoadHelpTexts() $not_presets = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "not_presets", "") if not $not_presets then $not_presets = $NOT_PRESETS_LIST debug("$not_presets: " & $not_presets, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $not_presets = StringSplit($not_presets, ",") debug_PrintArray($not_presets, "$not_presets:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Button image indexes.. $magic_butt_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "magic_butt_icon_index", -6) $dropwin_butt_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "dropwin_butt_icon_index", -13) $folder_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "folder_icon_index", -5) $time_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "time_icon_index", -11) $ffmpeg_task_butt_icon_index = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_task_butt_icon_index", -11) debug("$magic_butt_icon_index: " & $magic_butt_icon_index, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$dropwin_butt_icon_index: " & $dropwin_butt_icon_index, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$folder_icon_index: " & $folder_icon_index, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$time_icon_index: " & $time_icon_index, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $matof_separator = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "matof_separator", " ") ; Cuz above " " don't work.. if $matof_separator = "" then $matof_separator = " " debug("$matof_separator: " & $matof_separator, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; CPU priority.. $cpu_priority = int(IniRead($ini_path, $current_section, "cpu_priority", 2)) if $cpu_priority < 0 or $cpu_priority > 5 then $cpu_priority = 2 $nCPUChecked = $cpu_priority debug("$cpu_priority: " & $cpu_priority, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Drop-Downs.. GetUserCodecs() $file_types = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "file_types", "All (*.*)|Audio Files (*.mp3;*.wav;*.ogg;*.mp2;*.wma;*.asf;*.asx;*.ape;*.shn;*.mpc;*.flac;*.tta;*.m4a;*.aif;*.aac)|Movie files (*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mov;*.mkv;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.mp4;*.asf;*.wmv;*.rm;*.flv;*.vob;*.webm;*.rmvb;*.nsv;*.mpe;*.3gp;*.gif)") $video_bitrates = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "video_bitrates", "||360k|512k|640k|768k|1000k|1200k|1600k|1800k|2000k|4000k|8000K|16000K|32000K|64000K") $audio_bitrates = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "audio_bitrates", "||32k|48k|56k|64k|80k|96k|112k|128k|160k|192k|256k|320k|480k") $frames_per_second = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "frames_per_second", "||12|15|20|23.976|24|25|29.97|30|50|60") $target_types = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "target_types", "||pal-vcd|dvd|ntsc-svcd|vcd|svcd|dv|dv50") $preset_resizes = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "preset_resizes", "||sqcif|qcif|cif|4cif|qqvga|qvga|vga|svga|xga|uxga|qxga|sxga|qsxga|hsxga|wvga|wxga|wsxga|wuxga|woxga|wqsxga|wquxga|whsxga|whuxga|cga|ega|hd480|hd720|hd1080") $console_output_font = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "console_output_font", "Lucida Console") $console_output_font_size = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "console_output_font_size", 9) debug("$console_output_font: " & $console_output_font, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$console_output_font_size: " & $console_output_font_size, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $short_test_frames = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "short_test_frames", 1000) debug("$short_test_frames: " & $short_test_frames, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; We will read this again, as-needed, as dynamic @tokens may change, also we can use ; this as a fall-back, in case no fallback_folder is specified inside the preset.. $fallback_folder = IniRead($ini_path, $current_section, "fallback_folder", "@parent") ;$fallback_folder = ffeDeTokenizeString($fallback_folder) CRT($fallback_folder) debug("$fallback_folder: " & $fallback_folder, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Preset-level settings.. $resize_first = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "resize_first", $resize_first) $do_matof = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "do_matof", $do_matof) debug("$resize_first: " & Human($resize_first), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$do_matof: " & Human($do_matof), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; ffe job buttons.. $run_pre_job_commands = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "run_pre_job_commands", $run_pre_job_commands, true) $run_post_job_commands = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "run_post_job_commands", $run_post_job_commands, true) debug("$run_pre_job_commands: " & Human($run_pre_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$run_post_job_commands: " & Human($run_post_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug LoadPostFileSettings(true) $batch_commands_timeout = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $current_section, "batch_commands_timeout", $batch_commands_timeout)) debug("$batch_commands_timeout: " & $batch_commands_timeout, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $run_commands_with_shell = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "run_commands_with_shell", $run_commands_with_shell) debug("$run_commands_with_shell: " & $run_commands_with_shell, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $overwrite = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "overwrite", $overwrite, true) $concatenate = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "concatenate", $concatenate, true) $quit_when_done = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "quit_when_done", $quit_when_done, true) $shutdown_when_done = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "shutdown_when_done", $shutdown_when_done, true) debug("$overwrite: " & Human($overwrite), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$concatenate: " & Human($concatenate), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$quit_when_done: " & Human($quit_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$shutdown_when_done: " & Human($shutdown_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Read-only preset-level settings.. $default_extension = IniRead($ini_path, $current_section, "default_extension", $default_extension) debug("$default_extension: " & $default_extension, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $default_audio_extension = IniRead($ini_path, $current_section, "default_audio_extension", $default_audio_extension) debug("$default_audio_extension: " & $default_audio_extension, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_section, "kill_ffmpeg_on_exit", $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit) debug("$kill_ffmpeg_on_exit: " & Human($kill_ffmpeg_on_exit), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Funky drop target.. $do_drop_window = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_drop_window", $ON) debug("$do_drop_window: " & Human($do_drop_window), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug GetDropWinImage() GetDropWinImageFolder() $drop_win_transparency = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_transparency", 0) debug("$drop_win_transparency: " & $drop_win_transparency, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug GetRealTrans() $drop_win_hover_transparency = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_hover_transparency", -1) debug("$drop_win_hover_transparency: " & $drop_win_hover_transparency, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $allowed_image_types = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "allowed_image_types", "bmp,png,ico,emf,wmf") if $allowed_image_types = "*" then $allowed_image_types = "bmp,png,ico,emf,wmf,jpg,jpeg,gif,tif,tiff" $allowed_image_types = "," & $allowed_image_types & "," $fluid_image_menu = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "fluid_image_menu", $OFF) debug("$allowed_image_types: " & $allowed_image_types, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$fluid_image_menu: " & Human($fluid_image_menu), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $auto_copy_images = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_copy_images", $ON) debug("$auto_copy_images: " & Human($auto_copy_images), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $GDI_dll = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "GDI_dll", "gdiplus.dll") debug("$GDI_dll: " & $GDI_dll, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Purge the ini file of all comments.. $clean_comments = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "clean_comments", $OFF) debug("$clean_comments: " & Human($clean_comments), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $pause_is_global = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "pause_is_global", $OFF) debug("$pause_is_global: " & Human($pause_is_global), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $delete_to_recycle_bin = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "delete_to_recycle_bin", $ON) debug("$delete_to_recycle_bin: " & Human($delete_to_recycle_bin), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $always_warn_on_delete = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "always_warn_on_delete", $OFF) debug("$always_warn_on_delete: " & Human($always_warn_on_delete), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $warn_colour = GetUserColor(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "warn_colour", $warn_colour)) debug("$warn_colour: " & $warn_colour, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $notes_prefix = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_prefix", "\nnotes:\n") ConvertNewlines($notes_prefix) debug("$notes_prefix: " & $notes_prefix, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug endfunc ; Create the main ffe GUI/Window (this only happens one time).. ; func MakeGUI() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("MakeGUI()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; Handy measurements.. local $tip, $ttt, $column_two = 590 if ($width / 2) > $column_two then $column_two = ($width / 2) ; Biting the bullet.. AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) ; Create the GUI.. $ffeGUI = GUICreate($my_title, $width, $height, $x, $y, _ BitOr($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP), $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) GUISetIcon($me_app, 0) ; Setup some GUI events.. GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "User_DoQuit") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESIZED, "ResizeSaveXYWHPrefs") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "ToggleWindow") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE, "ToggleMaximizeWindow") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESTORE, "ToggleMaximizeWindow") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP, "PrimaryUpCheckSize") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, "GetDroppedItem") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, "CheckForRightClickTask") if $double_check_rclicks = $ON then GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP, "CheckForRightClickTask") endif ; Catch focus passing to $inp_outputfile GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "CheckFocus") ; Dummy controls for Keyboard Accelerators.. (App-Specific HotKeys) local $dummy_drop_window = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleDropWindow") local $dummy_retain_exit_settings = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuRetainExitSettings") local $dummy_toggle_auto_codecs = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleAutoCodecs") local $dummy_toggle_matof_status = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickToggleMatofStatus") local $dummy_select_all_text = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "CtrlASelectAllText") local $dummy_delayed_doit = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DelayedDoIt") local $dummy_find_in_output = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HKFindInOutput") local $dummy_f_find_in_output = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HKFindInOutput") local $dummy_find_replace_in_output = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HKFindReplaceInOutput") local $dummy_copy_output = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "CopyConsoleOutput") local $dummy_clear_output = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClearOutput") local $dummy_quit = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "User_DoQuit") local $dummy_ffplay_output_toggle = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleShowFFplayOut") local $dummy_set_default_extension = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetDefExtension") local $dummy_restart = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Restart") ; Input file input.. GUISetCoord(10, 12) $lab_inputfile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("input:", 0, 0, 36) $ttt = "Input File(s)" $tip = "Enter the full path to the input file (or just drag it in). " GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & "Click here to view the source directory with the" & $MSG_LF & _ "input file selected.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenFolderInFileSelected") $inp_inputfile = GUICtrlCreateInput($inputfile, 40, 0, $width-110, 18) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "UpdateOutputArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ; Drag-And-Drop Window Activation.. if $image_buttons = $ON then $check_do_drop_window = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $width-103, -1, 20, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_ICON)) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$me_app, $dropwin_butt_icon_index, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\Resources\Icons\target.ico", -1, 0) endif else $check_do_drop_window = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("ꙩ", $width-103, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE)) endif GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Opens a shaped (with the right image), transparent window you can use to drop files into. " & $MSG_LF & _ "It behaves just like your regular input file input, files are queued up or processed with your" & $MSG_LF & _ "current drag-and-drop command. You can also use it to set the location of your FFmpeg binary.", _ "Floating Drop Window (F9)") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickToggleDropWindow") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $do_drop_window) if $image_buttons = $ON then GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 24, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT,$BS_ICON)) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$me_app, $folder_icon_index, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\Resources\Icons\document-outline.ico", -1, 0) endif else GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 24, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) endif GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Browse to locate the input file." & $MSG_LF & _ "Ctrl-click to open the folder.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "BrowseForInputFile") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; Output file input!.. GUISetCoord(10, 39) $ttt = "Output File(s)" $lab_outputfile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("output: ", 0, 0, 36) $tip = "Enter the full path to the output file (or better yet, drag in folder" & $MSG_LF & _ "and let ffe work out the rest). Note: Old paths remain until you mindfully" & $MSG_LF & _ "delete them or drag something else in. This is by design." GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: click this label to disable output altogether, e.g. for " & $MSG_LF & _ "creating image sequences (enter output directly into the extra" & $MSG_LF & _ "agruments input)." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE; You Must Put The Output File(s) LAST" & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "WARNING: " & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-Clicking This Label DELETES The Output File.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleOutput") ; The actual input area for file output *phew*.. $inp_outputfile = GUICtrlCreateInput($outputfile, 40, 0, $width-110, 18) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip & $MSG_LF & "NOTE: Clicking in here, disables MATOF. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ; Magic Auto-Transforming Output Filename [MATOF!] .. if $image_buttons = $ON then $check_do_matof = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $width-103, -1, 20, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_ICON)) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$me_app, $magic_butt_icon_index, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\Resources\Icons\magic-wand.ico", -1, 0) endif else $check_do_matof = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("!!!", $width-103, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE)) endif GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Magic Auto-Transforming Output Filename (MATOF!) (Ctrl+M)" & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Check this to have the output file automatically transformed when " & $MSG_LF & _ "you change stuff below (handy for doing lots of quick tests). " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: When you are running a batch, you cannot disable this. ", "MATOF!") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $do_matof) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickToggleMatofStatus") ; Browse for output file.. if $image_buttons = $ON then GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 24, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT,$BS_ICON)) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$me_app, $folder_icon_index, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\Resources\Icons\document-outline.ico", -1, 0) endif else GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 24, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) endif GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Browse to specify the output file. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Ctrl-click to open the folder.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "BrowseForOutputFile") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) debug("GUI:: Quick Tasks: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ; Quick Tasks... ; GUISetCoord(10, 62) ; Tip not seen for groups.. bummer :/ Hmm.. what if ; Hey this is clever (even cleverer for combos - see below) ; A Label for the ToolTip! GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 155, 14, 0, 0) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "One button for FFmpeg, another for FFplay." & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-Click a button to edit its command.", "FFmpeg Quick Tasks.. (F11+F12)" ) GUISetCoord(10, 62) GUICtrlCreateGroup("ffmpeg quick tasks.. ", 0, 0, 155, 35) ; tip not seen.. bummer :/ GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; Right-click these controls to edit the commands (see: CheckForRightClickTask()) ; $check_run_ffmpeg_task = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("ffmpeg task", 6, 14, 70, 17, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7.5) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $tip_ffmpeg_task = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $MSG_LF & "Current command: " & $ffmpeg_command, "Quick FFmpeg Task (F11)") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "RunFFmpegQuickTask") $check_run_ffplay_task = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("ffplay task", 73, 0, 70, 17, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7.5) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $tip_ffplay_task = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $MSG_LF & "Current command: " & $ffplay_command, "Quick FFplay Task (F12)" _ & $MSG_LF & "Right-Click to set the command used.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickRunFFplayQuickTask") ; ffe (tri-state) job buttons.. ; GUISetCoord(170, 62) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $column_two-18, 14, 0, 0) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "These options are always inherited, or not, from the chosen preset. They can be Enabled, Disabled, or Unset." & $MSG_LF & _ "Until saved to a preset, changes to these settings are volatile (however they will be retained at exit)." & $MSG_LF & _ "Unless specifically set (on/off) in a preset, the previous setting will be in effect (usually unset).", _ "ffe job controls (preset-level)") GUISetCoord(170, 62) GUICtrlCreateGroup("ffe job.. ", 0, 0, $column_two-178, 35) ; tip not seen.. bummer :/ GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $ttt = $tristate_prejob_title $check_run_pre_job_commands = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" pre-job ", 4, 13, 53, 18, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $tip_pre_job = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_prejob_tip & Human($run_pre_job_commands), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetPreJobState") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $run_pre_job_commands) $ttt = $tristate_postfile_title $check_run_post_file_command = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" post-file ", 57, 0, 58, 18, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $run_post_file_command) $tip_post_file = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_postfile_tip & Human($run_post_file_command), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetPostFileState") $ttt = $tristate_postjob_title $check_run_post_job_commands = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" post-job ", 62, 0, 58, 18, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $tip_post_job = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_postjob_tip & Human($run_post_job_commands), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetPostJobState") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $run_post_job_commands) $ttt = $tristate_overwrite_title $check_overwrite = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" overwrite ", 63, 0, 63, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_overwrite_tip & Human($overwrite), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetOverwrite") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $overwrite) $ttt = $tristate_concatenate_title $check_concatenate = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" join ", 69, 0, 35, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_concatenate_tip & Human($concatenate), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetConcatenateFiles") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $concatenate) $ttt = $tristate_quit_title $check_quit_when_done = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" quit ", 39, 0, 35, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_quit_tip & Human($quit_when_done), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetQuitWhenDone") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $quit_when_done) $ttt = $tristate_shutdown_title $check_shutdown_when_done = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" shutdown ", 40, 0, 66, 20, BitOr($BS_AUTO3STATE,$BS_RIGHTBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tristate_shutdown_tip & Human($shutdown_when_done), $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickSetShutdownWhenDone") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $shutdown_when_done) ; Some logic needed for quit/shutdown buttons.. ShutDownOverrideQuit() ; Input override parameter option things.. GUISetCoord(10, 97) $ttt = "Input Parameter Override" GUICtrlCreateGroup("input parameter override.. ", 0, 0, $column_two-18, 39) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) $tip = "If you need to specify special parameters for the input file, do that here. " & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: If you put *anything* here, you must also include the ""-i "" part." & $MSG_LF & _ $MSG_LF & _ "This is the place where you would find an SRT file, for example." & $MSG_LF & _ $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: these parameters will usually override output parameters, forcing " & $MSG_LF & _ "whatever you specify, here." & $MSG_LF & _ $MSG_LF & _ "Don't Forget to put '-i' in front of, and ""quotes"" around any file " & $MSG_LF & _ "paths you put/drop here!" & $MSG_LF & _ $MSG_LF & _ "AND, that THIS section goes BEFORE the INPUT (above) in the " & $MSG_LF & _ "arguments (so -map FIRST!) " & $MSG_LF & _ $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: This input accepts @tokens." GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $inp_input_params = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 15, $column_two-76, 20) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $console_output_font_size, 400, 0, $console_output_font, 5) $ttt = "Quick Add-A-File Button" $butt_add_file_arg_to_input_params = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", $column_two-72, 0, 20, 20, _ BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT,$BS_CENTER,$BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Clicking here adds '-i """"' to the input override and places the caret inbetween the two quotes. " _ & $MSG_LF & _ "Then you can drag a file directly into the input parameter override input and it's ready-to-go. " & _ $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Note: The addition is always at the end, so you can easily perform this action multiple times.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AddInputOverrideFileArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $ttt = "Delete" GUICtrlCreateButton(" x", 24, 0, 20, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT,$BS_CENTER,$BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click here to wipe the current input override parameters. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DelInputOverrideFileArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) debug("GUI:: Presets: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ; Presets.. ; (aka. Parameter Favourites) $tip = "Select a preset from the list. The selected preset can either add to" & $MSG_LF & _ "or replace the current settings NOTE: once selected, you can use " & $MSG_LF & _ "your arrow keys to navigate this combo control. " & $MSG_LF & _ "(right-click the combo's chevron for a context menu) " GUISetCoord($column_two, 62) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $column_two-12, 20, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $NAME_PRESETS) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUISetCoord($column_two, 62) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 10, 42, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $NAME_PRESETS) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUISetCoord($column_two, 103) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $column_two-12, 8, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $NAME_PRESETS) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) ; Enable the background color commands and you will see I am not fucking around here. $ttt = $NAME_PRESETS GUISetCoord($column_two, 62) GUICtrlCreateGroup(StringLower($NAME_PRESETS) & ".. ", 0, 0, ($width-$column_two)-10, 74) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) local $combo_styles = BitOr($CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL) if $sort_presets_list = $ON then $combo_styles = BitOr($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL) $combo_presets = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 20, ($width-$column_two)-120, default, $combo_styles) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ComboLoadPreset") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED+$GUI_ONTOP) UpdatePresetsCombo() global $ctxt_combo = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_presets) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Rename Preset", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuRenamePreset") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Refresh List", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuRefreshPresetsList") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Export Data", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuExportData") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Import Data", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ComboImportData") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Wipe All Preset Backups", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "WipeBackups") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Change Default Extension For This Preset", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetPresetDefExtension") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add/Edit Notes For This Preset", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AddNotesToPreset") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_combo) $ctxt_combo_sort = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sort_presets_list_texts & ")", $ctxt_combo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleSortPresets") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sort_presets_list) $ttt = "Save A Preset" GUICtrlCreateButton("save", ($width-$column_two)-115, 0, 42, 22, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Save these settings as a preset (aka. 'favourite settings'). " & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: when overwriting an existing preset, hold down " & $MSG_LF & _ "the key to skip the warning. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ButtSavePreset") $ttt = "Wipe A Preset" $butt_wipe = GUICtrlCreateButton("wipe", 46 , 0, 42, 22, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Remove this preset from the list. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift- or right-click to restore backups.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "WipePreset") ; GUISetCoord(70-($width-$column_two), 31) $ttt = "Replace Settings" $radio_preset_replace = GUICtrlCreateRadio("replace", 70-($width-$column_two), 29, default, 18) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Selected presets will replace all the current settings with settings from the preset.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "TogglePresetMode") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $replace_mode) $ttt = "Add To Settings" GUICtrlCreateRadio("add to", 58, 0, default, 18, -1) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "The selected preset will ADD to all the current settings. " & $MSG_LF & _ "This applies to all the visible settings that can be 'added to';" & $MSG_LF & _ " i.e. not toggles and job settings, which are replaced, as usual.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "TogglePresetMode") if $replace_mode = $OFF then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ON) GUICtrlCreateLabel("settings", 52, 2, default, 18, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Presets can either replace or add to existing settings. " & $MSG_LF & _ "This applies to all the visible settings that can be 'added to'," & $MSG_LF & _ "such as parameter inputs. When using 'add to', other settings" & $MSG_LF & _ "will be replaced with any corresponding settings in the preset.", "Add To or Replace Existing Settings") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUISetCoord($width-102, 111) ; Store the input/output file paths inside the preset? ; $ttt = "Save/Restore File Paths" $check_store_filepaths = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("with file paths", 0, 0, 82, 18, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleStorePaths") ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Store the full path of the input and output files inside the preset " & $MSG_LF & _ "and (usually) restore those file paths along with the preset. ", $ttt) if $store_filepaths <> $GUI_INDETERMINATE then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $store_filepaths) else GUICtrlDelete(-1) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 0, 0, 80, 18) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "This feature is disabled inside ffe.ini.", $ttt) endif ; Output options.. local $out_top = 66 local $out_left = 10 GUISetCoord(10, 137) GUICtrlCreateGroup(" output parameter override.. ", 0, 0, $width-20, 150) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) debug("GUI:: Codecs: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ; Video codec.. ; $ttt = "Video Codec" $tip = "Here you can select/override the codec used to encode the output video. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Select a preset codec from the list, or enter one manually. " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Note: Auto-Codec Drop-Downs disables this control's context menu." GUICtrlCreateLabel("video codec: ", 6, 19) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_v_codec = GUICtrlCreateCombo($v_codec, -1, 16, 128, default, BitOr($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $video_codecs) ;2do.. AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) ; We are working our way slowly through the GUI, removing the following nonsense! ; Need to re-organize from here, into groups, not rows! ; Video bitrate.. $ttt = "Video Bitrate" $tip = "Override the output video bitrate(bits/s). " & $MSG_LF & "Select a preset, or enter manually. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("bitrate: ", $out_left+142, $out_top+90) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_v_bitrate = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $out_left+142, $out_top+106, 42, default) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $video_bitrates) ; Video fps.. $ttt = "Video FPS" $tip = "Override the output video fps (frames per second, aka, 'framerate'). " & $MSG_LF & _ "Select a preset bitrate from the list, or enter one manually. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("fps: ", $out_left+194, $out_top+90) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_frames_per_second = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $out_left+194, $out_top+106, 42, default) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $frames_per_second) ; Resize-crop order.. $ttt = "Resize-Crop Order" $check_resize_first = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("resize first", $out_left+194, $out_top+152) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Check this to resize the video BEFORE the cropping operation (it depends on how your logic goes).." & $MSG_LF & _ "The order of things affects the dimensions. You might crop THEN resize, or the reverse... ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetonEvent(-1, "RFCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState($check_resize_first, $resize_first) ; Cropping.. ; new syntax = ; -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" local $fvwarn = "Note: You must either specify all four crop values or" & $MSG_LF & _ "else specify only width and height (crop will be centred)." $ttt = "Crop area dimensions" $label_active_crop_wh = GUICtrlCreateLabel("crop w / h: ", $out_left+262, $out_top+90) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "The crop area will be this width and height (pixels or formula).." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Click this label for auto-crop, which will interrogate the file for" & $MSG_LF & _ "black borders and insert the cropping values automatically." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-Click to set a new default number of test frames." & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift+Click to set for THIS test and do it now.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DoAutoCrop") $ttt = "Crop area width" $inp_crop_width = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+262, $out_top+106, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Crop out an area of the video THIS wide (pixels or formula)." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & $fvwarn, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $ttt = "Crop area height" $inp_crop_height = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+302, $out_top+106, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Crop out an area of the video THIS high (pixels or formula)." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & $fvwarn, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $ttt = "Crop top-left x/y position" $label_active_crop_xy = GUICtrlCreateLabel("crop x / y: ", $out_left+262, $out_top+132) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "The crop area will begin at this X/Y position (pixels or formula).." & _ $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "For example, to crop 60px black bars from the top and bottom" & $MSG_LF & _ "of a 720p video you might use 0 60 1280 600 (x/y/w/h)." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Click this label for auto-crop, which will interrogate the file for" & $MSG_LF & _ "black bars and insert the cropping values automatically.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DoAutoCrop") $ttt = "Crop beginning X Position" $inp_crop_x = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+262, $out_top+148, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Crop the video begining at this X position (pixels or formula)." &$MSG_LF&$MSG_LF&$fvwarn, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $ttt = "Crop beginning Y Position" $inp_crop_y = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+302, $out_top+148, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Crop the video begining at this Y position (pixels or formula)." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & $fvwarn, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; Video resizing.. $ttt = "Resizing" ; x .. $tip = "Rescale the video width. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("resize x: ", $out_left+350, $out_top+90) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $inp_x_size = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+350, $out_top+106, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; The "x" in 640x480! GUICtrlCreateLabel("x", $out_left+389, $out_top+108) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) $ttt = "Rescaling" ; y .. $tip = "Rescale the video height. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("resize y: ", $out_left+400, $out_top+90) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $inp_y_size = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+400, $out_top+106, 33, 21, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; Preset sizes.. $ttt = "Preset Sizes" $tip = ".. or you can select a named preset size from the list (if you know what they mean!) " & $MSG_LF & _ "Note: this will override the manual settings (above). " GUICtrlCreateLabel("preset sizes: ", $out_left+350, $out_top+132) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_preset_resizes = GUICtrlCreateCombo($resize_preset, $out_left+350, $out_top+148, 64, default) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $preset_resizes) ; Audio codec.. $ttt = "Audio Codec" $tip = "Here you can select/override the codec used to encode the output audio track. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Select a preset codec from the list, or enter one manually. " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Note: Auto-Codec Drop-Downs disables this control's context menu." GUICtrlCreateLabel("audio codec: ", $out_left+6, $out_top+132) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_a_codec = GUICtrlCreateCombo($a_codec, $out_left+5, $out_top+148, 128, _ default, BitOr($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $audio_codecs) ; Audio bitrate $ttt = "Audio Bitrate" $tip = "Override the output audio bitrate (Hz). " & $MSG_LF & _ "Select a preset bitrate from the list, or " & $MSG_LF & "enter one manually. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("bitrate: ", $out_left+142, $out_top+132) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_a_bitrate = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $out_left+142, $out_top+148, 42, default) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $audio_bitrates) ; Quick targets.. $ttt = "Quick Targets" $tip = "Allow FFmpeg to automatically set all the options for THIS file type. " & $MSG_LF & _ "You can also override individual parameters manually, so long as " & $MSG_LF & _ "they are compatible with the target file type. " GUICtrlCreateLabel("quick config types: ", $out_left+5, $out_top+174) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $combo_target_type = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $out_left+6, $out_top+190, 128, default) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $target_types) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) debug("GUI:: Raw Parameters: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ; Extra raw parameters.. $ttt = "Extra Raw Parameters" $tip ="Feel free to add any other command-line parameters you might need right here. " & $MSG_LF & _ "The possibilities are almost infinite! Check the manual! " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: This input accepts @tokens." GUICtrlCreateLabel("extra parameters.. ", $out_left+142, $out_top+174) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $inp_extra_args = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $out_left+141, $out_top+190, $width-167, 21) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip & $MSG_LF, $ttt) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoCreateArgs") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $console_output_font_size, 400, 0, $console_output_font, 5) ; Reset all parameters.. $ttt = "Reset ALL Parameters" $butt_reset = GUICtrlCreateButton("reset", $out_left+$width-65, $out_top+84, 40, 22, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click this button to reset all the parameters. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Ctrl+Click to also clear input/output." & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift+Click to clear ONLY the input/output.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClickResetEverything") ; "Short Test" button.. $ttt = "Add Quick Test Parameters" $butt_quicktest = GUICtrlCreateButton("short test", $out_left+$width-81, $out_top+107, 56, 22, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) $tip_short_test = GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Adds some parameters to process only the first " & $short_test_frames & " frames of video. " & _ $MSG_LF & _ "You can edit this number (right-click the button). ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetonEvent(-1, "AddShortTestParam") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; "Report" button.. $ttt = "Create A Media Report" $butt_mediareport = GUICtrlCreateButton("media report", $out_left+$width-95, $out_top+130, 70, 22, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Use ffprobe or MediaInfo to generate a media report for your input file. " & $MSG_LF & _ "The report will appear in your console output area." & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift+Click to open in your detault viewer.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetonEvent(-1, "GenerateReport") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) CreateCodecContexts() if $enable_custom_buttons = $ON then ; The Super-Nifty Custom Buttons.. CreateButtonGrid() endif debug("GUI:: Help Buttons: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ; HELP! if IsArray($help_texts) then ; Big info text for help buttons.. $lab_help_info = GUICtrlCreatelabel("", $width-82, $out_top+153, 65, 18, BitOr($SS_NOTIFY, $SS_RIGHT)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "", 5) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ;GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) ; The help buttons.. $buttons_xy = $out_top+170 CreateHelpButtons() endif ; Command-Line input.. $ttt = "Dynamic Command-line Display" GUICtrlCreateLabel("Command-line: ", 10, $out_top+228, $width-20, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr( $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) $edit_in_args = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, $out_top+244, $width-20, 64, BitOr($ES_MULTILINE, $ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "This is the actual command-line that will be used. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr( $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) ; The Console. ; Command-Line output.. $ttt = "Console Output" $edit_console_output = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, $out_top+314, $width-20, $height-($out_top+358), GetEditStyles()) if $allow_console_tooltip = $ON then GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "You can see the output from FFmpeg here, including any errors, messages, and so on.. " & $MSG_LF & _ "You can also use it as an editing space for any plain text." & $MSG_LF & _ "Normal text editing functions apply, e.g. Ctrl+A to select ALL text." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: You can disable this (somewhat annoying) ToolTip from the app menu.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr( $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 2147483647) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $console_output_font_size, 400, 0, $console_output_font, 5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ; Search in output window.. ; $ttt = "Search (F3)" $butt_find = GUICtrlCreateButton("search in output", 10, $height-32, 90, 24, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click this button to find text inside the console output (F3). ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Butt_FindInOutput") ; Copy output to clipboard.. $ttt = "Copy Output To Clipboard (F8)" $butt_copy2clip = GUICtrlCreateButton("copy output to clipboard", 105, $height-32, 130, 24, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, _ "Click this button (or hit F8) to copy the contents of the console output to the clipboard. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "CopyConsoleOutput") ; Clear the output.. $ttt = "Clear The Output (F5)" $butt_clearout = GUICtrlCreateButton("clear", 240, $height-32, 36, 24, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click this button (or hit F5) to clear the console output. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ClearOutput") ; DO IT!!! $ttt = "Start The Job (F1)" $butt_doit = GUICtrlCreateButton("do it!", $width-82, $height-32, 72, 24, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click this button (or hit F1) to begin the job. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift+Click to generate a batch script.", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DoIt") if not $ffmpeg_binary then DisableRunningControls() ; NO! STOP! $ttt = "ABORT THE JOB! (Pause/Break)" $label_abort = GUICtrlCreateLabel( _ "To abort the current job, press 'Ctrl+Q'. To abort a batch, press 'Pause/Break'. " & _ "To suspend/resume, use ScrLk/ScrollLock. Alt+C toggles the console.", 10, $height-32) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Simply hit 'Ctrl+Q' on your keyboard to quit a job. ", $ttt) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) ; All done with creating the gui .. *phew* Like I said, NEVER AGAIN! ; Set Keyboard Accelerators.. ; ; F1 became "reserved" in the latest Windows 10, so we are using an accelerator for this now. ; And also many other things. This is WAY more elegant than the old method. ; For some, we don't need a dummy control as we have an actual control we can fire (eg. $butt_doit).. local $AppHotKeys[18][2] = [ _ ["{F1}", $butt_doit], _ ["{F9}", $dummy_drop_window], _ ["^e", $dummy_retain_exit_settings], _ ["{F7}", $dummy_toggle_auto_codecs], _ ["^m", $dummy_toggle_matof_status], _ ["^a", $dummy_select_all_text], _ ["^f", $dummy_f_find_in_output], _ ["{F3}", $dummy_find_in_output], _ ["+{F3}", $dummy_find_replace_in_output], _ ["{F8}", $dummy_copy_output], _ ["{F5}", $dummy_clear_output], _ ["{Esc}", $dummy_quit], _ ["{F6}", $dummy_ffplay_output_toggle], _ ["{F2}", $dummy_set_default_extension], _ ["{F11}", $check_run_ffmpeg_task], _ ["{F12}", $check_run_ffplay_task], _ ["!{F5}", $dummy_restart], _ ["^d", $dummy_delayed_doit]] GUISetAccelerators($AppHotKeys) debug("GUI:: All done making GUI: ", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug CheckSize() ; Show the main gui.. if not $do_gen and $minimized = $OFF then GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ffeGUI) if $maximized = $ON then GUISetState(@SW_MAXIMIZE, $ffeGUI) if $minimized = $ON then UnSetHotKeys() WinSetTrans($ffeGUI, "", 255 * (100 - $user_trans) / 100) endfunc ; The Application (system, aka. "App") Menu.. ; built from the bottom, up.. ; CreateSystemMenuItem($sText, $app_menu = -1, $bIsPopup=false, $nPos=0xFFFFFFFF) ; 0xFFFFFFFF means "insert at the end" func MakeAppMenu() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("MakeAppMenu()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SYSCOMMAND, "CheckAppMenu") CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; So we can start checking items right away.. local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) ; ffe System Menu.. local $am_system = CreateSystemMenuItem("&ffe..", -1, true, 0) $am_always_warn_on_delete = CreateSystemMenuItem(" Always Warn On Delete", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_always_warn_on_delete, $always_warn_on_delete) $am_delete_to_recycle_bin = CreateSystemMenuItem(" Delete To Recycle Bin", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_delete_to_recycle_bin, $delete_to_recycle_bin) local $ofdeleteoptions = CreateSystemMenuItem("Output File Deletion..", $am_system, false, 0) AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $ofdeleteoptions, $OFF) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_do_countdown_timer = CreateSystemMenuItem("Show &Countdown Timer", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_do_countdown_timer, $do_countdown_timer) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_allow_multiple = CreateSystemMenuItem("Allow &Multiple Instances", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_allow_multiple, $allow_multiple) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_pause_is_global = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Pause HotKey is Global", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_pause_is_global, $pause_is_global) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Kill FFmpeg On Exit", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit, $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_start_minimized = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Start Minimized", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_start_minimized, $start_minimized) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_default_extension = CreateSystemMenuItem("Change Default &Extension.. (F2)", $am_system, false, 0) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_system, false, 0) $am_show_ffplay_output = CreateSystemMenuItem("Show FFplay Output in Console.. (F6)", $am_system, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_show_ffplay_output, $show_ffplay_output) CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; Transparency Sub-Menu.. $am_trans = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Transparency..", -1, true, 0) for $i = 0 to 9 $arTransItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem($i * 10 & "%", $am_trans) ; we filll top-down here if $i = $user_trans / 10 then $nTPChecked = $arTransItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($am_trans, $nTPChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; Visual prefs Sub-Menu.. local $am_visual = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Visual Preferences..", -1, true, 0) $am_always_on_top = CreateSystemMenuItem("A&lways on Top", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_always_on_top, $always_on_top) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_visual, false, 0) $am_allow_output_tooltip = CreateSystemMenuItem($allow_console_tooltip_text & ")", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_allow_output_tooltip, $allow_console_tooltip) $am_console_wordwrap = CreateSystemMenuItem($console_wordwrap_text & ")", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_console_wordwrap, $console_wordwrap) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_visual, false, 0) $am_image_buttons = CreateSystemMenuItem($image_buttons_text & ")", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_image_buttons, $image_buttons) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_visual, false, 0) $am_do_tooltips = CreateSystemMenuItem($do_tooltips_text & ")", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_do_tooltips, $do_tooltips) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_visual, false, 0) $am_time_in_title = CreateSystemMenuItem("Show &Running Time In Title Bar (Ctrl+R)", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_time_in_title, $time_in_title) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_visual, false, 0) $am_sort_presets_list = CreateSystemMenuItem($sort_presets_list_texts & ")", $am_visual, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_sort_presets_list, $sort_presets_list) CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; Custom Button Column Menu.. $am_custom_buttons_columns = CreateSystemMenuItem("Custom &Buttons..", -1, true, 0) ; Defined column number.. ; We only show 1-12, but you can set higher inside ffe.ini for $i = 1 to 12 $CustomButtonMenuItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem($i, $am_custom_buttons_columns) ; we fill top-down here if $i = $custom_buttons_columns then $CBMChecked = $CustomButtonMenuItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($am_custom_buttons_columns, $CBMChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next ; Automatic columns.. $CustomButtonMenuItems[501] = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Automatic", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) if $custom_buttons_columns = "auto" then $CBMChecked = $CustomButtonMenuItems[501] CheckMenuItem($am_custom_buttons_columns, $CBMChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif local $col_itm = CreateSystemMenuItem("Button Columns..", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $col_itm, $OFF) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) $am_button_notes_to_console = CreateSystemMenuItem("Button &Notes In Console", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_button_notes_to_console, $button_notes_to_console) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) ; Disable Custom Buttons altogether.. $am_enable_custom_buttons = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Enable Custom Buttons", $am_custom_buttons_columns, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_enable_custom_buttons, $enable_custom_buttons) CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; CPU Priority Sub-Menu.. (no accelerators for these) $am_cpu = CreateSystemMenuItem("ffmpeg.exe Process &Priority..", -1, true, 0) for $i = 0 to 5 $arCPUItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem($arCPU[$i], $am_cpu) if $i = $cpu_priority then $nCPUChecked = $arCPUItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($am_cpu, $nCPUChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) $am_retain_exit_settings = CreateSystemMenuItem("Retain Ex&it Settings (Ctrl+E)", -1, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_retain_exit_settings, $retain_exit_settings) CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) $am_auto_codecs = CreateSystemMenuItem("A&utomatic Codec Drop-downs (F7)", -1, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_auto_codecs, $auto_codecs) ; Reporting types sub-menu.. CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) local $am_reptypes = CreateSystemMenuItem("Media Info &Reporting..", -1, true, 0) local $am_ffprobe = CreateSystemMenuItem("Use &ffprobe..", $am_reptypes, false, 0) AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $am_ffprobe, $OFF) for $i = 0 to 6 $ReportTypesMenuItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem(" &" & $ReportTypes[$i], $am_reptypes) if $ReportTypes[$i] = $report_format then $nRTChecked = $ReportTypesMenuItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($am_reptypes, $nRTChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_reptypes, false, 0) $am_use_mediainfo = CreateSystemMenuItem("Use &MediaInfo", $am_reptypes, false, 0) if $use_mediainfo = $ON then SetUseMediaInfo() CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_reptypes, false, 0) $am_save_reports = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Save Reports", $am_reptypes, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_save_reports, $save_reports) ; Post-File Controls sub-menu.. CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) ; Oooh! dash works as an accelerator! local $am_post_file_controls = CreateSystemMenuItem("Post&-File Controls..", -1, true, 0) local $am_pf_runstyle = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Run Style..", $am_post_file_controls, false, 0) AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $am_pf_runstyle, $OFF) for $i = 0 to 2 $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem(" &" & $PostFileRunStyles[$i], $am_post_file_controls) if $PostFileRunStyles[$i] = $post_file_run_style then $pfsChecked = $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($am_post_file_controls, $pfsChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_post_file_controls, false, 0) $am_post_file_capture = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Capture To Console", $am_post_file_controls, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_post_file_capture, $post_file_capture) $am_post_file_show = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Show Post-File Program", $am_post_file_controls, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_post_file_show, $post_file_show) ; Logging sub-menu.. CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) local $am_logging = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Logging..", -1, true, 0) $am_log_append = CreateSystemMenuItem("Append &Session Log", $am_logging, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_log_append, $log_append) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_logging, false, 0) $am_job_log_append = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Append Job Logs", $am_logging, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_job_log_append, $job_log_append) CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_logging, false, 0) $am_log_each_job = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Log Each Job", $am_logging, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_log_each_job, $log_each_job) CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) $am_launch_with_drop_command = CreateSystemMenuItem("Run Drag-And-Dr&op Command At Launch", -1, false, 0) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_launch_with_drop_command, $launch_with_drop_command) ; Drop Command sub-menu.. $am_drop_command = CreateSystemMenuItem("&Drag-And-Drop Command..", -1, true, 0) local $ud = UBound($DropCommands)-1 for $i = 0 to $ud if $i = $ud then CreateSystemMenuItem("", $am_drop_command, false, 1) $DropCommandMenuItems[$i] = CreateSystemMenuItem("&" & $DropCommands[$i], $am_drop_command) if $DropCommands[$i] = $drop_command then $nDCChecked = $DropCommandMenuItems[$i] CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nDCChecked, $MF_CHECKED) endif next CreateSystemMenuItem("", -1, false, 0) $am_about_ffmpeg = CreateSystemMenuItem("About ffmpe&g", -1, false, 0) $am_about = CreateSystemMenuItem("&About " & $my_name, -1, false, 0) endfunc func MakeTray() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("MakeTray()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; Wipe the tray.. for $i = 0 to 999 ; Tell me a better way! no, really. TrayItemDelete($i) next ; Tray menu.. local $tray_recent_files = TrayCreateMenu("Recent Files..") debug_PrintArray($recent_files, "$recent_files:", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug $tray_toggle_retain_recent_files = TrayCreateItem("Retain Recent Files (open in default app)", $tray_recent_files) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayToggleRetainRecentFiles") TrayItemSetState(-1, $retain_recent_files) TrayCreateItem("", $tray_recent_files) if $recent_files[0][0] then local $tray_clear = TrayCreateItem("Clear Recent Files List", $tray_recent_files) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ClearRecentFiles") local $spc_clear = TrayCreateItem("", $tray_recent_files) local $removed_rf = $recent_files[0][0] debug("$removed_rf: " & $removed_rf, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug for $i = $recent_files[0][0] to 1 step -1 if FileExists($recent_files[$i][0]) then $recent_files[$i][1] = TrayCreateItem(BaseName($recent_files[$i][0]), $tray_recent_files) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenRecentFile") else if $recent_files[$i][0] then ConsoleAdd("Removed '" & $recent_files[$i][0] & "' from Recent Files menu.", @ScriptLineNumber) $recent_files[$i][0] = "" $removed_rf -= 1 endif endif debug("$removed_rf: " & $removed_rf, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug next ; ALL recent files were removed.. if $removed_rf = 0 then TrayCreateItem("Recent Files list was emptied", $tray_recent_files) TrayItemDelete($tray_clear) TrayItemDelete($spc_clear) ClearRecentFiles() endif else ; No recent files were stored from previous session.. TrayCreateItem("No Recent Files Exist!", $tray_recent_files) TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) endif TrayCreateItem("") $tray_toggle_delayed_start = TrayCreateItem("Delayed Start (Ctrl+D)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "DelayedDoIt") TrayCreateItem("") $tray_abort_batch = TrayCreateItem("Abort Batch (Pause/Break)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "AbortBatch") TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) TrayCreateItem("") if $pre_job_commands_file and FileExists($pre_job_commands_file) then TrayCreateItem("Edit Pre-Job Commands..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "EditPreJob") else TrayCreateItem("Create Pre-Job Commands..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "SpecifyPreJobCMDsFile") endif if $post_job_commands_file and FileExists($post_job_commands_file) then TrayCreateItem("Edit Post-Job Commands..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "EditPostJob") else TrayCreateItem("Create Post-Job Commands..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "SpecifyPostJobCMDsFile") endif TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Edit ffe.ini..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "EditIniFile") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Open Log File..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenLogFile") TrayCreateItem("Open Data Folder..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenDataDir") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Export Data..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayMenuExportData") TrayCreateItem("Import Data..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayMenuImportData") TrayCreateItem("") $tray_toggle_drop_window = TrayCreateItem("Show Drop Window") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleDropWindow") TrayItemSetState(-1, $do_drop_window) $tray_toggle_fluid_image_menu = TrayCreateItem("Fluid Menu (follows current image)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleFluidMenu") TrayItemSetState(-1, $fluid_image_menu) $tray_toggle_auto_copy_images = TrayCreateItem("Copy Dragged Images (to fixed menu)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleAutoCopy") TrayItemSetState(-1, $auto_copy_images) if $fluid_image_menu = $ON then TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) $tray_choose_image_folder = TrayCreateItem("Pick Images Folder.. (for fixed menu)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuChooseFixedImgLoc") if $fluid_image_menu = $ON then TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Reset Drop Window") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuResetDropWindow") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Download Drop Window Image Pack") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayDownloadImagePack") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Locate FFmpeg Binary..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TraySetFFmpegBinLocation") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Restart ffe.. Alt+F5") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Restart") TrayCreateItem("") $tray_about_ffmpeg = TrayCreateItem("About FFmpeg") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "DoAboutFFmpeg") if not $ffmpeg_binary then TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) TrayCreateItem("About " & $my_name) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "DoAboutBox") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Exit (Alt+F4 or Esc)") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "User_DoQuit") ; System tray event.. ; Left-click to show/hide the main window. TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "ToggleWindow") TraySetClick(8) TraySetIcon($me_app, 0) TraySetState() TraySetToolTip("left-click to toggle the main window" & $MSG_LF & "right-click to bring up the tray menu") endfunc ; Okay, here goes. ; Run the job.. func DoIt() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("DoIt(): inputfile / outputfile: " & $inputfile & " / " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug ; SHIFT held down or 'generate' set in switches.. if _IsPressed(10) or $do_gen then $generate_script = true if not $inputfile then if not BrowseForInputFile() then return DoIt() return endif ; outputfile loaded in presets??? ::BUG?:: if not $outputfile and not IsWild($inputfile) and $do_output = $ON then if not BrowseForOutputFile() then return DoIt() return endif $user_inputfile = $inputfile $user_outputfile = $outputfile UnSetHotKeys() ClearOutput() DisableRunningControls() HideOutputButts() local $emsg ; Store this so we can show the dropwin again at the end, if enabled.. $drop_win_state = $do_drop_window if $dropwin_visible then CloseDropWindow() ; Delayed Start + Countdown Timer.. if $delay_start_at then ConsoleAdd("Delayed start activated.", @ScriptLineNumber) local $d_diff, $h_diff, $m_diff, $t_str, $pl, $ad, $tdiff local $diff = _DateDiff("s", _NowCalc(), $delay_start_at) while $diff > 0 ; All this for a countdown timer! if $do_countdown_timer = $ON then $t_str = "" ; Days.. $d_diff = _DateDiff("D", _NowCalc(), $delay_start_at) $pl = "" if $d_diff > 1 then $pl = "s" if $d_diff then $t_str = $d_diff & " day" & $pl ; Hours.. $h_diff = _DateDiff("h", _NowCalc(), $delay_start_at) $pl = "" $ad = "" $tdiff = $h_diff-($d_diff*24) if $tdiff > 1 then $pl = "s" if $t_str then $ad = ", " if $tdiff then $t_str &= $ad & $tdiff & " hour" & $pl $tdiff = "" ; Minutes.. $m_diff = _DateDiff("n", _NowCalc(), $delay_start_at) $pl = "" $ad = "" $tdiff = $m_diff-($h_diff*60) if $tdiff > 1 then $pl = "s" if $t_str then $ad = ", " if $tdiff then $t_str &= $ad & $tdiff & " minute" & $pl $tdiff = "" ; Seconds.. $diff = _DateDiff("s", _NowCalc(), $delay_start_at) $tdiff = $diff-($m_diff*60) $pl = "" if $tdiff > 1 then $pl = "s" if $tdiff then if $t_str then $t_str &= " and " $t_str &= $tdiff & " second" & $pl endif SetWinTitleText(" delayed start in " & $t_str) endif if not $delay_start_at then $emsg = "Delayed start aborted." debug($emsg, @ScriptLineNumber, 2);debug return ReturnNow($emsg, -7) endif Sleep(1000) wend debug("delayed start set for: " & $delay_start_at, @ScriptLineNumber, 4);debug SetWinTitleText() endif local $job_log, $msg, $generated, $run_command if FileExists($concat_list) then FileDelete($concat_list) ; Pre-Job Commands.. if $run_pre_job_commands = $ON then LoadPreCommands() ;always nice to grab this fresh, in case of recent edits.. RunCommandsFile($pre_job_commands_file, $job_log, $generated, "Pre") Sleep(500) endif ; $run_files is always an array (batch).. ; for single files, we create an array with a single element.. local $run_files[2] = [1, $inputfile] ; BATCH RUN.. ; If there turns out to be only one item in the batch, no problem. ; Even single files are a batch! ; It's a batch, e.g. "I:\Rip\ffe\*.mkv" if IsWild($inputfile) then debug("IsWild(!)" & $inputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; "I:\Rip\ffe" local $run_parent = GetParent($inputfile) ; "mkv" local $inputfile_extension = GetExtension($inputfile) local $full_filename = "" ; User entered wildcards: send the entire filename with wildcards to ReadDir() if IsWild(Basename($inputfile)) then $full_filename = Basename($inputfile) ; Gather names of all matching files in the directory.. debug($run_parent, "$run_parent:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug($inputfile_extension, "$inputfile_extension:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug($full_filename, "$full_filename:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; ftp/http if StringInStr($inputfile, "://") then $emsg = "Error: Cannot process wildcards in URLS." debug($emsg, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug return ReturnNow($emsg, -3) else $run_files = ReadDir($run_parent, $inputfile_extension, $full_filename) endif debug_PrintArray($run_files, "$run_files:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if IsArray($run_files) and $run_files[0] > 0 then ; Enable "Abort Batch" menu option. ; Put back base path.. for $ra = 1 to $run_files[0] local $this_fn = $run_parent & "\" & $run_files[$ra] if IsDir($this_fn) then $run_files[$ra] = "" else $run_files[$ra] = $this_fn endif next else $delay_start_at = false $emsg = "Error creating batch. Sorry." debug($emsg, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug return ReturnNow($emsg, -1) endif endif $abort_batch = false local $batch = $OFF if $run_files[0] > 1 then $batch = $ON TrayItemSetState($tray_abort_batch, $TRAY_ENABLE) endif ; Reset "made files" for this job.. redim $made_files[1] local $total_timestamp = TimerInit() local $secprt, $thistime ; Process each file in the batch.. (the BIG loop!) ; for $runs = 1 to $run_files[0] ; In case of empties from bad dir items.. if not $run_files[$runs] then continueloop $inputfile = $run_files[$runs] debug("DoIt()-->DoArgsCreate($batch): =>" & $batch & "<=", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug DoArgsCreate($batch) ; the only place this is set - right inside a batch.. we call the function directly, too. if $inputfile = $outputfile and $do_output = $ON then ; Running from command-line, just get on with *something*.. if $go then ; This should rarely happen, but just in case.. $outputfile = RemoveExtension($outputfile) & TimerInit() & "." & GetExtension($outputfile) else MsgBox(0, "file name clash!", "You will need to choose a different output filename.. ", 0, $ffeGUI) if (BrowseForOutputFile() = 0) then $emsg = "Error starting job: File name clash." debug($emsg, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug return ReturnNow($emsg, -2) endif DoIt() return endif endif debug("$outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; We keep a tally of all files created during the job. ; If FFmpeg wants to output some file with the same name, we will add a timestamp suffix to the name. ; This is designed to catch a situation where the user has used a *.* wildcard and there are associated ; files in the same dir as the videos, e.g. "". The user sets up a batch job and wakes the ; next morning to find 10 *tiny* movie files which won't play. Nope, it's never happened to me. Seriously. ; It also catches situations where you are converting a batch where more than one file shares the same ; name but has a different extension, e.g. "movie.avi" and "movie.mpg" both being converted to say, MP3. ; Already made this file - add timestamp suffix to file name.. if InArray($made_files, $outputfile) then local $old_of = $outputfile $outputfile = RemoveExtension($outputfile) & "_[" & TimerInit() & "]" & "." & GetExtension($outputfile) ; Update args with new file name.. $args = StringReplace($args, $old_of, $outputfile) endif debug("$outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; $outputfile is now SET! ; Just in case.. local $out_parent = GetParent($outputfile) if not FileExists($out_parent) then DirCreate($out_parent) if $concatenate = $ON and $batch = $ON then FileWriteLine($concat_list, "file '" & $outputfile & "'") endif GUICtrlSetState($label_abort, $GUI_SHOW) $title_msg_string = " --> Processing: " & BaseName($inputfile) & " (Press Ctrl+Q or Pause/Break to abort)" if IsWild(GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile)) then $title_msg_string = " --> Processing: " & BaseName($inputfile) & " (Press Pause/Break to abort batch)" endif SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string) ; We will need to pass the "q" to ffmpeg manually.. HotKeySet("^q", "HK_FFmpegAbort") HotKeySet("^r", "HK_ToggleTitleTime") ; HotKeySet("^{PAUSE}", "PauseOutPut") ; Works, but risky! HotKeySet("!c", "PauseOutPut") ; This also aborts a regular job.. HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "HK_RunningAbortBatch") HotKeySet("{SCROLLLOCK}", "HK_ProcessPauseSuspend") ; RUN the amazing FFmpeg.. $paused = false $msg = $LOG_LF & "starting ffe job on " & DateTimeString(true) & $LOG_LF & "command-line: " & $args & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF DoLog($msg) $job_log &= $msg ; This is REQUIRED to get frei0r plugins to work.. EnvSet("FREI0R_PATH", $plugins_path) ; Documentation is scant online. Try these.. ; ; ; Windows batch script output.. if $generate_script then $generated &= $args & $LOG_LF else debug("Run() FFmpeg with args: " & $args, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug $ffmpeg = Run($args, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, BitOr($STDERR_CHILD, $STDIN_CHILD)) debug("$ffmpeg running with PID: " & $ffmpeg, @ScriptLineNumber, 4);debug ProcessSetPriority($ffmpeg, $cpu_priority) local $timestamp = TimerInit() local $console_out local $ease_time local $done_response = 0 while true $ease_time += 1 Sleep(50) if $time_in_title = $ON and Mod($ease_time, 10) = 0 then SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string & " [" & SecondsToDHMS(TimerDiff($total_timestamp)/1000, true) & "]") endif ; Capture Output.. $console_out = StdErrRead($ffmpeg) if @error then exitloop if $abort_batch then StdinWrite($ffmpeg, "q") Sleep(250) exitloop endif ;if not @extended then continueloop if StringInStr($console_out, "write? [y/N]", 0, -1) then WinActivate($ffeGUI) WinFlash($ffeGUI, "", 2, 999) SetWinTitleText(" [Overwrite Existing File? (hit 'y' or 'n')]") HotKeySet("y", "HK_FFmpegResponseYes") HotKeySet("n", "HK_FFmpegResponseNo") $done_response = 1 endif $console_out = StringStripWS($console_out, 3) if $console_out then ; Only $job_log gets the extra $LOG_LF.. $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF if $done_response then switch $done_response case 1 $done_response = 2 case 2 HotKeySet("y") HotKeySet("n") $done_response = 0 endswitch endif endif wend ProcessClose($ffmpeg) StdioClose($ffmpeg) $thistime = TimerDiff($timestamp)/1000 $secprt = " (" & Round($thistime, 2) & " seconds)" if $thistime <= 60 then $secprt = "" $msg = $LOG_LF & "Completed in " & SecondsToDHMS($thistime) & $secprt & $LOG_LF & _ "-----------------------------------" & $LOG_LF DoLog($msg) $job_log &= $msg $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF if $abort_batch then ProcessClose($ffmpeg) StdioClose($ffmpeg) exitloop endif endif if FileExists($outputfile) then if FileGetSize($outputfile) > 0 then ArrayAdd($made_files, $outputfile) ; Add file to recent files and re-build the tray.. ; OK, we're cheating, for now (I'd need to write a 2DAddArray). $recent_files = TwoDCol2OneDArray($recent_files) ArrayAdd($recent_files, $outputfile, true, true) $recent_files = OneToTwoDArray($recent_files) ; We use this data to re-create our "Recent Files" Tray menu.. MakeTray() else $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd("Deleting zero-length output file: " & $outputfile & $LOG_LF, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF FileDelete($outputfile) endif ; Run Post-File Commands, if any.. $job_log &= RunPostFileCommand() endif next ; for $runs = 1 to $run_files[0] ; ConCATenate Output files.. if not $abort_batch then if $concatenate = $ON and $batch = $ON and $run_files[0] > 1 then local $write_loc = $ffmpeg_binary local $write_cat = $concat_list if $generate_script then $write_loc = '"' & $ffmpeg_binary & '"' $write_cat = "ffe-concat-list.txt" endif local $ow_args, $err if $overwrite = $ON then $ow_args &= " -y " $run_command = $write_loc & " -f concat -safe 0 -i """ & $write_cat & """ " & $ow_args _ & "-c copy " & $batch_output_dir & "\joined." & $clean_outputfile_ext if $generate_script then $generated &= $run_command & $LOG_LF else $msg = "Concatenating files.." $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & $msg & $LOG_LF, @ScriptLineNumber)) ; re-use process handle so FFmpeg hotkeys still work in concat job.. $ffmpeg = Run($run_command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, BitOr($STDERR_CHILD, $STDIN_CHILD, $STDOUT_CHILD)) while true $err = false $console_out = StdErrRead($ffmpeg) $err = @error if $abort_batch then Sleep(250) exitloop endif if StringInStr($console_out, "Overwrite? [y/N]", 0, -1) then WinActivate($ffeGUI) WinFlash($ffeGUI, "", 2, 999) SetWinTitleText(" [Overwrite Existing File? (hit 'y' or 'n')]") HotKeySet("y", "HK_FFmpegResponseYes") HotKeySet("n", "HK_FFmpegResponseNo") endif $console_out = StringStripWS($console_out, 3) if $console_out then $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF endif if $err then exitloop Sleep(25) wend ProcessClose($ffmpeg) StdioClose($ffmpeg) endif endif endif ; Report total time for batch.. if $run_files[0] > 1 then $thistime = TimerDiff($total_timestamp)/1000 $secprt = " (" & Round($thistime, 2) & " seconds)" if $thistime <= 60 then $secprt = "" $msg = $LOG_LF & "Batch completed in " & SecondsToDHMS($thistime) & $secprt & $LOG_LF & _ "-----------------------------------" & $LOG_LF DoLog($msg) $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF endif ; Post-Job Commands.. if not $abort_batch then if $run_post_job_commands = $ON then LoadPostCommands() RunCommandsFile($post_job_commands_file, $job_log, $generated, "Post") Sleep(500) endif endif DoLog("out", $log_append, $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF) TrayItemSetState($tray_abort_batch, $TRAY_DISABLE) HotKeySet("{PAUSE}") HotKeySet("{SCROLLLOCK}") HotKeySet("^q") HotKeySet("^r") HotKeySet("y") HotKeySet("n") SetWinTitleText() GUICtrlSetState($label_abort, $GUI_HIDE) SetConsoleOutput($job_log) ShowOutputButts() ; Grab fresh.. $log_each_job = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "log_each_job", $ON) if $log_each_job = $ON and not $generate_script then SaveOutput($job_log) if not $abort_batch then if $generate_script then local $save_bat, $error = 0 ; Called from command-line, with "generate" flag.. if $do_gen then $save_bat = @WorkingDir & "\ffe.bat" ; Called from button in GUI.. else local $save_bat_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "save_bat_dir", @MyDocumentsDir) DialogOpen() $save_bat = FileSaveDialog("Save/Append Batch Script", $save_bat_dir, _ "All (*.*)|Batch files (*.bat)|Command files (*.cmd)", $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST, "ffe.bat", $ffeGUI) $error = @error DialogClose() if FileExists(GetParent($save_bat)) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "save_bat_dir", GetParent($save_bat)) endif if $error == 0 then local $job_batch_file = FileOpen($save_bat, $FO_APPEND+$FO_UTF8_NOBOM) FileWrite($job_batch_file, $generated) FileClose($job_batch_file) ConsoleAdd("Saved batch script to: " & $save_bat & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) endif FileMove($concat_list, GetParent($save_bat) & "\ffe-concat-list.txt", $FC_OVERWRITE) endif ; Shutdown PC.. if $do_shutdown or $shutdown_when_done = $ON then local $shutdown_response if not $do_shutdown then DialogOpen() $shutdown_response = MsgBox(1, "ffe will now shutdown your computer..", _ "As instructed, ffe will now shutdown your computer. " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "To abort the shutdown process, click [Cancel] within the next 60 seconds." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Click [OK] to shutdown immediately.", 60, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() else $shutdown_response = 1 endif if $shutdown_response = 1 or $shutdown_response = -1 then Shutdown(BitOr($SD_SHUTDOWN, $SD_POWERDOWN)) DoQuit() endif ; QUIT.. elseif $do_quit or $quit_when_done = $ON then local $quit_response if not $do_quit then DialogOpen() $quit_response = MsgBox(1, "ffe will now quit..", _ "As instructed, ffe will now quit. " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "To abort, click [Cancel] within the next 10 seconds.", 10, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() else $quit_response = 1 endif if $quit_response = 1 or $quit_response = -1 then DoQuit() endif endif endif $do_drop_window = $drop_win_state EnableRunningControls() UpdateOutputArgs() SetHotKeys() GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_FOCUS) if $delay_start_at then TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_delayed_start, $OFF) $delay_start_at = false ConsoleAdd("Delayed Job Complete.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc func ______________________PRESETS() endfunc ; Load the settings from a saved preset into the GUI controls.. ; A bit brain-dead, but logical.. func LoadPreset($this_preset="", $init=false) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("=>>> XXX >>> LoadPreset(): >>>XXX>>>" & $this_preset & "<< $param and not $init then ; Let the user know they have a new default extension loaded.. ConsoleAdd("default_extension: '." & $param & "'", @ScriptLineNumber) endif $default_extension = $param endif $param = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "default_audio_extension", "") if $param then if $default_audio_extension <> $param and not $init then ConsoleAdd("default_audio_extension: '." & $param & "'", @ScriptLineNumber) endif $default_audio_extension = $param endif ; Yes, you can hack this into your presets, if required.. $param = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "kill_ffmpeg_on_exit", "") if $param then if $param <> $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit and not $init then ConsoleAdd("kill_ffmpeg_on_exit: " & Human($param), @ScriptLineNumber) endif $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit = $param CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit, $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit) endif ; Job button functions.. (TRI-STATE) ; If ini setting is blank, IniReadCheckBoxValue() will, by design, return 2 ($GUI_INDETERMINATE) ; Ideally (ffe-generated) prefs are deleted; truly "unset". $do_matof = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "do_matof", $do_matof, true) GUICtrlSetState($check_do_matof, $do_matof) debug("$do_matof: " & Human($do_matof), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $overwrite = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "overwrite", $overwrite, true) GUICtrlSetState($check_overwrite, $overwrite) debug("$overwrite: " & Human($overwrite), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $concatenate = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "concatenate", $concatenate, true) GUICtrlSetState($check_concatenate, $concatenate) debug("$concatenate: " & Human($concatenate), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $param = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "quit_when_done", $quit_when_done, true) if $param then if $quit_when_done <> $param and not $init then ; Inform user of this change from default.. ConsoleAdd("quit_when_done: " & Human($param), @ScriptLineNumber) endif $quit_when_done = $param GUICtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $quit_when_done) endif debug("$quit_when_done: " & Human($quit_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $param = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "shutdown_when_done", $shutdown_when_done, true) if $param then if $shutdown_when_done <> $param and not $init then ConsoleAdd("shutdown_when_done: " & Human($param), @ScriptLineNumber) endif $shutdown_when_done = $param GUICtrlSetState($check_shutdown_when_done, $shutdown_when_done) endif debug("$shutdown_when_done: " & Human($shutdown_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug SetOverwriteTip() SetConcatenateFilesTip() SetQuitWhenDoneTip() SetShutdownWhenDoneTip() GetLogLocation($current_preset) UpdateOutputArgs() ; Pre-Post Commands.. ; Do this after input/output is set, so @tokens work.. ; $pre_job_commands_file and $batch_commands_timeout grabbed and Toggles performed inside Load*Commands() debug("LOADING PRE+POST COMMANDS.. ", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug LoadPreCommands(true) LoadPostCommands(true) LoadPostFileSettings(true) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_pre_job_commands, $run_pre_job_commands) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_post_job_commands, $run_post_job_commands) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_post_file_command, $run_post_file_command) SetPreJobTip() SetPostJobTip() SetPostFileTip() GetPresetNotes() local $display_pf = $notes_prefix if $init then $display_pf = "" if $preset_notes then ConsoleAdd($display_pf & $preset_notes & $LOG_LF) ; All controls are now considered "unaltered".. ResetAlteredControls() return true endfunc func GetPresetNotes() $preset_notes = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "notes", "") ConvertNewlines($preset_notes) endfunc ; Wrapper function func ComboLoadPreset() $inputfile = "" $preset_loaded = LoadPreset() endfunc func ButtSavePreset() local $this_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_presets) if $this_preset = $my_name and not _IsPressed(10) then DialogOpen() local $replace_defaults = MsgBox($MB_YESNO+$MB_TASKMODAL, "Are you SURE?", _ "If you use the name " & $my_name & ", your settings will become the defaults, " & $MSG_LF & _ "and will be loaded automatically at startup. Is this what you want?", 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $replace_defaults = 7 then return endif SavePreset($this_preset) endfunc ; Ensure user-supplied preset name is safe.. ; func MakePresetNameSafe($user_preset_name) debug("$user_preset_name: " & $user_preset_name, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; We will use a pipe to separate multiple presets on the command-line.. $user_preset_name = StringReplace($user_preset_name, "|", "!") if @extended then ConsoleAdd("Pipe (special) character replaced with '!'" & $LOG_LF & _ "A pipe is used to layer multiple presets on the command-line. e.g.." & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF & _ " C:\path\to\ffe.exe run(Test Setup|Test Preset) ""B:\Test\file.mp4""", @ScriptLineNumber) ; No square brackets inside names - it will mess up "EVERYTHING".. $user_preset_name = StringReplace($user_preset_name, "[", "(") $user_preset_name = StringReplace($user_preset_name, "]", ")") if @extended then ConsoleAdd("Square Brace characters replaced with regular braces." & $LOG_LF & _ "Preset names are stored *iniside* [square braces].", @ScriptLineNumber) ; Strip off white space from start+end.. $user_preset_name = StringStripWS($user_preset_name, 3) return $user_preset_name endfunc ; Save the current settings to a preset.. ; We save the setting regardless of whether or not it has a value, in case the ; old preset /does/ have a value; then we are sure to overwrite it. func SavePreset($this_preset) if not $this_preset then return $this_preset = MakePresetNameSafe($this_preset) $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if InArray($presets, $this_preset) and $this_preset <> $my_name and $this_preset <> $EXIT_PRESET and not _IsPressed(10) then DialogOpen() local $replaceit = MsgBox(4, "Replace Preset?", "That preset exists!" & $MSG_LF & "Do you wish to replace it?", 30, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $replaceit = 7 then return endif ; We read these prefs directly from the GUI controls.. ; Don't store file path if that is disabled. But do on exit.. if GUICtrlRead($check_store_filepaths) = $ON or $this_preset = $EXIT_PRESET then $inputfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile) if $inputfile then IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "inputfile", $inputfile) $outputfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile) ; don't save the MATOF string with the pref.. if $old_matof then $outputfile = StringReplace($outputfile, $old_matof, "") CRT($outputfile) if $outputfile then IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "outputfile", $outputfile) endif SavePref($this_preset, "input_params", $inp_input_params) SavePref($this_preset, "v_codec", $combo_v_codec) SavePref($this_preset, "v_bitrate", $combo_v_bitrate) SavePref($this_preset, "frames_per_second", $combo_frames_per_second) SavePref($this_preset, "x_size", $inp_x_size) SavePref($this_preset, "y_size", $inp_y_size) SavePref($this_preset, "preset_resize", $combo_preset_resizes) SavePref($this_preset, "crop_width", $inp_crop_width) SavePref($this_preset, "crop_height", $inp_crop_height) SavePref($this_preset, "crop_x", $inp_crop_x) SavePref($this_preset, "crop_y", $inp_crop_y) SavePref($this_preset, "a_codec", $combo_a_codec) SavePref($this_preset, "a_bitrate", $combo_a_bitrate) SavePref($this_preset, "target_type", $combo_target_type) SavePref($this_preset, "raw_params", $inp_extra_args) if $altered_resize_first then SavePref($this_preset, "resize_first", $check_resize_first, true) if $altered_do_matof then SavePref($this_preset, "do_matof", $check_do_matof, true) ; Don't use SavePref() for this, no need, also, 0 would not get saved. ; Users advanced enough to be using this stuff can add parameters to their presets manually. ; IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "batch_commands_timeout", Int($batch_commands_timeout)) ; IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $this_preset, "run_commands_with_shell", $run_commands_with_shell) ; Job buttons.. (state and bool set on preset load) ; We don't read the GUI for these next prefs, so the controls better have set the pref itself! ; Master switch, save setting or delete if unset.. SavePref($this_preset, "run_pre_job_commands", $check_run_pre_job_commands, true) if $pre_job_commands_file then IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "pre_job_commands_file", ffeTokenizeString($pre_job_commands_file)) endif SavePref($this_preset, "run_post_file_command", $check_run_post_file_command, true) ; If not unset, save the associated string (this one is a direct command).. if $post_file_command then IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "post_file_command", StringReplace($post_file_command, '"', """)) endif SavePref($this_preset, "run_post_job_commands", $check_run_post_job_commands, true) if $post_job_commands_file then IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, "post_job_commands_file", ffeTokenizeString($post_job_commands_file)) endif SavePref($this_preset, "overwrite", $check_overwrite, true) SavePref($this_preset, "concatenate", $check_concatenate, true) ; Don't save these to master (ffe) settings.. if $this_preset <> $my_name then SavePref($this_preset, "quit_when_done", $check_quit_when_done, true) SavePref($this_preset, "shutdown_when_done", $check_shutdown_when_done, true) endif ; We don't save these with preset save (though they are read from presets). For reference only.. ; $default_extension $default_audio_extension $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit ; Not read from GUI, but directly from current $do_output.. if $altered_do_output then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $this_preset, "do_output", $do_output) UpdatePresetsCombo() GUICtrlSetData($combo_presets, $this_preset) local $sp_str local $saved_preset = IniReadSection($ini_path, $this_preset) if not IsArray($saved_preset) then return ConsoleAdd("Error displaying saved preset (might be empty).", @ScriptLineNumber) ; Report the data saved.. $sp_str = "Saved preset.. " & $LOG_LF & "[" & $this_preset & "]" & $LOG_LF for $i = 1 to $saved_preset[0][0] $sp_str &= $saved_preset[$i][0] & "=" & $saved_preset[$i][1] & $LOG_LF next ; Update "current preset" global variable.. $current_preset = $this_preset ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & $sp_str, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func SavePref($this_preset, $pref_name_string, $ctrl_to_read, $checkbox=false) local $ctrl_val = GUICtrlRead($ctrl_to_read) if $checkbox then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $this_preset, $pref_name_string, $ctrl_val) ; IniWriteCheckBoxValue() handles empty/unset entries internally (deletes them). else IniWrite($ini_path, $this_preset, $pref_name_string, $ctrl_val) if IniRead($ini_path, $this_preset, $pref_name_string, "") = "" then IniDelete($ini_path, $this_preset, $pref_name_string) endif endif endfunc ; Delete the current preset from the ini file.. func WipePreset() if _IsPressed(10) then return RestoreBackupPreset() local $this_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_presets) if not $this_preset then return $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not InArray($presets, $this_preset) then ConsoleAdd("Error wiping preset: '" & $this_preset & "' does not exist!", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif if $this_preset <> $my_name then local $backup_preset = IniReadSection($ini_path, $this_preset) if IniDelete($ini_path, $this_preset) then ; Backup previous backup.. if InArray($presets, $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING & $this_preset) then local $existing_backup = IniReadSection($ini_path, $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING & $this_preset) IniWriteSection($ini_path, $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING & "(previous)--" & $this_preset, $existing_backup) endif IniWriteSection($ini_path, $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING & $this_preset, $backup_preset) ConsoleAdd("Created backup of preset: " & $this_preset, @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("Wiped preset: " & $this_preset, @ScriptLineNumber) else ConsoleAdd("Error wiping preset: " & $this_preset & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) endif else DialogOpen() MsgBox(0, "Not quite!", _ "If you wish to reset the default settings, simply hit the reset button" & $MSG_LF & _ "and then save the (blank) settings to a preset, using the name " & $my_name & "", 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() endif ; Reset.. $current_preset = $my_name UpdatePresetsCombo() return endfunc ; Delete all the backup presets.. func WipeBackups() local $got_backups = false $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not IsArray($presets) then return for $i = 1 to $presets[0] ; only list the first occurence of each preset (you can have backups inside the ini - only the first is used) if StringLeft($presets[$i], 10) = $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING then $got_backups = true if IniDelete($ini_path, $presets[$i]) then ConsoleAdd("Wiped backup preset: " & $presets[$i] & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) endif next if not $got_backups then ConsoleAdd("No backups found!", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func RestoreBackupPreset() $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not IsArray($presets) then return local $got_backups = false local $msg = "Choose a backup to restore.." DialogOpen() local $previous_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $previous_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) local $uw_width = 318 local $uw_height = 60 $width = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "width", 935)) if $width < $min_width then $width = $min_width $height = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "height", 590)) if $height < $min_height then $height = $min_height debug("Dimensions: " & "x: " & $x & " y: " & $y & " width: " & $width & " height: " & $height, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug local $uw_x = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "unwipe_x", -1)) local $uw_y = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "unwipe_y", -1)) local $butt_width = 50 local $combo_width = 180 local $UnWipe = GUICreate("Restore Backup Preset..", $uw_width, $uw_height, $uw_x, $uw_y) local $butt_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 10, 28, $butt_width, 23) local $combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $butt_width+10, 1, $combo_width, 20) local $butt_import = GUICtrlCreateButton("Restore", $combo_width+10, -1, $butt_width, 23) ; Fill up the combo.. for $i = 1 to $presets[0] if StringLeft($presets[$i], 10) = $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING then GUICtrlSetData($combo, $presets[$i]) $got_backups = true endif next GUISetCoord(9, 7) ; Pay attention people! if not $got_backups then $msg = "Got no backups to restore!" GUICtrlCreateLabel($msg, 0, 0, $uw_width-20, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $UnWipe) ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo, "SelectString", $presets[1]) local $combo_selection, $save_xy while 1 switch GUIGetMsg() case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $butt_cancel exitloop case $butt_import $save_xy = true $combo_selection = GUICtrlRead($combo) if InArray($presets, $combo_selection) then local $backup_section = IniReadSection($ini_path, $combo_selection) IniDelete($ini_path, $combo_selection) local $new_name = StringReplace($combo_selection, $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING, "") IniWriteSection($ini_path, $new_name, $backup_section) ConsoleAdd("Restored preset: " & $new_name, @ScriptLineNumber) endif exitloop endswitch Sleep(10) ; required? wend if $save_xy then local $x_coord = -1, $y_coord = -1 local $size_array = WinGetPos($UnWipe) ; 0-1-2-3:x-y-w-h if IsArray($size_array) then $x_coord = $size_array[0] $y_coord = $size_array[1] endif if $x_coord and $x_coord <> -1 then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "unwipe_x", $x_coord) if $y_coord and $y_coord <> -1 then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "unwipe_y", $y_coord) endif GUIDelete($UnWipe) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $previous_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $previous_coord_mode) DialogClose() UpdatePresetsCombo() endfunc ; Context menu wrapper func.. func MenuRefreshPresetsList() UpdatePresetsCombo() endfunc ; Update the combo box with the current presets.. func UpdatePresetsCombo() debug("UpdatePresetsCombo()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug local $presets_string = "" $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not IsArray($presets) then return for $i = 1 to $presets[0] ; Only list the first occurrence of each preset (you can have backups inside the ini - only the first is used) if not StringInStr($presets_string, $presets[$i] & "|") and _ StringLeft($presets[$i], StringLen($PRESET_BACKUP_STRING)) <> $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING then $presets_string &= $presets[$i] & "|" endif next ; Now we just show it in the list regardless, so users can more easily see how to set defaults. Unless.. if $sort_presets_list = $ON and $show_ffe_in_sorted_list = $OFF then $presets_string = StringReplace($presets_string, "ffe|", "", 1) endif ; Remove special section(s).. $presets_string = StringReplace($presets_string, $NAME_BUTTONS & "|", "") $presets_string = StringReplace($presets_string, $EXIT_PRESET & "|", "") $presets_string = StringReplace($presets_string, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS & "|", "") $presets_string = StringReplace($presets_string, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS & "|", "") CRT($presets_string, "|") GUICtrlSetData($combo_presets, "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_presets, $presets_string) debug("$presets_string: " & $presets_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug endfunc ; These four functions could be rolled into one.. func MenuAddToACodecs() local $new_user_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_a_codec) if $new_user_preset then ; This string will *always* be present.. $audio_codecs = StringReplace($audio_codecs, "|- disable audio -", "|" & $new_user_preset & "|- disable audio -") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "audio_codecs", $audio_codecs) ConsoleAdd($new_user_preset & " added to audio codecs ", @ScriptLineNumber) GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $audio_codecs) ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo_a_codec, "SelectString", $new_user_preset) endif endfunc func MenuAddToVCodecs() local $new_user_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_v_codec) if $new_user_preset then $video_codecs = StringReplace($video_codecs, "|- disable video -", "|" & $new_user_preset & "|- disable video -") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "video_codecs", $video_codecs) ConsoleAdd($new_user_preset & " added to video codecs ", @ScriptLineNumber) GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, $video_codecs) ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo_v_codec, "SelectString", $new_user_preset) endif endfunc func MenuRemoveFromACodecs() local $new_user_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_a_codec) if $new_user_preset then ; So we don't get a partial match.. $audio_codecs = StringReplace($audio_codecs, "|" & $new_user_preset & "|", "|") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "audio_codecs", $audio_codecs) ConsoleAdd($new_user_preset & " removed from audio codecs ", @ScriptLineNumber) GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $audio_codecs) $a_codec = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "a_codec", "") ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo_a_codec, "SelectString", $a_codec) endif endfunc func MenuRemoveFromVCodecs() local $new_user_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_v_codec) if $new_user_preset then ; Check for the full string within the codecs.. $video_codecs = StringReplace($video_codecs, "|" & $new_user_preset & "|", "|") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "video_codecs", $video_codecs) ConsoleAdd($new_user_preset & " removed from video codecs ", @ScriptLineNumber) GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, $video_codecs) $v_codec = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "v_codec", "") ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo_v_codec, "SelectString", $v_codec) endif endfunc func MenuRenamePreset() if $current_preset = $my_name or $current_preset = $EXIT_PRESET then ConsoleAdd("Cannot rename " & $current_preset & "!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif DialogOpen() local $new_preset_name = CorzFancyInputBox("Rename Preset.. ", _ "Enter a new name for the preset.. ", $current_preset , "" , 350, 95, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() debug("$new_preset_name: " & $new_preset_name, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $new_preset_name then if InArray($not_presets, $new_preset_name) then ConsoleAdd("Cannot rename: " & $new_preset_name & "!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif $new_preset_name = MakePresetNameSafe($new_preset_name) debug("$new_preset_name: " & $new_preset_name, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug BetterIniRenameSection($ini_path, $current_preset, $new_preset_name) debug("BetterIniRenameSection() error: " & @error, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ConsoleAdd("Preset: " & $current_preset & " renamed to : " & $new_preset_name & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) $current_preset = $new_preset_name UpdatePresetsCombo() ControlCommand($ffeGUI, "", $combo_presets, "SelectString", $current_preset) endif endfunc func MenuToggleFluidMenu() TogglePref($fluid_image_menu) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "fluid_image_menu", $fluid_image_menu) ConsoleAdd("fluid_image_menu set to: " & $fluid_image_menu, @ScriptLineNumber) TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_fluid_image_menu, $fluid_image_menu) if $fluid_image_menu = $ON then TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_auto_copy_images, $TRAY_DISABLE) TrayItemSetState($tray_choose_image_folder, $TRAY_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($ctxt_toggle_fluid_image_menu, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($ctxt_toggle_auto_copy_images, $GUI_DISABLE) else TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_auto_copy_images, $TRAY_ENABLE) TrayItemSetState($tray_choose_image_folder, $TRAY_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($ctxt_toggle_fluid_image_menu, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($ctxt_toggle_auto_copy_images, $GUI_ENABLE) endif HideDropWindow() endfunc ; Some Tray Toggles.. func TrayToggleRetainRecentFiles() TogglePref($retain_recent_files) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "retain_recent_files", $retain_recent_files) ConsoleAdd("retain_recent_files set to: " & $retain_recent_files, @ScriptLineNumber) TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_retain_recent_files, $retain_recent_files) endfunc func MenuToggleAutoCopy() TogglePref($auto_copy_images) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_copy_images", $auto_copy_images) ConsoleAdd("auto_copy_images set to: " & $auto_copy_images, @ScriptLineNumber) TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_auto_copy_images, $auto_copy_images) HideDropWindow() endfunc ; Checks if ffe.ini contains the specified preset (case-insensitive). ; A bit dumb in that it doesn't check if the [section] is or isn't a preset, ; simply that the section exists inside ffe.ini, which is all we need. ; Note: This function is used to check for EXIT_PRESET. ; func PresetExists($this_preset) $presets = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not IsArray($presets) then return false if InArray($presets, $this_preset) then return $this_preset return false endfunc ; Checks if a given list of ini sections contains presets (return true) ; or is just settings and custom buttons (return false).. ; func HasPresets(ByRef $ini_section_names_array) if not IsArray($ini_section_names_array) then return false for $i = 1 to $ini_section_names_array[0] if InArray($not_presets, $ini_section_names_array[$i]) then continueloop return true next endfunc func ______________INPUT_OUTPUT() endfunc ;2do - check which control we click in/out and only update if required ; DoArgsCreate() ; Called on *every* change, user , click, dropped item, etc.. ; A black box. Here be dragons! ; func DoArgsCreate($batch="null") debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("DoArgsCreate() $batch=" & $batch, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("$inputfile: " & $inputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; Store text selection, if any. ; This code enables us to retain user text selections even whilst MATOF ; is working and the input is updating.. local $caret = _GUICtrlEdit_GetSel($inp_outputfile) ; During batch, this is set inside DoIt() if not $inputfile then $inputfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile) endif debug("$inputfile NOW: " & $inputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if not $inputfile then return local $input_params, $read_vcodec, $read_acodec, $write_outputfile $extra_args = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_extra_args)) debug("$extra_args: " & $extra_args, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $x_param = $extra_args ; We will build this string as we go.. $matof_string = "" if GUICtrlRead($inp_input_params) then $input_params = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_input_params)) else $input_params = "" endif if GUICtrlRead($check_resize_first) = $ON then AddSizing() AddCropping() else AddCropping() AddSizing() endif ; YES! DO IT! if $overwrite = $ON then $extra_args &= " -y " $read_vcodec = GUICtrlRead($combo_v_codec) $read_acodec = GUICtrlRead($combo_a_codec) if StringInStr($read_vcodec, "disable") and $do_output = $ON then $extra_args = " -vn " & $extra_args $no_video = true if StringInStr($read_acodec, "disable") then GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $audio_codecs) $read_acodec = GUICtrlRead($combo_a_codec) endif else $no_video = false endif if StringInStr($read_acodec, "disable") then $extra_args = " -an " & $extra_args $no_audio = true else $no_audio = false endif ; This over-rides everything.. if GUICtrlRead($combo_target_type) then $extra_args &= " -target " & GUICtrlRead($combo_target_type) $matof_string &= "[" & GUICtrlRead($combo_target_type) & "]" $no_video = false endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if $read_vcodec and not StringInStr($read_vcodec, "disable") then $v_codec = " -vcodec " & $read_vcodec $matof_string &= "[" & $read_vcodec & "]" else $v_codec = "" endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if not $no_video then if GUICtrlRead($combo_v_bitrate) then $extra_args &= " -b:v " & GUICtrlRead($combo_v_bitrate) $matof_string &= "[" & GUICtrlRead($combo_v_bitrate) & "bps]" endif if GUICtrlRead($combo_frames_per_second) then $extra_args &= " -r " & GUICtrlRead($combo_frames_per_second) $matof_string &= "[" & GUICtrlRead($combo_frames_per_second) & "fps]" endif endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if not $no_audio then if $read_acodec then $a_codec = " -acodec " & $read_acodec else $a_codec = "" endif if $read_acodec then $matof_string &= "[" & $read_acodec & "]" if GUICtrlRead($combo_a_bitrate) then $extra_args &= " -ab " & GUICtrlRead($combo_a_bitrate) if not $no_video then $matof_string &= "[" & GUICtrlRead($combo_a_bitrate) & "]" endif endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if GUICtrlRead($inp_extra_args) then $matof_string &= "[" & CleanPath(GUICtrlRead($inp_extra_args), ".") & "]" endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Finished adding args / MATOF strings. ; Not inside a job (for display purposes only).. if $batch == "null" then $batch = $OFF ; It *will* be a batch, when it is actually run.. if IsWild($inputfile) then $batch = $ON endif debug("$batch: " & Human($batch), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debu debug("$do_matof: " & Human($do_matof), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; If it's a batch, you need matof, or SOMETHING.. if $do_matof = $OFF and $batch = $ON then ToggleMatofStatus(false) ConsoleAdd("MATOF required for batch operation!", @ScriptLineNumber) endif debug("$do_matof: " & Human($do_matof), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Now we set $outputfile.. ; ffe is handling the output file path.. (not disabled) go(SINGLE FILE TEST) if $do_output = $ON then ; For single files, we will put back $output, later. $outputfile = "" ; local $read_inp_outputfile = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile)) local $read_inp_outputfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile) debug("$read_inp_outputfile: " & $read_inp_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $read_inp_outputfile = ffeDeTokenizeString($read_inp_outputfile) CRT($read_inp_outputfile) debug("$read_inp_outputfile: " & $read_inp_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; During preset load, $inp_outputfile is set to $ini_outputfile (ini preset setting) ; Or user may have set it to some other gibberish! debug("$old_matof: " & $old_matof, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; BE CAREFUL with StringReplace(!). If $old_matof = "" then it would return "", hence we check first if $old_matof then $read_inp_outputfile = StringReplace($read_inp_outputfile, ffeDetokenizeString($old_matof), "") debug("$read_inp_outputfile: " & $read_inp_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; :look: what if it is wild?? local $inputfile_basename = RemoveExtension(BaseName($inputfile)) debug("$inputfile_basename: " & $inputfile_basename, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Set output directory from $read_inp_outputfile/fallback dir.. if $read_inp_outputfile then ; Directory already specified in outputfile.. go(Simple Test) if IsDir($read_inp_outputfile) then $batch_output_dir = $read_inp_outputfile debug("$batch_output_dir: SET to: " & $batch_output_dir, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug else ; Otherwise, we will use parent dir of specified outputfile, if it exists.. if IsDir(GetParent($read_inp_outputfile)) then $batch_output_dir = GetParent($read_inp_outputfile) endif ;:look: if batch_output_dir is not set, when generating scripts, if user specifies a non-existent output path ; (that may exists then generated script is /run/) ffe will "fix" the path and use the fall-back (below). endif debug("$read_inp_outputfile: " & $read_inp_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug("$batch_output_dir: " & $batch_output_dir, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Blank output_dir: perhaps a URL and no outputfile (dir) specified in ini. Use fall-back.. ; if not $batch_output_dir then ; Grab here, not LoadPreset() as dynamic @tokens may have changed.. $fallback_folder = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "fallback_folder", $fallback_folder) ; Check we aren't grabbing a URL, which has no "parent".. if not $fallback_folder or (StringInStr($fallback_folder, "@parent") and StringInStr($inputfile, "://")) then $fallback_folder = @MyDocumentsDir else $fallback_folder = ffeDeTokenizeString($fallback_folder) endif $batch_output_dir = $fallback_folder endif local $fallback_path = $batch_output_dir & "\" & $inputfile_basename & "." & $default_extension debug("$fallback_path: " & $fallback_path, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug debug("$ini_outputfile: " & $ini_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; SINGLE FILE.. ; ; Leave output file path as-is (user-set, single file).. if $batch = $OFF then ; Set to ini setting (or last-used $outputfile) first. could be blank. $outputfile = $ini_outputfile debug("$outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; User changed since ini read (manual outputfile).. if $read_inp_outputfile <> $ini_outputfile then $outputfile = $read_inp_outputfile ;:look: looks like a bug. Erm... if IsDir($outputfile) or not $outputfile then $outputfile = $fallback_path endif debug("$outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; FFmpeg needs an extension to work out codecs; they didn't use one, so we add it.. if not StringInStr(Basename($outputfile), ".") then $outputfile &= "." & $default_extension ; BATCH RUN.. else ; If counter - increment and create new base name - nah! ; Simply set to input filename + default_extension, for now ; (MATOF is enabled, so this will get extras added to it).. $outputfile = $fallback_path endif debug("$outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; By now, $outputfile is an actual file name.. ; DO MATOF! if $do_matof = $ON and $matof_string then debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Default.. local $clean_outputfile_noext = RemoveExtension($outputfile) $clean_outputfile_ext = GetExtFromCodec($read_vcodec, $inputfile) local $separator ; MATOF has a new filename.. if $matof_string then $separator = $matof_separator else $separator = "" endif ; we save the matof string, to be removed before re-checking inputs again. $old_matof = $separator & $matof_string $outputfile = $clean_outputfile_noext & $old_matof & "." & $clean_outputfile_ext endif debug("FINAL $outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug debug("$ini_outputfile: " & $ini_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Reset this (new "base" outputfile).. if not $ini_outputfile then $ini_outputfile = $outputfile debug("FINAL $ini_outputfile: " & $ini_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ;:look: the trouble here is that $ini_outputfile is being used for more ; than one thing. Here it's a "base name". Oh dear. ; Updates live during batch run.. GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $outputfile) $write_outputfile = """" & $outputfile & """" ; User handling output file in extra args.. else $write_outputfile = "" endif local $write_loc = $ffmpeg_binary if $generate_script then $write_loc = '"' & $ffmpeg_binary & '"' ; Create the final FFmpeg argument.. ; Input parameters override. $input_params = StringStripWS($input_params, 3) $args = $write_loc & " " & $input_params & " -i " & """" & $inputfile & """" & _ $v_codec & " " & $a_codec & " " & $extra_args & " " & $write_outputfile ; Update the command-line input display.. GUICtrlSetData($edit_in_args, $args) debug("All done creating $args: " & $args, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($inp_outputfile, $caret[0], $caret[1]) endfunc func RFCreateArgs() $altered_resize_first = true AutoCreateArgs() endfunc ; Create Arguments.. ; Create the arguments for the command-line input and MATOF extensions.. ; This wrapper function is called when controls are changed. func AutoCreateArgs() ; outputfile either single complete name or a dir ; if @GUI_CtrlId = $inp_outputfile then $outputfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile) debug("AutoCreateArgs() --> DoArgsCreate()", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug DoArgsCreate() endfunc ; File/Folder dropped onto some input.. ; We only handle single files. ; Dropping multiple items results in the last item being placed. ; ; You can, of course, drop folders in, use wildcards to create batches. ; func GetDroppedItem() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("GetDroppedItem()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $real_file ; Shift Key down.. if _IsPressed(10) then $real_file = @GUI_DRAGFILE else $real_file = LnkToReal(@GUI_DRAGFILE) endif debug("Dropped File ($real_file) set to: " & $real_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if @GUI_DRAGID = -1 then switch @GUI_DROPID case $inp_inputfile, $lab_main_drop, $hGIF if IsAllowedImage($real_file) then $drop_win_image = $real_file if $fluid_image_menu = $OFF and $auto_copy_images = $ON then FileCopy($real_file, $drop_win_image_folder & "\" & BaseName($real_file)) if FileExists($drop_win_image_folder & "\" & BaseName($real_file)) then $drop_win_image = $drop_win_image_folder & "\" & BaseName($real_file) else ConsoleAdd("Error copying image to fixed drop images directory.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif $switching = true Check4GIFmethod() HideDropWindow() ; Not an allowed image.. else ; A folder.. if StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($real_file), "D") then GUICtrlSetData($inp_inputfile, $real_file & "\*") else ; Setting the location of FFmpeg binary.. if BaseName($real_file) = "ffmpeg.exe" then SetFFmpegBinLocation($real_file) GUICtrlSetData($inp_inputfile, StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile), $real_file, "")) return else ; Replace Input.. $outputfile = "" GUICtrlSetData($inp_inputfile, $real_file) endif endif endif UpdateOutputArgs() if $drop_command then DoDropCommand() DoArgsCreate() endif case $inp_outputfile ; Replace data.. $ini_outputfile = $real_file GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $ini_outputfile) DoArgsCreate() case $combo_presets ImportData($real_file) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "import_dir", GetParent($real_file)) case $inp_input_params ; Default behaviour (drop path @ caret) case $edit_console_output ; Ditto endswitch else ; @GUI_DRAGID <> -1 return false endif endfunc ; :look: single files! ; The input has changed - update the output and arguments.. func UpdateOutputArgs() $inputfile = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile)) ; Only update if there was a change.. if $old_inputfile <> $inputfile then $old_inputfile = $inputfile if IsDir($inputfile) then CRT($inputfile) ; If the currently set output dir is valid, leave it there.. local $out_parent = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile)) CRT($out_parent) ; If outputfile is a dir, use that for $out_parent, otherwise its parent dir.. if not IsDir($out_parent) then $out_parent = GetParent(ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile))) ;:look: overwriting user set outputfile debug("UpdateOutputArgs(): outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug if not $ini_outputfile then ; Valid, use it.. if FileExists($out_parent) then GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $out_parent) else ; Blank it - start again! GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, "") endif endif debug("UpdateOutputArgs(): outputfile: " & $outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 3);debug endif debug("DoArgsCreate(UpdateOutputArgs)..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug DoArgsCreate() endfunc ; Use FFmpeg to interrogate the file for cropping values. ; Automatically remove black bars. ; func DoAutoCrop() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("DoAutoCrop()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $shift_down = false if _IsPressed(10) then $shift_down = true local $test_file = ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile)) if not FileExists($test_file) then ConsoleAdd("Unable to detect cropping. File does not exist.") return endif if IsWild($test_file) then ConsoleAdd("Can't get cropping values from multiple files!" & $LOG_LF & _ "If all files have the same cropping, drag in one file and try again." & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF & _ "Afterwards, you can drag in the folder and keep the crop values.") return endif local $auto_crop_frames = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_frames", 24)) local $auto_crop_limit = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_limit", 24)) local $auto_crop_round = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_round", 16)) local $auto_crop_reset = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_reset", 0)) ; If is down, number of frames to test can be set.. ; false = don't save value (right-click the control for that) if $shift_down then $auto_crop_frames = UserEditCropTestFrames($auto_crop_frames, false) if @error then ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & "Frame test number change cancelled." & $LOG_LF & " Using default values..") endif debug("$auto_crop_frames: " & $auto_crop_frames, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$auto_crop_limit: " & $auto_crop_limit, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$auto_crop_round: " & $auto_crop_round, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$auto_crop_reset: " & $auto_crop_reset, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug local $tmpfile = @TempDir & "\ffe_crop_detect.mkv" local $detect_args = " -frames:v " & $auto_crop_frames & _ " -vf cropdetect=" & $auto_crop_limit & ":" & $auto_crop_round & ":" & $auto_crop_reset & " " local $ffmpeg_get_crop = Run($ffmpeg_binary & ' -i "' & $test_file & '" ' & $detect_args & $tmpfile, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED) local $c_out, $v_out ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & _ "Running FFmpeg cropdetect with the following settings:" & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF& _ "Cropdetect frames: " & $auto_crop_frames & $LOG_LF & _ "Black threshold: " & $auto_crop_limit & $LOG_LF & _ "Dimension rounding :" & $auto_crop_round & $LOG_LF & _ "Calculation reset: " & $auto_crop_reset & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF & _ "Please wait a moment.." & $LOG_LF) while true $c_out = StdOutRead($ffmpeg_get_crop) if @error then exitloop if StringInStr($c_out, "crop=") then $v_out &= $c_out Sleep(10) wend debug("cropdetect out: " & $v_out, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug ProcessClose($ffmpeg_get_crop) StdioClose($ffmpeg_get_crop) FileDelete($tmpfile) local $crop_settings $crop_settings = StringMid($v_out, StringInStr($v_out, "crop=", 0, -1)) $crop_settings = StringStripWS($crop_settings, 3) ; Although this value happens to *exactly* match the string we will send to FFmpeg, ; we don't do that. We fill in the inputs and let DoArgsCreate() generate the arguments. local $display_cs = $crop_settings $crop_settings = StringTrimLeft($crop_settings, 5) $crop_settings = StringSplit($crop_settings, ":") if IsArray($crop_settings) and $crop_settings[0] = 4 then GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_width, $crop_settings[1]) GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_height, $crop_settings[2]) GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_x, $crop_settings[3]) GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_y, $crop_settings[4]) ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg cropdetect (" & BaseName($test_file) & "): " & $display_cs) endif endfunc func AddInputOverrideFileArgs() local $current_data = GUICtrlRead($inp_input_params) if $current_data then $current_data &= " " GUICtrlSetData($inp_input_params, $current_data & '-i ""') ControlFocus($ffeGUI, "", $inp_input_params) ControlSend($ffeGUI, "", $inp_input_params, "{RIGHT}") ControlSend($ffeGUI, "", $inp_input_params, "{LEFT}") endfunc func DelInputOverrideFileArgs() GUICtrlSetData($inp_input_params, "") endfunc ; Add resizing parameters.. func AddSizing() local $resize = "" local $matof_tmp_string = "" local $x_size = GUICtrlRead($inp_x_size) local $y_size = GUICtrlRead($inp_y_size) if $x_size and $y_size then $resize = $x_size & "x" & $y_size $matof_tmp_string = "[" & $resize & "]" endif if GUICtrlRead($combo_preset_resizes) then $resize = GUICtrlRead($combo_preset_resizes) $matof_tmp_string = "[size=" & $resize & "]" endif $matof_string &= $matof_tmp_string if $resize then $extra_args &= " -s " & $resize endfunc ; Add cropping parameters.. ; ; New syntax: ; -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" ; func AddCropping() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("AddCropping()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug local $do_tally = 0 if GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_width) then $do_tally += 1 if GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_height) then $do_tally += 1 if GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_x) then $do_tally += 3 if GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_y) then $do_tally += 3 local $my_args switch $do_tally case 2 $my_args = ' -vf "crop=' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_width) & ':' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_height) & '"' case 8 $my_args = ' -vf "crop=' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_width) & ':' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_height) & _ ':' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_x) & ':' & GUICtrlRead($inp_crop_y) & '"' endswitch if $my_args then $extra_args &= $my_args ;2do write a generic function for this.. $matof_string &= "[" & StringStripWS(CleanPath(StringReplace($my_args, '"', ""), "."), 3) & "]" endif debug("$matof_string: " & $matof_string, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug endfunc func CreateCodecContexts() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("$CreateCodecContexts(): $auto_codecs = " & Human($auto_codecs), @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug GUICtrlDelete($ctxt_vcombo) GUICtrlDelete($ctxt_acombo) $ctxt_vcombo = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_v_codec) local $itm_v1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add to Codecs List..", $ctxt_vcombo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuAddToVCodecs") local $itm_v2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove from Codecs List..", $ctxt_vcombo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuRemoveFromVCodecs") $ctxt_acombo = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_a_codec) local $itm_a1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add to Codecs List..", $ctxt_acombo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuAddToACodecs") local $itm_a2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove from Codecs List..", $ctxt_acombo) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuRemoveFromACodecs") if $auto_codecs = $ON then GUICtrlSetState($itm_v1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($itm_v2, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($itm_a1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($itm_a2, $GUI_DISABLE) endif endfunc ; Check for correct extension (by codec).. func GetExtFromCodec($video_codec, $file_name="") debug("GetExtFromCodec() video_codec: " & $video_codec & " file_name: " & $file_name, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug local $this_ext if not StringInStr($extra_args, "-vn") then ; -vn = disable video local $map_set = false switch true case $video_codec = "copy" $this_ext = GetExtension($inputfile) if IsWild($this_ext) then $this_ext = $default_extension debug("COPY >> $this_ext: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $map_set = true case else ; Read video extension mappings from ini file into an array.. local $video_mappings = IniReadSection($ini_path, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS) debug_PrintArray($video_mappings, "$video_mappings:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if IsArray($video_mappings) then for $i = 1 to $video_mappings[0][0] if StringInStr($video_codec, $video_mappings[$i][0]) then $this_ext = $video_mappings[$i][1] $map_set = true exitloop endif next endif endswitch if not $map_set then $this_ext = $default_extension debug("$this_ext: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Video is disabled.. ; Try to guess some likely types.. else local $a_codec_inp = GUICtrlRead($combo_a_codec) if $a_codec_inp = "copy" then ; Already exists in "$known_files" (associative array), use the pre-determined extension.. if AAExists($known_files, $file_name) then $this_ext = AAGetItem($known_files, $file_name) debug("this_ext1: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Unknown file - run probe and find out what audio codec is used.. else $this_ext = ProbeFileForCodec($file_name) debug("this_ext2: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $this_ext = GetExtFromCodecName($this_ext) debug("this_ext3: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Store file = audio-ext key=val pair in AA if $this_ext then AAAdd($known_files, $file_name, $this_ext) endif else $this_ext = GetExtFromCodecName($a_codec_inp) endif endif return $this_ext endfunc ; Use ffprobe to grab the audio codec name.. ; Used when video is disabled and user is copying audio to a pure audio track.. ; func ProbeFileForCodec($file) debug("ProbeFileForCodec: " & $file, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug if not FileExists($file) then return false ; Already probed this file.. ; This should have been checked before calling! if AAExists($known_files, $file) then return AAGetItem($known_files, $file) ; Need an actual file to work on.. if IsWild($file) then return false ; If not already in $known_files Associative Array - run probe and find out what audio codec is used.. local $probe_data, $err GetFFprobeLocation() debug("ffprobe_loc: " & $ffprobe_loc, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if FileExists($ffprobe_loc) then ; select first audio stream.. local $probe_file = Run( $ffprobe_loc & " -v error -select_streams a:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name " & _ ' "'& $file & '"', "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) else return false endif local $console_out while true $err = false $console_out = StdOutRead($probe_file) $err = @error if $console_out then $probe_data &= $console_out if $err then exitloop Sleep(5) wend ProcessClose($probe_file) StdioClose($probe_file) debug("$probe_data: " & $probe_data, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Better than simply checking existence of variable if not StringInStr($probe_data, "codec_name") then return false $probe_data = StringSplit($probe_data, "=") debug_PrintArray($probe_data, "$probe_data:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Could specify StringInStr(,,-3), but best to let StringStripWS() handle /whatever/ ; Line-break comes - I don't know how you built your ffprobe! return StringStripWS(StringMid($probe_data[2], 1, StringInStr($probe_data[2], "[")-1), 3) endfunc ; Convert codec names into usable audio file extensions.. ; func GetExtFromCodecName($codec_name) debug("GetExtFromCodecName() Codec name: " & $codec_name, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $this_ext local $map_set = false local $audio_mappings = IniReadSection($ini_path, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS) debug_PrintArray($audio_mappings, "$audio_mappings:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if IsArray($audio_mappings) then for $i = 1 to $audio_mappings[0][0] if StringInStr($codec_name, $audio_mappings[$i][0]) then $this_ext = $audio_mappings[$i][1] $map_set = true exitloop endif next endif if not $map_set then $this_ext = $default_audio_extension debug("$this_ext: " & $this_ext, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug return $this_ext endfunc ; Hardly worth combining these.. ; func EditFFmpegTask() local $insert = "remains" debug("EditFFmpegTask()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug local $ffmpeg_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_command", "-help") DialogOpen() ; They can enter an empty value, no problem. local $new_ffmpeg_command = CorzFancyInputBox("New FFmpeg Command.. ", _ "Enter a command for the FFmpeg button (you can use @tokens).. ", $ffmpeg_command, "", 350, 95, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) if @error = 0 then $new_ffmpeg_command = ffeTokenizeString($new_ffmpeg_command) if $ffmpeg_command <> $new_ffmpeg_command then ; Not strictly necessary - it's picked-up at run-time.. $ffmpeg_command = $new_ffmpeg_command $insert = "now set to" _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_ffmpeg_task) $tip_ffmpeg_task = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_run_ffmpeg_task, $MSG_LF & _ "Current command: " & $new_ffmpeg_command, "Quick FFmpeg Task") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_command", ffeTokenizeString($new_ffmpeg_command)) endif endif DialogClose() ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg command " & $insert & ": " & $ffmpeg_command, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func EditFFplayTask() local $insert = "remains" debug("EditFFplayTask()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug $ffplay_command = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffplay_command", "-help") DialogOpen() local $new_ffplay_command = CorzFancyInputBox("New FFplay Command.. ", _ "Enter a command for the FFplay button (you can use @tokens).. ", $ffplay_command, "", 350, 95, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) if @error = 0 then $new_ffplay_command = ffeTokenizeString($new_ffplay_command) if $ffplay_command <> $new_ffplay_command then $ffplay_command = $new_ffplay_command ConsoleAdd("FFplay command now set to: " & $ffplay_command, @ScriptLineNumber) $insert = "now set to" _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_ffplay_task) $tip_ffplay_task = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_run_ffplay_task, $MSG_LF & _ "Current command: " & $new_ffplay_command, "Quick FFplay Task") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "ffplay_command", ffeTokenizeString($new_ffplay_command)) endif endif DialogClose() ConsoleAdd("FFplay command " & $insert & ": " & $ffplay_command, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Launch FFmpeg and display the output (used for Quick Task and About FFmpeg).. ; Note $STDERR_MERGED for the ffmpeg task.. ; func DoFFmpegCommand($my_args) debug("DoFFmpegCommand() $my_args = .." & $my_args, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $ffmpeg_info = Run($ffmpeg_binary & " " & $my_args, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED) local $c_out, $v_out while true $c_out = StdOutRead($ffmpeg_info) if @error then exitloop if $c_out then ConsoleAdd($c_out, @ScriptLineNumber) $v_out &= $c_out endif Sleep(10) wend ProcessClose($ffmpeg_info) StdioClose($ffmpeg_info) SetConsoleOutput(StringStripWS($v_out, 3), true) ; and scroll to top endfunc ; Quick Task.. func RunFFmpegQuickTask() GUICtrlSetState($check_run_ffmpeg_task, $GUI_UNCHECKED) $ffmpeg_command = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_command", "-help")) DoFFmpegCommand($ffmpeg_command) endfunc ; Drop command.. ; func PlayIt() RunFFplayQuickTask($inputfile) endfunc func ClickRunFFplayQuickTask() RunFFplayQuickTask() endfunc ; User clicked the ffplay task button.. ; func RunFFplayQuickTask($command="") debug("RunFFplayQuickTask() ", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug GUICtrlSetState($check_run_ffplay_task, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; We expect the ffplay.exe binary to be next to ffmpeg.exe, of course.. local $ffplay_binary = GetParent($ffmpeg_binary) & "\ffplay.exe" if not FileExists($ffplay_binary) then ConsoleAdd("ffplay.exe not found! Please place it next to ffmpeg.exe", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif if $command then $ffplay_command = $command else $ffplay_command = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffplay_command", "-help")) endif ConsoleAdd("Running FFplay task: " & $ffplay_binary & " " & $ffplay_command, @ScriptLineNumber) $show_ffplay_output = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "show_ffplay_output", $OFF) if $show_ffplay_output = $ON then local $ffplay_run = Run($ffplay_binary & " " & $ffplay_command, "", @SW_SHOW, $STDERR_CHILD) local $c_out while true $c_out = StdErrRead($ffplay_run) if @error then exitloop if $c_out then ConsoleAdd($c_out, @ScriptLineNumber) Sleep(10) wend ProcessClose($ffplay_run) StdioClose($ffplay_run) else Run($ffplay_binary & " " & $ffplay_command) endif endfunc ; Suspend/Resume a process. ; NOTE: You *must* do this before sending DebugSetProcessKillOnExit, or else it will have no effect. func ProcessSuspendResume($proc_name, $do_suspend=true) if IsString($proc_name) then $proc_name = ProcessExists($proc_name) if not $proc_name then return SetError(2, 0, 0) if $do_suspend then DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','DebugActiveProcess','int',$proc_name) ; note: opens process with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS else DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','DebugActiveProcessStop','int',$proc_name) endif endfunc func _____________JOB_CONTROLS() endfunc func EditPostJob() if $post_job_commands_file then OpenSomething($post_job_commands_file) LoadPostCommands() endif endfunc func EditPreJob() if $pre_job_commands_file then OpenSomething($pre_job_commands_file) LoadPreCommands() endif endfunc ; Load all post-file settings and the post-file command.. ; ; $get_fresh is set to true during preset load, which is the only time manually ; set controls are replaced. ; ; Inherit these from default preset and current settings.. ; func LoadPostFileSettings($get_fresh=false) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("LoadPostFileSettings((get_fresh:" & $get_fresh & ") current preset: " & Human($current_preset), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $get_fresh then ; We don't want to change this if it's been altered manually.. $post_file_command = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "post_file_command", $post_file_command) $post_file_command = StringReplace($post_file_command, """, '"') $run_post_file_command = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "run_post_file_command", $run_post_file_command, true) endif $post_file_run_style = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "post_file_run_style", $post_file_run_style) $post_file_capture = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "post_file_capture", $post_file_capture) $post_file_show = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "post_file_show", $post_file_show) debug("$run_post_file_command: " & Human($run_post_file_command), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$post_file_command: " & $post_file_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$post_file_run_style: " & $post_file_run_style, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$post_file_capture: " & Human($post_file_capture), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$post_file_show: " & Human($post_file_show), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug return $post_file_command endfunc ; Pre / Post Commands.. ; ; These functions are called whenever there is a change in command file or presets.. ; ; Return true if command file loaded successfully. False if not. ; func LoadPreCommands($get_fresh=false) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("LoadPreCommands(get_fresh:" & $get_fresh & ")...............", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if $get_fresh then $run_pre_job_commands = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "run_pre_job_commands", $run_pre_job_commands) endif debug("$run_pre_job_commands: " & Human($run_pre_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug local $tmp_cf = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "pre_job_commands_file", "---") if not $tmp_cf or $tmp_cf = "---" then $tmp_cf = $pre_job_commands_file $pre_job_commands_file = ffeDeTokenizeString($tmp_cf) debug("$pre_job_commands_file: " & $pre_job_commands_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if LoadCommandsFile($pre_job_commands_file, "pre", "run_pre_job_commands", $check_run_pre_job_commands) then return true endif return false endfunc func LoadPostCommands($get_fresh=false) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("LoadPostCommands(get_fresh:" & $get_fresh & ").................", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if $get_fresh then $run_post_job_commands = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "run_post_job_commands", $run_post_job_commands) endif debug("$run_post_job_commands: " & Human($run_post_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug local $tmp_cf = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "post_job_commands_file", "---") if not $tmp_cf or $tmp_cf = "---" then $tmp_cf = $post_job_commands_file $post_job_commands_file = ffeDeTokenizeString($tmp_cf) debug("$post_job_commands_file: " & $post_job_commands_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if LoadCommandsFile($post_job_commands_file, "post", "run_post_job_commands", $check_run_post_job_commands) then return true endif return false endfunc ; The master pre-job and post-job command file loader. ; ; Reads the ini value for the file's path, sets the checkboxes to the correct values. ; Enables/disables checkboxes. ; ; Returns true if command file exists, false if not. ; func LoadCommandsFile(ByRef $commands_file, $type, $main_switch, $control) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("LoadCommandsFile(" & $commands_file & "," & $type & "," & $main_switch & "," & $control & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $do_this = Eval($main_switch) local $return = false if $commands_file then $commands_file = SetRelPathToDataDir($commands_file) else if $do_this = $ON then ConsoleAdd("No " & $type & "-job commands file specified!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif ; NOTE: @parent\batch.bat (for example) might not yet exist. if FileExists($commands_file) then if $do_this = $ON then ConsoleAdd($type & "-job commands file loaded: " & $commands_file, @ScriptLineNumber) endif $return = true else if $do_this = $ON then ConsoleAdd($type & "-job commands file not found: " & $commands_file, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif $batch_commands_timeout = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "batch_commands_timeout", 0)) debug("$batch_commands_timeout: " & $batch_commands_timeout, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $run_commands_with_shell = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $current_preset, "run_commands_with_shell", $run_commands_with_shell) debug("$run_commands_with_shell: " & Human($run_commands_with_shell), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Update "create" / "edit" tray menu item.. MakeTray() return $return endfunc ; Pre-Job command FILE.. func SpecifyPreJobCMDsFile() CreateJobCommands($pre_job_commands_file, "pre-job") endfunc ; Post-File COMMAND.. func SpecifyPostFileCommand() DialogOpen() local $user_command = CorzFancyInputBox("Post-File Command..", _ "Enter the FULL command. Put quotes around any paths with spaces. " & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: You can drag files into this input. You can also use @tokens.", _ $post_file_command, "", @DesktopWidth/2, 115, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) switch @error case 1 ConsoleAdd("Dialog cancelled. Post-File Command still: '" & $post_file_command & "'.", @ScriptLineNumber) case 2 ConsoleAdd("Dialog time-out. Post-File Command still: '" & $post_file_command & "'.", @ScriptLineNumber) case 0 $post_file_command = $user_command ConsoleAdd("Post-File Command set to '" & $post_file_command & "'", @ScriptLineNumber) endswitch DialogClose() endfunc ; Post-Job command FILE.. func SpecifyPostJobCMDsFile() CreateJobCommands($post_job_commands_file, "post-job") endfunc func CreateJobCommands(ByRef $commands_file, $type, $do_edit=true) local $def_input = "@datadir\" & StringLower($type) & "-commands.bat" if $commands_file then $def_input = ffeTokenizeString($commands_file) DialogOpen() local $user_prc_filename = CorzFancyInputBox( "Specify A " & $type & " Commands File.. ", _ "Please specify the location of the " & $type & " Commands file.. " & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: You can drag files into this input. You can also use @Tokens.", $def_input , "" , @DesktopWidth/2, 115, _ default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $user_prc_filename then local $real_user_prc_filename = ffeDeTokenizeString($user_prc_filename) if $user_prc_filename and StringLeft($real_user_prc_filename, 2) <> '\\' _ and StringMid($real_user_prc_filename, 2, 1) <> ':' then $real_user_prc_filename = $data_dir & "\" & $real_user_prc_filename endif $commands_file = $real_user_prc_filename if FileExists($real_user_prc_filename) then ConsoleAdd("'" & $commands_file & "' already exists!", @ScriptLineNumber) else ConsoleAdd("Creating: """ & $commands_file & '"', @ScriptLineNumber) FileWrite($real_user_prc_filename, ":: ffe " & $type & " commands" & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF) endif switch $type case "Pre-Job" LoadPreCommands() case "Post-Job" LoadPostCommands() endswitch if $do_edit then OpenSomething($commands_file) endif endfunc ; User clicked on a (tri-state) job button.. func ClickSetPreJobState() $run_pre_job_commands = GUICtrlRead($check_run_pre_job_commands) SetPreJobTip() if $run_pre_job_commands = $ON then ConsoleAdd("Pre-job commands: " & Human($run_pre_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber) if not LoadPreCommands() then SpecifyPreJobCMDsFile() endif endif endfunc func SetPreJobTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_pre_job) $tip_pre_job = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_run_pre_job_commands, $tristate_prejob_tip & _ Human($run_pre_job_commands), $tristate_prejob_title) endfunc func ClickSetPostJobState() $run_post_job_commands = GUICtrlRead($check_run_post_job_commands) SetPostJobTip() if $run_post_job_commands = $ON then ConsoleAdd("Post-job commands: " & Human($run_post_job_commands), @ScriptLineNumber) if not LoadPostCommands() then SpecifyPostJobCMDsFile() endif endif endfunc func SetPostJobTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_post_job) $tip_post_job = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_run_post_job_commands, $tristate_postjob_tip & _ Human($run_post_job_commands), $tristate_postjob_title) endfunc func ClickSetPostFileState() $run_post_file_command = GUICtrlRead($check_run_post_file_command) SetPostFileTip() if $run_post_file_command = $ON then ConsoleAdd("post-file command: " & $post_file_command, @ScriptLineNumber) if not LoadPostFileSettings() then SpecifyPostFileCommand() endif endif endfunc func SetPostFileTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_post_file) $tip_post_file = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_run_post_file_command, $tristate_postfile_tip & _ Human($run_post_file_command), $tristate_postfile_title) endfunc func ClickSetOverwrite() $overwrite = GUICtrlRead($check_overwrite) SetOverwriteTip() ConsoleAdd($tristate_overwrite_title & ": " & Human($overwrite), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func SetOverwriteTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_overwrite) $tip_overwrite = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_overwrite, $tristate_overwrite_tip & _ Human($overwrite), $tristate_overwrite_title) endfunc func ClickSetConcatenateFiles() $concatenate = GUICtrlRead($check_concatenate) SetConcatenateFilesTip() ConsoleAdd($tristate_concatenate_title & ": " & Human($concatenate), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func SetConcatenateFilesTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_concatenate) $tip_concatenate = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_concatenate, $tristate_concatenate_tip & _ Human($concatenate), $tristate_concatenate_title) endfunc func ClickSetQuitWhenDone() $quit_when_done = GUICtrlRead($check_quit_when_done) SetQuitWhenDoneTip() ConsoleAdd($tristate_quit_title & ": " & Human($quit_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func SetQuitWhenDoneTip() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_quit) $tip_quit = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_quit_when_done, $tristate_quit_tip & _ Human($quit_when_done), $tristate_quit_title) endfunc func ClickSetShutdownWhenDone() $shutdown_when_done = GUICtrlRead($check_shutdown_when_done) SetShutdownWhenDoneTip() ConsoleAdd($tristate_quit_title & ": " & Human($shutdown_when_done), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func SetShutdownWhenDoneTip() ShutDownOverrideQuit() _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_shutdown) $tip_shutdown = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($check_shutdown_when_done, $tristate_shutdown_tip & _ Human($shutdown_when_done), $tristate_shutdown_title) endfunc ; There are easier ways, but none so much FUN! ; ; Run the Pre-Job or Post-Job commands (.bat) file.. ; func RunCommandsFile(ByRef $commands_file, ByRef $logfile, ByRef $gen_file, $type) debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("RunCommandsFile(" & $commands_file & "," & $logfile & "," & $gen_file & "," & $type & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug ; We check again before running.. if $commands_file and FileExists($commands_file) then local $msg, $run_command, $console_out if $generate_script then ; Simply read the batch file into our new batch file.. $gen_file &= FileRead($commands_file) else ; The AdLib func simply sets $timeout to true if $batch_commands_timeout then AdLibRegister("RunCommandsTimeout", $batch_commands_timeout*1000*60) debug("$batch_commands_timeout: " & $batch_commands_timeout, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $timeout = false local $command_run, $err if $run_commands_with_shell = $ON then if GetExtension($commands_file) <> "bat" then $msg = $type & "-job command processing aborted." & $LOG_LF & _ "Please give your batch script a .bat extension." $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF AdLibUnRegister("RunCommandsTimeout") return false endif ; Run the .bat file directly. ;2do - we could detokenize this before running $msg = $LOG_LF & "Running batch file: """ & $commands_file & """.." $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF $run_command = @ComSpec & " /c " & ' "' & $commands_file & '" ' ; $command_run = Run($run_command, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) $command_run = Run($run_command, "", @SW_HIDE, BitOr($STDERR_CHILD, $STDOUT_CHILD)) $err = false while true $console_out = StdErrRead($command_run) $err = @error $console_out = StringStripWS($console_out, 3) if $console_out then $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF endif if $err or $timeout then exitloop Sleep(25) wend if $timeout then ProcessClose($command_run) StdioClose($command_run) else ; ffe will run the commands one-by-one, replacing @tokens along the way. local $run_commands_list FileReadIntoArray($commands_file, $run_commands_list) ; populates $run_commands_list $msg = $LOG_LF & "Running " & StringLower($type) & "-job commands: " & $commands_file $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF for $i = 1 to $run_commands_list[0] ; Ignore comments and such.. if StringLeft($run_commands_list[$i], 1) = ":" or StringStripWS($run_commands_list[$i], 3) = "" then continueloop $run_command = ffeDeTokenizeString($run_commands_list[$i]) ; $command_run = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $run_command, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) $command_run = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $run_command, "", @SW_HIDE, BitOr($STDERR_CHILD, $STDOUT_CHILD)) $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd("exec: " & $run_command, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF while true $err = false $console_out = StdErrRead($command_run) $err = @error $console_out = StringStripWS($console_out, 3) if $console_out then $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) & $LOG_LF endif if $err or $timeout then exitloop Sleep(25) wend if $timeout then ProcessClose($command_run) StdioClose($command_run) next endif AdLibUnRegister("RunCommandsTimeout") endif else $msg = $type & "-Job Commands File NOT FOUND!" $logfile &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber)) endif return true endfunc ; Post file command. ; We have a few choices about how to run this.. ; ; Return value is fed to DoLog(), so if you "return false", or you get "False" in your log. ; func RunPostFileCommand() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("RunPostFileCommand()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug ; Do not get fresh values from ini - use curent values.. LoadPostFileSettings() debug("RunPostFileCommand() " & Human($run_post_file_command), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $run_post_file_command <> $ON then return "" ; do it like this! local $job_log, $show_flag, $dos_add local $run_command = StringStripWS(ffeDeTokenizeString(String($post_file_command)), 3) if not $run_command then return "" debug("RunPostFileCommand() *** run_command: " & $run_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; Whether or not to show the program we are running.. switch $post_file_show case $OFF $show_flag = @SW_HIDE case else $show_flag = @SW_SHOW endswitch ; And how shall we run the program.. switch $post_file_run_style case "shellexecute", "shell" debug("*** *** *** ShellExecute POST FILE ", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ShellExecute($run_command) case "dos" debug("*** *** *** DOS POST FILE.. ", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $dos_add = @ComSpec & ' /c ' continuecase ; "direct".. case else debug("*** *** *** DIRECT POST FILE ", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $timeout = false if $batch_commands_timeout then AdLibRegister("RunCommandsTimeout", $batch_commands_timeout*1000*60) local $pipe_to = false, $pipe_data = "" ; Recognise user redirection in post-file command.. ; if StringInStr($run_command, ">") and $post_file_run_style <> "dos" then if StringInStr($run_command, ">") then local $run_arr = StringSplit($run_command, ">") if $run_arr[0] = 2 then $run_command = $run_arr[1] $pipe_to = StringStripWS(StringReplace($run_arr[2], '"', ""), 3) $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd("Detected '>' redirection in command. " & _ "Outputting STDIO to file: " & $pipe_to, @ScriptLineNumber)) endif endif local $msg = "Running post-file command: " & $run_command $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($msg & $LOG_LF, @ScriptLineNumber)) local $err, $console_out ; Capture the output and feed to console.. if $post_file_capture = $ON then local $command_run = Run($dos_add & $run_command, "", $show_flag, $STDERR_MERGED) while true $err = false $console_out = StdOutRead($command_run) $err = @error $console_out = StringStripWS($console_out, 3) if $console_out then if $pipe_to then $pipe_data &= $console_out $job_log &= DoLog(ConsoleAdd($console_out, @ScriptLineNumber)) endif if $err or $timeout then exitloop Sleep(25) wend if $timeout then ProcessClose($command_run) StdioClose($command_run) ; Not waiting around. ; Just run the command and move on.. else Run($dos_add & $run_command, "", $show_flag) endif ; Write out any user ">" redirection.. if $pipe_to then FileWrite($pipe_to, $pipe_data) AdLibUnRegister("RunCommandsTimeout") endswitch return $job_log endfunc ; Commands have gone on too long.. ; func RunCommandsTimeout() $timeout = true endfunc func _____________DROP_WINDOW() endfunc ; Show it! ; The Funky Drop Window.. v2 func ShowDropWindow() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("ShowDropWindow()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug $dropwin_visible = true $on_top_counter = TimerInit() ; GDIPLUS.DLL --> Vista/Win 2008 installations (gdiplus.dll location must be specified).. if StringinStr(@OSVersion, "WIN_2008") or StringinStr(@OSVersion, "VISTA") then if not $GDI_dll then ConsoleAdd("Cannot create png drop window.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("Location of gdiplus.dll not specified.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("Vista or windows server 2008 operating system detected.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("Location of the gdiplus.dll must be manually specified.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("ffe is searching for a likely candidate. Please wait...", @ScriptLineNumber) local $find_gdi = RecurseDir(@WindowsDir & "\winsxs", "gdiplus.dll") ; Find the biggest DLL.. local $dsize, $oldbig = 0, $biggest_dll for $i = 1 to $find_gdi[0] $dsize = FileGetSize($find_gdi[$i]) if $dsize > $oldbig then $oldbig = $dsize $biggest_dll = $find_gdi[$i] endif next if _GDIPlus_Startup($biggest_dll) then $GDI_dll = $biggest_dll ConsoleAdd("gdiplus.dll sucessfully located and loaded. saving path to ffe.ini..", @ScriptLineNumber) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "GDI_dll", $GDI_dll) ConsoleAdd("GDI_dll location set to: " & $GDI_dll, @ScriptLineNumber) else ; Nah, this won't happen.. ConsoleAdd("gdiplus.dll was found but could not be loaded.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("please look in %windows%\winsxs for one that works! (use F3!).", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("then set the full location inside ffe.ini and give it a whirl!", @ScriptLineNumber) $do_drop_window = $OFF $dropwin_visible = false return endif _GDIPlus_Shutdown() endif else $GDI_dll = "gdiplus.dll" endif debug("$GDI_dll: " & $GDI_dll, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug("$drop_win_image: " & $drop_win_image, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug if not FileExists($drop_win_image) then ConsoleAdd("ffe could not find specified drop window image: " & $drop_win_image & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) return ResetAndReturn() endif Check4GIFmethod() ; Load user settings.. local $dw_width, $dw_height local $dw_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_x", 1) local $dw_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_y", 1) $drop_win_transparency = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_transparency", 0) GetRealTrans() ; This will load a transparent, animated GIF.. if $gif_method then local $aGIFDimension = _GIF_GetDimension($drop_win_image) $dw_width = $aGIFDimension[0] $dw_height = $aGIFDimension[1] else _GDIPlus_Startup($GDI_dll) ; This will load ANY image type (except animated gif).. ; Using this method would involve a lot of code to load WMF/EMF files.. ;$image_handle = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($drop_win_image) ; But this works fine.. $image_handle = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($drop_win_image) if not $image_handle then ConsoleAdd("Could not load image file: " & $drop_win_image, @ScriptLineNumber) return ResetAndReturn() endif $dw_width = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($image_handle) $dw_height = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($image_handle) endif ; Check we can see this image on-screen, if not, move it.. ; Get far-dimensions of multi-monitor setup.. _GetMonitors() local $far_left = $monitors_list[0][1] local $far_top = $monitors_list[0][2] local $far_right = $monitors_list[0][3] local $far_height = $monitors_list[0][4] if ($dw_x+$dw_width) < $far_left then $dw_x = $far_left if ($dw_x-$dw_width) > $far_right then $dw_x = $far_right-$dw_width if ($dw_y+$dw_height) > $far_height then $dw_y = $far_height-$dw_height if ($dw_y+$dw_height) < $far_top then $dw_y = $far_top ; This is flawed (unless we use ALL monitors dimensions;2do.). ; If monitor 2 is smaller... but hey, it will mostly save yer butt! ; *** NEED pop-up style here or else title bar becomes inactive for CheckMouse(GUIGetCursorInfo()) $GUI_DropWindow = GUICreate("ffe file drop", $dw_width, $dw_height, $dw_x, $dw_y, $WS_POPUP, _ BitOR($WS_EX_LAYERED, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, "GetDroppedItem") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP, "SaveDropWinLocation") HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "PreviousDropImage") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "NextDropImage") local $dummy_drop_windowi = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleDropWindow") $lab_main_drop = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $dw_width, $dw_height, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Drag media files into here to have them inserted into ffe's file input." & $MSG_LF & _ "Right-click the Drop Window for a handy context menu." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Use your Left/Right arrow keys to quickly cycle through all the" & $MSG_LF & _ "images in the current directory (and sub-directories) ." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Drag images into here to use them as your Drop Window.", "The Drop Window") if $gif_method then $hGIF = _GUICtrlCreateGIF($drop_win_image, "", 0, 0, default, default, default, 0x345) _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes($GUI_DropWindow, 0x345, $dropwin_trans_real) GUISetBkColor(0x345) ; some random color else SetTransparentBitmap($GUI_DropWindow, $image_handle, $dropwin_trans_real) endif GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) _WinAPI_SetParent($GUI_DropWindow, 0) ; If it takes longer than one second, post a notice.. AdLibRegister("PostScanningNotice", 1000) CreateDropWinContextMenu() AdLibUnRegister("PostScanningNotice") local $AppHotKeys[1][2] = [["{F9}", $dummy_drop_windowi]] GUISetAccelerators($AppHotKeys) ; Let's go! GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_DropWindow) ; On launch, switch immediately back to main window.. if $minimized = $OFF and not $switching then WinActivate($ffeGUI) ; We only save the new path if it loaded okay.. if $switching then SetNewDropWinImage() $switching = false return true endfunc ; Drop Windows Context menu: current images and controls.. ; func CreateDropWinContextMenu() redim $drop_images[1][3] local $img_dir = GetParent($drop_win_image) if $fluid_image_menu = $OFF then $img_dir = $drop_win_image_folder local $ctxt_the_pic = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Refresh This Menu", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HideDropWindow") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Images Folder..", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenImagesFolder") $ctxt_choose_image_folder = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Pick Images Folder.. (for fixed menu)", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuChooseFixedImgLoc") if $fluid_image_menu = $ON then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) ; Menu of available images.. local $img_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Images..", $ctxt_the_pic) DigToMenu($img_dir, $img_menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) local $ctxt_menu_transparency = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Transparency..", $ctxt_the_pic) for $i = 0 to 100 step 5 GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($i & "%", $ctxt_menu_transparency) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuSwitchTransparency") if $i = $drop_win_transparency then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ON) endif next GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) $ctxt_toggle_fluid_image_menu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Fluid Menu (follows current image)", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleFluidMenu") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $fluid_image_menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) $ctxt_toggle_auto_copy_images = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Copy Dragged Images (to fixed menu)", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleAutoCopy") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $auto_copy_images) if $fluid_image_menu = $ON then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Close Drop Window (F9)", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "CloseDropWindow") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit ffe", $lab_main_drop) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "User_DoQuit") endfunc func ResetAndReturn() ConsoleAdd("Resetting to default image.. [Images\ffe.png]", @ScriptLineNumber) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image", "Images\ffe.png") ConsoleAdd("drop_win_image reset to: " & "Images\ffe.png", @ScriptLineNumber) $dropwin_visible = false _GDIPlus_Shutdown() GetDropWinImage() return false endfunc #cs GDI Error Codes.. $GDIP_ERROK = 0 Method call was successful $GDIP_ERRGENERICERROR = 1 Generic method call error $GDIP_ERRINVALIDPARAMETER = 2 One of the arguments passed to the method was not valid $GDIP_ERROUTOFMEMORY = 3 The operating system is out of memory $GDIP_ERROBJECTBUSY = 4 One of the arguments in the call is already in use $GDIP_ERRINSUFFICIENTBUFFER = 5 A buffer is not large enough $GDIP_ERRNOTIMPLEMENTED = 6 The method is not implemented $GDIP_ERRWIN32ERROR = 7 The method generated a Microsoft Win32 error $GDIP_ERRWRONGSTATE = 8 The object is in an invalid state to satisfy the API call $GDIP_ERRABORTED = 9 The method was aborted $GDIP_ERRFILENOTFOUND = 10 The specified image file or metafile cannot be found $GDIP_ERRVALUEOVERFLOW = 11 The method produced a numeric overflow $GDIP_ERRACCESSDENIED = 12 A write operation is not allowed on the specified file $GDIP_ERRUNKNOWNIMAGEFORMAT = 13 The specified image file format is not known $GDIP_ERRFONTFAMILYNOTFOUND = 14 The specified font family cannot be found $GDIP_ERRFONTSTYLENOTFOUND = 15 The specified style is not available for the specified font $GDIP_ERRNOTTRUETYPEFONT = 16 The font retrieved is not a TrueType font $GDIP_ERRUNSUPPORTEDGDIVERSION = 17 The installed GDI+ version is incompatible $GDIP_ERRGDIPLUSNOTINITIALIZED = 18 The GDI+ API is not in an initialized state $GDIP_ERRPROPERTYNOTFOUND = 19 The specified property does not exist in the image $GDIP_ERRPROPERTYNOTSUPPORTED = 20 The specified property is not supported ; Of course comments don't get compiled in! #ce ; Hide it! func HideDropWindow() ; Not required, but good practice.. if not $dropwin_visible then return if $gif_method then _GIF_DeleteGIF($hGIF) else _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($image_handle) endif _GDIPlus_Shutdown() SaveDropWinLocation() HotKeySet("{LEFT}") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}") GUIDelete($GUI_DropWindow) $dropwin_visible = false $on_top_counter = 0 ; When switching images, $do_drop_window is still true, ; so idle loop catches this and re-opens the Drop Window. ; We don't have to. return endfunc func SaveDropWinLocation() local $dw_coords = WinGetPos($GUI_DropWindow) if IsArray($dw_coords) then ; Prevent saving "center" default setting when user puts window at -1 px.. if $dw_coords[0] = -1 then $dw_coords[0] = 0 if $dw_coords[1] = -1 then $dw_coords[1] = 0 IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_x", $dw_coords[0]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_y", $dw_coords[1]) endif endfunc ; Create transparent image GUI.. ; func SetTransparentBitmap($hGUI, $image_handle, $iOpacity) local $hScrDC, $hMemDC, $hBitmap, $hOld, $pSize, $tSize, $pSource, $tSource, $pBlend, $tBlend $hScrDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(0) $hMemDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hScrDC) $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($image_handle) $hOld = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hBitmap) $tSize = DllStructCreate($tagSIZE) $pSize = DllStructGetPtr($tSize) DllStructSetData($tSize, "X", _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($image_handle)) DllStructSetData($tSize, "Y", _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($image_handle)) $tSource = DllStructCreate($tagPOINT) $pSource = DllStructGetPtr($tSource) $tBlend = DllStructCreate($tagBLENDFUNCTION) $pBlend = DllStructGetPtr($tBlend) DllStructSetData($tBlend, "Alpha", $iOpacity) DllStructSetData($tBlend, "Format", $AC_SRC_ALPHA) _WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow($hGUI, $hScrDC, 0, $pSize, $hMemDC, $pSource, 0, $pBlend, $ULW_ALPHA) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hScrDC) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hOld) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hMemDC) endfunc ; Toggled from a menu or accelerator.. func MenuToggleDropWindow() if $do_drop_window = $ON then CloseDropWindow() else TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_drop_window, $ON) GUICtrlSetState($check_do_drop_window, $ON) $do_drop_window = $ON IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_drop_window", $do_drop_window) endif endfunc ; Closed from drop window context menu.. func CloseDropWindow() GUICtrlSetState($check_do_drop_window, $OFF) ClickToggleDropWindow() endfunc ; User Toggles Drop Window (or closed directly, see above).. func ClickToggleDropWindow() $do_drop_window = GUICtrlRead($check_do_drop_window) TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_drop_window, $do_drop_window) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_drop_window", $do_drop_window) if $do_drop_window = $OFF then HideDropWindow() endfunc ; Read ini setting and create valid image path for DropWindow, defaulting to built-in image on failure.. func GetDropWinImage() $drop_win_image = SetRelPathToDataDir(ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image", ""))) if not $drop_win_image or not FileExists($drop_win_image) then $drop_win_image = SetRelPathToDataDir("Images\ffe.png") endif if not FileExists(GetParent($drop_win_image)) then DirCreate(GetParent($drop_win_image)) FileInstall(".\Resources\ffe.png", $drop_win_image, 1) endif debug("GetDropWinImage() $drop_win_image: " & $drop_win_image, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug Check4GIFmethod() endfunc func GetDropWinImageFolder() $drop_win_image_folder = _ SetRelPathToDataDir(ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image_folder", "Images"))) if not $drop_win_image_folder or not FileExists($drop_win_image_folder) then $drop_win_image_folder = SetRelPathToDataDir("Images") if not FileExists($drop_win_image_folder) then DirCreate($drop_win_image_folder) debug("GetDropWinImageFolder() $drop_win_image_folder: " & $drop_win_image_folder, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug endfunc func MenuResetDropWindow() if $dropwin_visible then HideDropWindow() IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image", "Images\ffe.png") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image_folder", "Images") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_x", 0) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_window_y", 0) GetDropWinImage() GetDropWinImageFolder() endfunc ; Recursive search function to dig-and-add-items-to-context-menu-as-it-goes.. ; Damn! I love recursive functions! func DigToMenu($root_dir, $menu_id=false) if not FileExists($root_dir) then return local $item_text, $item_id, $full_item local $dir_list = ReadDir($root_dir, "", "*.*") if IsArray($dir_list) then for $i = 1 to $dir_list[0] $item_text = BaseName($dir_list[$i]) $full_item = $root_dir & "\" & $dir_list[$i] if IsDir($full_item) then local $submenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($item_text, $menu_id) DigToMenu($full_item, $submenu) elseif IsAllowedImage($item_text) then ; Slight indentation for files cuz you ain't gettin' sortin! $item_id = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(" " & $item_text, $menu_id) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuSwitchImage") local $new_index = AddImageToMenuList($drop_images, $item_id, $item_text, $full_item) if $full_item = $drop_win_image then $img_index = $new_index GUICtrlSetState($item_id, $ON) endif endif next endif endfunc ; Usefully returns the index of the newly created row.. func AddImageToMenuList(ByRef $array, $id, $text, $fullpath) if not IsArray($array) then global $array[1][3] else redim $array[UBound($array)+1][3] ; Redim = SLOW! endif local $idx = UBound($array)-1 $array[$idx][0] = $id $array[$idx][1] = $text $array[$idx][2] = $fullpath return $idx endfunc ; User switched transparency from the drop window context menu.. ; func MenuSwitchTransparency() local $drop_win_transparency = GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId, 1) CRT($drop_win_transparency, "%") ConsoleAdd("Switching Transparency To " & $drop_win_transparency & "%", @ScriptLineNumber);debug IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_transparency", $drop_win_transparency) GetRealTrans() HideDropWindow() endfunc ; User chose a new image from the context menu.. ; func MenuSwitchImage() if not @GUI_CtrlId then return false SwitchDropImage() endfunc ; We are scanning a LARGE directory.. ; func PostScanningNotice() AdLibUnRegister("PostScanningNotice") ConsoleAdd("Scanning for images. Please wait a moment..", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Choose a new image (hotkeys or menu).. ; func SwitchDropImage($updown=false) GUICtrlSetState($drop_images[$img_index][0], $OFF) HideDropWindow() $switching = true local $i if $updown <> false then $i = $img_index + $updown ; wrap around.. if $i = 0 then $i = Ubound($drop_images)-1 if $i = Ubound($drop_images) then $i = 1 else if not @GUI_CtrlId then return false for $i = 1 to Ubound($drop_images)-1 if @GUI_CtrlId = $drop_images[$i][0] then exitloop next endif $img_index = $i GUICtrlSetState($drop_images[$img_index][0], $ON) $drop_win_image = $drop_images[$i][2] Check4GIFmethod() endfunc ; Also used when dropping images into drop-window.. ; func SetNewDropWinImage() local $write_img_path = $drop_win_image if StringInStr($drop_win_image, $data_dir & "\") then $write_img_path = StringReplace($drop_win_image, $data_dir & "\", "") endif $write_img_path = ffeTokenizeString($write_img_path) if $write_img_path then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image", $write_img_path) ConsoleAdd("drop_win_image set to: " & $write_img_path, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc ; We run this after loading an image (sometimes more than once!) ; func Check4GIFmethod() $gif_method = false if $enable_animated_gif and GetExtension($drop_win_image) = "gif" then $gif_method = true endfunc ; We prepare the string on ini-load, by adding a "," to both ends. ; Then we can check for ",ps," without matching it in, for example, "eps". ; It's quicker than creating an array, especially when used inside recursive ; functions, which it is. func IsAllowedImage($image_file) if StringInStr($allowed_image_types, "," & GetExtension($image_file) & ",") then return true return false endfunc ; On-top status on windows in Windows can "drift". This ensures it stays on top.. func SetDropWinOnTop() WinSetOnTop($GUI_DropWindow, "", $WINDOWS_ONTOP) endfunc func MenuChooseFixedImgLoc() local $choose_root = "::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}" ; "My Documents" if $drop_win_image_folder then $choose_root = $drop_win_image_folder DialogOpen() local $user_choose_folder = FileSelectFolder("Select a new image folder (for the FIXED menu)", _ $choose_root, 7, $choose_root, $ffeGUI) local $err = @error DialogClose() if not $user_choose_folder then if $err then ConsoleAdd("Select image folder aborted: user cancelled.", @ScriptLineNumber) else ConsoleAdd("Select image folder aborted: invalid selection.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif return endif if FileExists($user_choose_folder) then $drop_win_image_folder = $user_choose_folder IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_win_image_folder", $drop_win_image_folder) ConsoleAdd("Fixed menu image folder set to: " & $drop_win_image_folder, @ScriptLineNumber) GetDropWinImageFolder() HideDropWindow() endif endfunc ; $switching, in case they are going nuts on the keys. ; Sending a second SwitchDropImage() before the first is complete could be problematic. func PreviousDropImage() if $switching then return if WinActive($GUI_DropWindow) then SwitchDropImage(-1) else HotKeySet("{LEFT}") Send("{LEFT}") HotKeySet("{LEFT}","PreviousDropImage") endif endfunc func NextDropImage() if $switching then return if WinActive($GUI_DropWindow) then SwitchDropImage(1) else HotKeySet("{RIGHT}") Send("{RIGHT}") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}","NextDropImage") endif endfunc ; Converts user 0-100 into real 0-255, also sets "half transparency" for mouse hover ; (normally 50%, but if user transparency is too close to 50%, we make it 100%), ; unless the user has explicitly set the mouseover transparency level. ; func GetRealTrans() $dropwin_trans_real = 255 * (100 - $drop_win_transparency) / 100 if $drop_win_hover_transparency >= 0 and $drop_win_hover_transparency <= 100 then $half_trans = 255 * (100 - $drop_win_hover_transparency) / 100 else $half_trans = 127 if $drop_win_transparency >= 45 and $drop_win_transparency <= 55 then $half_trans = 255 endif endif endfunc ; Those Lovely Custom Buttons.. func ____________________BUTTONS() endfunc ; Load custom buttons data from ini.. ; func LoadCustomButtonData() $custom_buttons_array = IniReadSection($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS) if IsArray($custom_buttons_array) then if $custom_buttons_array[0][0] > 500 then $custom_buttons_array[0][0] = 500 global $custom_buttons[$custom_buttons_array[0][0]+1] global $custom_buttons_rename_menu[$custom_buttons_array[0][0]+1] global $custom_buttons_delete_menu[$custom_buttons_array[0][0]+1] global $custom_buttons_notes[$custom_buttons_array[0][0]+1] for $i = 1 to $custom_buttons_array[0][0] if StringInStr($custom_buttons_array[$i][1], $button_delim) then local $command_array = StringSplit($custom_buttons_array[$i][1], $button_delim, 1) debug_PrintArray($command_array, "Custom Buttons $command_array:", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $command_array[0] = 2 then $custom_buttons_array[$i][1] = $command_array[1] $custom_buttons_notes[$i] = $command_array[2] endif endif next endif endfunc ; We don't check for enable_custom_buttons in these functions. We may be ; awaiting restart, and these shouldn't be fired if enable_custom_buttons is ; properly set to false (after a restart). ; Create a grid of buttons from an array (probably created by IniReadSection()) ; Supply the button array and the x/y coordinates (top-left origin of grid).. ; func CreateButtonGrid() debug("", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug debug("CreateButtonGrid()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug if not IsArray($custom_buttons_array) then return false debug_PrintArray($custom_buttons_array, "$custom_buttons_array:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $i = 1, $row_num, $bmenu local $rows = int((110-$buttons_y_shunt) / ($custom_buttons_height+$button_spacing)) - 1 ; -1 cuz we start at 0 for rows for $j = 0 to $rows if $custom_buttons_columns = "auto" then $row_num = Round((($width - 125) - $grid_x)/$custom_buttons_width)-1 else $row_num = $custom_buttons_columns-1 endif ; x/y start at 0, buttons start at 1 ($i) ; No limit here - how wide is your screen? for $k = 0 to $row_num local $cbutt_left = $grid_x + $buttons_x_shunt + (($custom_buttons_width+$button_spacing-1)*$k) local $cbutt_top = $grid_y + $buttons_y_shunt + (($custom_buttons_height+$button_spacing)*$j) local $custom_notes = "" $custom_buttons[$i] = GUICtrlCreateButton($custom_buttons_array[$i][0], $cbutt_left, $cbutt_top, _ $custom_buttons_width-2, $custom_buttons_height, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetonEvent(-1, "ClickCustomButton") if $custom_buttons_notes[$i] then $custom_notes = $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & '[' & _ StringReplace($custom_buttons_notes[$i], '\n', $MSG_LF & " ") & ']' GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $MSG_LF & $custom_buttons_array[$i][1] & $custom_notes, " " & $custom_buttons_array[$i][0] & ":") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $custom_buttons_font_size) $bmenu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($custom_buttons[$i]) $custom_buttons_rename_menu[$i] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Rename: """ & $custom_buttons_array[$i][0] & '"', $bmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "RenameButton") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $bmenu) $custom_buttons_delete_menu[$i] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Delete: """ & $custom_buttons_array[$i][0] & '"', $bmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DeleteButton") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $bmenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Import Buttons", $bmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ImportButtons") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Export Buttons", $bmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuExportButtons") if $i = $custom_buttons_array[0][0] then exitloop 2 $i += 1 next next endfunc ; Re-Build the Custom Button Grid to show new/updated buttons and columns.. func ReCreateButtonGrid() ; No button array exists, return immediately.. if not IsArray($custom_buttons_array) then return false ; Wipe existing buttons first.. for $i = 1 to $custom_buttons_array[0][0] GUICtrlDelete($custom_buttons[$i]) next if $custom_buttons_columns then LoadCustomButtonData() CreateButtonGrid() endif endfunc func ClickCustomButton() DoCustomButtonAction() endfunc ; Click once to add the code, a second time to remove.. ; ; Shift+Click (10) to rename/edit/add buttons.. ; Ctrl+Click (11) to add params to input override. ; func DoCustomButtonAction($edit_only=false, $clicked=@GUI_CtrlId) local $do_edit, $do_input_args if _IsPressed(10) or $edit_only then $do_edit = true if _IsPressed(11) then $do_input_args = true local $clicked_butt = InArray($custom_buttons, $clicked) ; returns index of match if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $custom_buttons_array[0][0] then ConsoleAdd("Custom button error!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif local $this_command = $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][1] if $do_edit then DialogOpen() local $edit_butt_name = CorzFancyInputBox("Custom Button Name.. ", _ "Specify a name for the custom button.. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Enter a new name to create a new button.", $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] , _ "" , 350 , 117, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if not $edit_butt_name then return DialogOpen() local $edit_butt_args = CorzFancyInputBox("Arguments.. ", "Enter the arguments for the " & '"' & _ StringReplace($edit_butt_name, "&", "") & "" & " custom button.. ", $this_command , "" , _ 480, 100, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if not $edit_butt_args then return DialogOpen() local $edit_butt_notes = _ CorzFancyInputBox("notes.. ", "Optionally, enter any explanatory notes for .. " & '"' & _ StringReplace($edit_butt_name, "&", "") & '"..', $custom_buttons_notes[$clicked_butt] , "" , _ @DesktopWidth/2, 100, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) if @error = 1 then if $custom_buttons_notes[$clicked_butt] then $edit_butt_notes = $custom_buttons_notes[$clicked_butt] ; They can cancel this dialog, old notes will be saved. endif DialogClose() local $insert = "Updated custom button: " if $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] <> $edit_butt_name then $insert = "Created NEW Button: " ; I usually avoid ternary operators, because they look like this.. ; (the expression) ? <-- question mark there colon there! -> : ; Ouch! ConsoleAdd( ($edit_butt_notes) ? _ $insert & $edit_butt_name & $LOG_LF & "arguments: " & $edit_butt_args & $LOG_LF & "notes/tips: " & $edit_butt_notes : _ $insert & $edit_butt_name & $LOG_LF & "arguments: " & $edit_butt_args, @ScriptLineNumber) ; If we switched the order of things here, we wouldn't need this. I'll leave it "as an exercise". if $edit_butt_notes then $edit_butt_notes = $button_delim & $edit_butt_notes IniWrite($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS, $edit_butt_name, $edit_butt_args & $edit_butt_notes) $this_command = $edit_butt_args ReCreateButtonGrid() if $edit_only then return endif local $my_control = $inp_extra_args if $do_input_args then $my_control = $inp_input_params ; Existing extra arguments.. local $current_params = GUICtrlRead($my_control) debug("$current_params: " & $current_params, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$this_command: " & $this_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $this_command = StringStripWS($this_command, 3) if $custom_buttons_notes[$clicked_butt] and $button_notes_to_console = $ON then ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & "BUTTON: " & $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] & ": " & $custom_buttons_notes[$clicked_butt]) endif AddRemoveParam($current_params, $this_command, $my_control) endfunc ; Rename Custom Button.. ; func RenameButton() local $custom_buttons_array = IniReadSection($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS) local $clicked_butt = InArray($custom_buttons_rename_menu, @GUI_CtrlId) ; Returns index of match (button 1 - 15, or whatever) if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $custom_buttons_array[0][0] then ConsoleAdd("Custom button out of bounds!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif DialogOpen() local $edit_butt_name = CorzFancyInputBox("Custom Button Name.. ", "Specify a new name for this custom button.. ", _ $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] , "" , 300, 94) DialogClose() ; Case-Sensitive Match - User can change case of button ok.. if not $edit_butt_name or $edit_butt_name == $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] then return ; We are about to change this.. local $old_name = $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] for $i = 1 to $custom_buttons_array[0][0] if $custom_buttons_array[$i][0] == $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] then $custom_buttons_array[$i][0] = $edit_butt_name exitloop endif next if IniWriteSection($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS, $custom_buttons_array) then ConsoleAdd("Custom button """ & $old_name & """ renamed to """ & $edit_butt_name & '"', @ScriptLineNumber) ReCreateButtonGrid() return true endif ConsoleAdd("Error renaming button """ & $old_name & """ to """ & $edit_butt_name & '"', @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Remove a Custom Button.. ; func DeleteButton() local $clicked_butt = InArray($custom_buttons_delete_menu, @GUI_CtrlId) if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $custom_buttons_array[0][0] then ConsoleAdd("Custom button out of bounds!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif local $seen_delete_warning = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "warning_seen_butt_delete", $OFF) if $seen_delete_warning = $OFF then DialogOpen() MsgBox($MB_OK, "This is your only warning!", _ "ffe isn't some namby-pamby, hold-your-hand baby-app." & $MSG_LF & _ "It's a program designed for working." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "When you choose to delete a custom button, it will be deleted." & $MSG_LF & _ "Gone. Vanished. No auto-backup. No second chance." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "It's about to happen now, even if you cancel this dialog.", 60, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "warning_seen_butt_delete", $ON) ConsoleAdd("User warned about permanent button deletion: Check!", @ScriptLineNumber) endif if IniDelete($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS, $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0]) then ConsoleAdd("Deleted button: """ & $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] & '".', @ScriptLineNumber) ReCreateButtonGrid() else ConsoleAdd("Error deleting custom button: """ & $custom_buttons_array[$clicked_butt][0] & '".', @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc func SetPresetDefExtension() ChooseDefaultExtension(true) endfunc func SetDefExtension() ChooseDefaultExtension() endfunc ; Change the default extension.. ; func ChooseDefaultExtension($preset_level=false) local $insert, $d_add local $section = $my_name if $preset_level then if not $current_preset then return ConsoleAdd("No preset currently selected!", @ScriptLineNumber) endif if $current_preset = $my_name then return ConsoleAdd("No preset currently selected! To set the global default extension, use {F2}", @ScriptLineNumber) endif $section = $current_preset $insert &= "(for " & $current_preset & ") " $d_add = " (for " & $current_preset & ") " endif local $current_extension = IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "default_extension", $default_extension) debug("Current default_extension for this preset: " & $default_extension, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug DialogOpen() local $edit_default_extension = CorzFancyInputBox("Enter the default extension" & $d_add & ".. ", _ "You can use any extension you want. No need for the dot (.) here. " & $MSG_LF & _ "NOTE: Under most circumstances you DO NOT need to alter this. " & $MSG_LF & _ "File extension mapping is handled internally by ffe. Be Careful!", $default_extension , _ "" , 440, 128, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() CLT($edit_default_extension, ".") ; Need *something*! .. if not $edit_default_extension then return if $edit_default_extension == $current_extension then $insert &= "remains" else $insert &= "set to" $default_extension = $edit_default_extension IniWrite($ini_path, $section, "default_extension", $default_extension) endif ConsoleAdd("Default extension " & $insert & ": " & $default_extension, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func AddNotesToPreset() if not $current_preset or $current_preset = $EXIT_PRESET then return ConsoleAdd("No user preset currently selected!", @ScriptLineNumber) endif DialogOpen() local $previous_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $previous_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) local $new_notes = false local $size_array local $min_w = 300 local $min_h = 100 local $notes_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_x", -1) local $notes_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_y", -1) local $notes_w = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_w", 320) local $notes_h = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_h", 150) if $notes_w < $min_w then $notes_w = $min_w if $notes_h < $min_h then $notes_h = $min_h local $old_notes = $preset_notes local $notes_styles = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_POPUP) local $input_styles = BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_MULTILINE, $ES_WANTRETURN) local $input_exstyles = BitOr($WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) local $e_type = "Edit" if not $old_notes then $e_type = "Add" global $notesGUI = GUICreate($e_type & " notes for " & $current_preset & "..", $notes_w, $notes_h, $notes_x, $notes_y, $notes_styles) global $notes_input = GUICtrlCreateInput($old_notes, 10, 10, $notes_w-20, $notes_h-45, $input_styles, $input_exstyles) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1 , "These notes will be spat out into your ffe console on preset load" & $MSG_LF & _ "and are a handy place to keep information you might need when" & $MSG_LF & _ "working with this preset.", "Add some notes for this preset.. ") local $butt_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 10, $notes_h-30, 75, 22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) local $butt_ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", $notes_w-60, $notes_h-30, 50, 22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $notesGUI) HotKeySet("{tab}", "DoTabChar") local $msg while true $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED $size_array = WinGetPos($notesGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then continueloop local $my_width = $size_array[2] if $size_array[2] < $min_w then WinMove($notesGUI, "", default, default, $min_w, $notes_h) $my_width = $min_w endif if $size_array[3] <> $notes_h then WinMove($notesGUI, "", default, default, $my_width, default) local $my_height = $size_array[3] if $size_array[3] < $min_h then WinMove($notesGUI, "", default, default, default, $min_h) $my_height = $min_h endif if $size_array[3] <> $notes_h then WinMove($notesGUI, "", default, default, default, $my_height) case $butt_ok $new_notes = GUICtrlRead($notes_input) exitloop case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $butt_cancel exitloop endswitch wend if $msg = $butt_ok then $size_array = WinGetPos($notesGUI) if IsArray($size_array) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_x", $size_array[0]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_y", $size_array[1]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_w", $size_array[2]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "notes_h", $size_array[3]) endif endif AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $previous_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $previous_coord_mode) GUIDelete($notesGUI) if $msg = $butt_ok then ; Set the global variable.. debug("$new_notes: " & $new_notes, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $preset_notes = $new_notes ; Removing notes.. if $preset_notes = "" then IniDelete($ini_path, $current_preset, "notes") ConsoleAdd("Notes removed from " & $current_preset, @ScriptLineNumber) else ; Adding / Editing notes.. ConvertNewlines($preset_notes, true) debug("$preset_notes: " & $preset_notes, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug IniWrite($ini_path, $current_preset, "notes", $preset_notes) GetPresetNotes() ConsoleAdd("Preset notes for " & $current_preset & ":" & $LOG_LF & $preset_notes, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif HotKeySet("{tab}") DialogClose() endfunc func DoTabChar() if WinActive($notesGUI) then _GUICtrlEdit_ReplaceSel ($notes_input, chr(9), true) else HotKeySet("{tab}") Send("{tab}") HotKeySet("{tab}", "DoTabChar") endif endfunc ; Add or remove parameters to input/output parameters.. ; Used by Custom Buttons and Short Test button. ; func AddRemoveParam($my_current_params, $my_command, $control) ; If parameters aren't already there, add them.. if not StringInStr($my_current_params, $my_command) then ; Remove all leading and trailing spaces.. $my_current_params = StringStripWS($my_current_params, 3) ; If (and only if) there are current parameters, pad with one single leading space.. if $my_current_params then $my_current_params = PadLeft($my_current_params) ; Finally, add our new command to the existing parameters.. GUICtrlSetData($control, $my_current_params & PadLeft($my_command)) ; Otherwise, remove them.. else ; Remove all leading and trailing spaces from current parameters.. $my_current_params = StringStripWS($my_current_params, 3) ; Remove the supplied command and strip leading/trailing spaces from result.. local $new_params = StringStripWS(StringReplace($my_current_params, $my_command, ""), 3) ; We might have removed from the middle of the arguments, so replace ; that double-space then pad the whole lot with a single leading space.. $new_params = PadLeft(StringReplace($new_params, " ", " ")) GUICtrlSetData($control, $new_params) endif endfunc func _______________MISC_BUTTON() endfunc ; Clear all the paramater dials and switches back to their defaults.. ; Ctrl+Click to also wipe file input/output file paths.. ; Shift+Click to ONLY clear the input+output file paths. func ClickResetEverything() if _IsPressed(10) or _IsPressed(11) then $inputfile = "" $outputfile = "" GUICtrlSetData($inp_inputfile, $inputfile) GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $outputfile) endif if _IsPressed(10) then return WipeSettings() DoArgsCreate() ResetAlteredControls() ConsoleAdd("Dials and Switches to Zero!", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func WipeSettings() debug("WipeSettings(!): ", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug GUICtrlSetData($inp_input_params, "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, $video_codecs) GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_bitrate, $video_bitrates) GUICtrlSetData($combo_frames_per_second, $frames_per_second) GUICtrlSetData($inp_x_size, "") GUICtrlSetData($inp_y_size, "") GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_x, "") GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_height, "") GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_y, "") GUICtrlSetData($inp_crop_width, "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $audio_codecs) GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_bitrate, $audio_bitrates) GUICtrlSetData($combo_target_type, $target_types) GUICtrlSetData($combo_preset_resizes, $preset_resizes) GUICtrlSetData($inp_extra_args, "") ; GUICtrlSetSTATE .. GUICtrlSetState($check_resize_first, $OFF) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_pre_job_commands, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_post_file_command, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_run_post_job_commands, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_overwrite, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_concatenate, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $UNSET) GUICtrlSetState($check_shutdown_when_done, $UNSET) endfunc func ResetAlteredControls() $altered_resize_first = false $altered_do_matof = false $altered_do_output = false endfunc func AddShortTestParam() if _IsPressed(10) then UserEditShortTestParams() AddRemoveParam(GUICtrlRead($inp_extra_args), "-frames:v " & $short_test_frames, $inp_extra_args) endfunc func UserEditShortTestParams() DialogOpen() local $user_frames = CorzFancyInputBox("Short Test Frames.. ", _ "Specify a number of frames for the short test button.. ", $short_test_frames , "" , _ 370, 100, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $user_frames then $user_frames = Number($user_frames) if $user_frames < 1 or $user_frames > 10000 then $user_frames = 300 if $short_test_frames <> $user_frames then ConsoleAdd("short_test_frames set to: " & $user_frames, @ScriptLineNumber) $short_test_frames = $user_frames IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "short_test_frames", $short_test_frames) _GUIToolTip_Destroy($tip_short_test) $tip_short_test = GUICtrlSetTipOptional($butt_quicktest , _ "Adds parameters to process only the first " & $short_test_frames & " frames of video. " & $MSG_LF & _ "You can edit this number (right-click the button). ", "Add Quick Test Parameters") else ConsoleAdd("short_test_frames still " & $short_test_frames, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif endfunc ; User altering the cropdetect frames.. func UserEditCropTestFrames($in_crop_frames=default, $save_as_default=false) if $in_crop_frames = default then $in_crop_frames = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_frames", 24)) endif local $error = 0 local $dialog_title = "For THIS Test.." if $save_as_default then $dialog_title = "Set New Default Number.." DialogOpen() local $new_auto_crop_frames = CorzFancyInputBox($dialog_title, _ "Enter the number of frames to interrogate.. ", $in_crop_frames, "", 350, 95, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI) if @error = 0 then if $in_crop_frames <> $new_auto_crop_frames then $in_crop_frames = $new_auto_crop_frames if $save_as_default then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_crop_frames", $in_crop_frames) ConsoleAdd($LOG_LF & "AutoCrop default test frames set to: " & $in_crop_frames, true) endif endif else $error = 1 endif DialogClose() return SetError($error, $in_crop_frames) endfunc func ShowOutputButts() GUICtrlSetState($butt_copy2clip, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($butt_clearout, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($butt_find, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_find, $GUI_SHOW) endfunc func HideOutputButts() GUICtrlSetState($butt_copy2clip, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_clearout, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_find, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_find, $GUI_DISABLE) endfunc ; Controls we disable/show during an FFmpeg job.. ; func DisableRunningControls() GUICtrlSetState($butt_doit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inp_inputfile, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_quicktest, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_mediareport, $GUI_DISABLE) ; GUICtrlSetState($butt_reset, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Nah, they might want to reset before they begin changing settings and ; queing up buttons for the next test, while ffmpeg runs.. (yes you can!) if IsArray($help_texts) then for $i = 1 to $help_texts[0] GUICtrlSetState($help_butts[$i], $GUI_DISABLE) next endif GUICtrlSetState($inp_outputfile, $GUI_DISABLE) TrayItemSetState($tray_about_ffmpeg, $TRAY_DISABLE) endfunc ; Re-enable/hide controls after FFmpeg job.. ; func EnableRunningControls() if not $ffmpeg_binary then return GUICtrlSetState($butt_doit, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inp_inputfile, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_quicktest, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($butt_mediareport, $GUI_ENABLE) if IsArray($help_texts) then for $i = 1 to $help_texts[0] GUICtrlSetState($help_butts[$i], $GUI_ENABLE) next endif if $do_output = $ON then GUICtrlSetState($inp_outputfile, $GUI_ENABLE) $generate_script = false TrayItemSetState($tray_about_ffmpeg, $TRAY_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_ENABLE) endfunc func ReturnNow($msg="Error", $retval=-1) ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber) SetHotKeys() $do_drop_window = $drop_win_state ShowOutputButts() EnableRunningControls() SetWinTitleText() return $retval endfunc ; xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx ; xxxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xxx ; xxxxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxx ; xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx ; xxx ; xxx ; xxx ; xxx func _________________________HELP() endfunc ; Custom help.. ; func LoadHelpTexts() local $default_help = "Main|help.txt|-h,Filters|help-filters.txt|-filters,Encoders|help-encoders.txt|-encoders,Full|help-full.txt|-h full,ffprobe|ffprobe-help.txt|@appdir\ffprobe.exe -h,ffplay|ffplay-help.txt|@appdir\ffplay.exe -h" $help_texts = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "help_texts", $default_help) $help_texts = StringReplace($help_texts, ",,", ",") ; in case of erm, user error if StringInStr($help_texts, "|") then $help_texts = StringSplit($help_texts, ",") global $help_butts[$help_texts[0]+1] = [$help_texts[0]] else $help_texts = "" endif endfunc ; Draw the user's help buttons.. ; func CreateHelpButtons() debug("CreateHelpButtons().. ", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug if not IsArray($help_texts) then return false debug_PrintArray($help_texts, "$help_texts:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; A wee array of button IDs for easy editing/removal of buttons.. global $help_butts_remove[$help_texts[0]+1] = [$help_texts[0]] global $help_butts_editme[$help_texts[0]+1] = [$help_texts[0]] ; We draw the buttons from right-to-left, so reverse the array first.. _ArrayReverse($help_texts, 1) ; Run through the help buttons array.. ; for $h = 1 to $help_texts[0] debug("$help_texts[$h]: " & $help_texts[$h] & ":" & $h, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $help_data = StringSplit($help_texts[$h], "|") if $help_data[0] <> 3 then continueloop debug_PrintArray($help_data, "$help_data:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $border = 13 local $help_x = $h*20 $help_butts[$h] = GUICtrlCreateButton("?", $width-$help_x-$border, $buttons_xy, 18, 18, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "Click this button to view the " & _ $help_data[1] & " help file in the console output window (below). " & $MSG_LF & _ "Shift-click to instead open the help file in your default ." & _ GetExtension($help_data[2]) & " file viewer ", $help_data[1] & " (Command: " & $help_data[3] & ")") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOr($GUI_DOCKRIGHT, $GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HelpMeNow") ; Context Menu for help buttons.. local $menu_help_buttons = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($help_butts[$h]) ; Edit a button.. $help_butts_editme[$h] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Edit this button", $menu_help_buttons) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "EditHelpButton") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $menu_help_buttons) ; Remove a button.. $help_butts_remove[$h] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove this button", $menu_help_buttons) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "RemoveHelpButton") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $menu_help_buttons) ; Add a button.. GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add a button", $menu_help_buttons) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AddHelpButton") next endfunc ; Add a help button.. Top-Notch Idea! ; func AddHelpButton() ; This should never happen.. if not IsArray($help_texts) then return false local $new_help = EnterHelpButtonDetails("CUSTOM", "custom." & $report_extension, "-help topic", default, default, 0, 6, 6, 11) if not $new_help then return false _ArrayReverse($help_texts, 1) $help_texts = ArrayJoin($help_texts, ",") $help_texts &= "," & $new_help IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "help_texts", $help_texts) ConsoleAdd("Adding button: " & StringLeft($new_help, StringInStr($new_help, "|")-1), @ScriptLineNumber) ReCreateGUIHelpButtons() endfunc func EditHelpButton() ; This should never happen. if not IsArray($help_butts_editme) then return false ; Again, this should never happen.. if not IsArray($help_texts) then return false local $clicked_butt = InArray($help_butts_editme, @GUI_CtrlId) if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $help_butts_editme[0] then ConsoleAdd("Help button out of bounds!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif local $edit_me = $help_texts[$clicked_butt] local $help_data = StringSplit($edit_me, "|") if $help_data[0] <> 3 then return ; So we can select only the basename (minus extension) part, for the user to start typing away.. local $filename_len = StringLen(CleanName($help_data[2])) local $new_details = EnterHelpButtonDetails($help_data[1], $help_data[2], $help_data[3], default, default, 0, $filename_len) if not $new_details then return false _ArrayReverse($help_texts, 1) $help_texts = ArrayJoin($help_texts, ",") $help_texts = StringReplace($help_texts, $edit_me, $new_details) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "help_texts", $help_texts) ConsoleAdd("Edited help button: " & $new_details, @ScriptLineNumber) ReCreateGUIHelpButtons() endfunc ; Three dialogs to return the help button title, file name and command ; already concatenated into the final string.. ; ; You can set the text selection start and end points for the three dialogs; ; 0 being the far left side, and -1 being the right. For example, to set the ; selection to the extension part of "file.txt", use 5, -1. By default, the ; entire input text is selected (0,-1). ; func EnterHelpButtonDetails($title, $filename, $command, $sel1=0, $sel2=-1, $sel3=0, $sel4=-1, $sel5=0, $sel6=-1) debug("EnterHelpButtonDetails(title: " & $title & ", filename: " & $filename & ", command: " & $command & ", sel1: " & $sel1 & ", sel2: " & $sel2 & ", sel3: " & $sel3 & ", sel4: " & $sel4 & ", sel5: " & $sel5 & ", sel6: " & $sel6 & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug ; Text selection defaults.. if $sel1 = default then $sel1 = 0 if $sel2 = default then $sel2 = -1 if $sel3 = default then $sel3 = 0 if $sel4 = default then $sel4 = -1 if $sel5 = default then $sel5 = 0 if $sel6 = default then $sel6 = -1 DialogOpen() local $butt_title = CorzFancyInputBox("Help Button Title.. ", _ "Specify a title for the help button.. ", $title, "", 350 , 90, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI, _ default, default, default, $sel1, $sel2) DialogClose() if not $butt_title then return false DialogOpen() local $butt_filename = CorzFancyInputBox("Help File Name.. ", _ "Specify a file name for this (saved) help.. ", $filename, "", 350 , 90, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI, _ default, default, default, $sel3, $sel4) DialogClose() if not $butt_filename then return false DialogOpen() local $butt_command = CorzFancyInputBox("FFmpeg Command.. ", _ "Specify the FFmpeg command used to output this help file. ", $command, "", 350 , 90, default, default, 0, $ffeGUI, _ default, default, default, $sel5, $sel6) DialogClose() if not $butt_command then return false return $butt_title & "|" & $butt_filename & "|" & $butt_command endfunc ; Remove a help button.. Why Oh Why! ; func RemoveHelpButton() debug("RemoveHelpButton()", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; This should never happen.. if not IsArray($help_butts_remove) then return false debug_PrintArray($help_butts_remove, "$help_butts_remove:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $clicked_butt = InArray($help_butts_remove, @GUI_CtrlId) if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $help_butts_remove[0] then ConsoleAdd("Help button out of bounds!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif local $removed = $help_texts[$clicked_butt] _ArrayReverse($help_texts, 1) $help_texts = ArrayJoin($help_texts, ",") $help_texts = StringReplace($help_texts, $removed, "") $help_texts = StringReplace($help_texts, ",,", ",") CBT($help_texts, ",") debug("$help_texts: " & $help_texts, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "help_texts", $help_texts) ConsoleAdd("Removed help button: " & StringLeft($removed, StringInStr($removed, "|")-1), @ScriptLineNumber) ReCreateGUIHelpButtons() endfunc func ReCreateGUIHelpButtons() for $i = 1 to Ubound($help_butts)-1 GUICtrlDelete($help_butts[$i]) next GUICtrlSetData($lab_help_info, "") LoadHelpTexts() CreateHelpButtons() endfunc func HelpMeNow() debug("HelpMeNow()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $this_helpfile, $this_command, $console_out local $clicked_butt = InArray($help_butts, @GUI_CtrlId) if $clicked_butt < 1 or $clicked_butt > $help_texts[0] then ConsoleAdd("ILLEGAL BUTTON ERROR!", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif ; SHIFT+Click to open in viewer/editor.. (grab NOW!) local $shift_open = false if _IsPressed(10) then $shift_open = true local $my_help_entry = StringSplit($help_texts[$clicked_butt], "|") if $my_help_entry[0] <> 3 then ConsoleAdd("Error: Invalid help button text.", @ScriptLineNumber) return endif $this_helpfile = $my_help_entry[2] $this_command = ffeDeTokenizeString($my_help_entry[3]) debug("$this_command: " & $this_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $err, $full_log = "" local $help_dir = $data_dir & "\Help\" if $portable then $help_dir = @ScriptDir & "\Help\" if not FileExists($help_dir) then DirCreate($help_dir) local $nfo_loc = $help_dir & $this_helpfile debug("$nfo_loc: " & $nfo_loc, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Always grab fresh each run, but grab only once (FFmpeg binary assumed not to be updated in this time). if not StringInStr($got_helps, $this_helpfile & $this_command) or not FileExists($nfo_loc) then debug("Creating FRESH help file: " & $nfo_loc, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Fall-back to ffmpeg help output.. if not StringInStr($this_command, ":\") then $this_command = $ffmpeg_binary & " " & $this_command endif debug("$this_command: " & $this_command, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ; Run FFmpeg with help flags (capture stdout only - not merged, which would mess up the help).. local $gethelp = Run($this_command, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) debug("$gethelp: " & $gethelp, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug while true $err = false $console_out = StdOutRead($gethelp) $err = @error if $console_out then $full_log &= $console_out if $err then exitloop Sleep(25) wend ; Just in case.. StdioClose($gethelp) ; Write out help text to a file.. if FileExists($nfo_loc) then FileDelete($nfo_loc) local $help_file_open = FileOpen($nfo_loc, $FO_OVERWRITE+ $FO_CREATEPATH+$FO_UTF8_NOBOM) FileWrite($help_file_open, $full_log) FileClose($help_file_open) ; Add this help file to "already seen" list if not StringInStr($got_helps, $this_helpfile & $this_command) then $got_helps &= $this_helpfile & $this_command & "|" else ; Read existing help file.. $full_log = FileRead($nfo_loc) endif if $shift_open then ShellExecute($nfo_loc) else SetConsoleOutput($full_log, true) endif endfunc ; AppMenu.. ; ; I LOVE this thing! ; Get to it like this (any method works).. ; ; Alt+Space ; Click App Icon (top-left of window) ; Right-Click app's title bar ; func __________APP_MENU_FUNCS() endfunc ; An app menu item was clicked.. func CheckAppMenu($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam local $nID = BitAnd($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) switch $nID case $arTransItems[0] to $arTransItems[9] SetTransparency($nID) case $arCPUItems[0] to $arCPUItems[5] SetffmpegCPUPriority($nID) case $ReportTypesMenuItems[0] to $ReportTypesMenuItems[6] SetFFprobeFormat($nID) case $am_post_file_capture MenuTogglePostFileCapture() case $am_post_file_show MenuTogglePostFileShow() case $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[0] to $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[2] SetPostFileRunStyle($nID) case $am_save_reports MenuToggleSaveReports() case $am_use_mediainfo MenuSetUseMediaInfo() case $DropCommandMenuItems[0] to $DropCommandMenuItems[3] SetDropCommand($nID) case $am_launch_with_drop_command SetLaunchDropCommand() case $am_about DoAboutBox() case $am_about_ffmpeg DoAboutFFmpeg() case $am_retain_exit_settings MenuRetainExitSettings() case $am_auto_codecs MenuToggleAutoCodecs() case $am_allow_multiple MenuToggleAllowMultiple() case $am_pause_is_global TogglePauseIsGlobal() case $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit ToggleKillffmpegOnExit() case $am_start_minimized MenuToggleStartMin() case $am_always_warn_on_delete SetWarnOnDelete() case $am_delete_to_recycle_bin SetDeleteToRecycleBin() case $am_default_extension SetDefExtension() case $am_show_ffplay_output ToggleShowFFplayOut() case $am_do_countdown_timer ToggleDoCountdown() case $am_always_on_top MenuToggleOnTop() case $am_console_wordwrap MenuToggleWrapConsole() case $am_allow_output_tooltip MenuToggleConsoleTips() case $am_log_each_job MenuToggleLogEachJob() case $am_log_append ToggleLogAppend() case $am_job_log_append ToggleJobLogAppend() case $am_do_tooltips MenuToggleToolTipHelp() case $am_time_in_title MenuToggleTimeInTitle() case $am_sort_presets_list MenuToggleSortPresets() case $am_image_buttons MenuToggleImgButts() ; We keep these down here in case they get set off when adjusting visual prefs. That's right! :/ case $CustomButtonMenuItems[0] to $CustomButtonMenuItems[501] SetCustomButtonColumns($nID) case $am_button_notes_to_console MenuToggleNotesInConsole() case $am_enable_custom_buttons MenuToggleCustomButtons() if $enable_custom_buttons = $OFF then ConsoleAdd("Custom button disabled. Restart required.", @ScriptLineNumber) else ConsoleAdd("Custom button enabled.", @ScriptLineNumber) LoadCustomButtonData() ReCreateButtonGrid() endif endswitch endfunc ; Generic AppMenu toggling function (for booleans). ; This makes it trivial to add new menu items. func ToggleAppMenuItem(ByRef $setting, $menu_item, $ini_name, $report=true, $restart=false, $orig_setting=-1, $menu_text="") local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) if $setting = $OFF then $setting = $ON CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $menu_item, $MF_CHECKED) if $report then ConsoleAdd($ini_name & ": enabled", @ScriptLineNumber) else $setting = $OFF CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $menu_item, $MF_UNCHECKED) if $report then ConsoleAdd($ini_name & ": disabled", @ScriptLineNumber) endif local $pend_add = ")" if $restart and $menu_text then if $setting <> $orig_setting then $pend_add = " Pending)" _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemText($app_menu, $menu_item, $menu_text & $pend_add, false) endif IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_name, $setting) return $pend_add endfunc func MenuToggleSortPresets() local $pend_add = ")" $pend_add = ToggleAppMenuItem($sort_presets_list, $am_sort_presets_list, "sort_presets_list", _ false, true, $sort_presets_list_orig, $sort_presets_list_texts) GUICtrlSetState($ctxt_combo_sort, $sort_presets_list) GUICtrlSetData($ctxt_combo_sort, $sort_presets_list_texts & $pend_add) ConsoleAdd("Preset List Sorting: " & Human($sort_presets_list) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; global AppMenu items.. func MenuToggleLogEachJob() ToggleAppMenuItem($log_each_job, $am_log_each_job, "log_each_job", false) ConsoleAdd("Preset list sorting: " & Human($sort_presets_list) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func ToggleLogAppend() ToggleAppMenuItem($log_append, $am_log_append, "log_append") endfunc func ToggleJobLogAppend() ToggleAppMenuItem($job_log_append, $am_job_log_append, "job_log_append") endfunc func MenuRetainExitSettings() ToggleAppMenuItem($retain_exit_settings, $am_retain_exit_settings, "retain_exit_settings") if $retain_exit_settings = $ON and not $loaded_exit_settings and PresetExists($EXIT_PRESET) then local $ldset = MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "Load Previous Exit Settings?", "Do you wish to load the saved exit settings?") if $ldset = $IDOK then debug("Loading preset : " & $EXIT_PRESET, @ScriptLineNumber, 4);debug $preset_loaded = LoadPreset($EXIT_PRESET) endif endif endfunc func MenuToggleAutoCodecs() ToggleAppMenuItem($auto_codecs, $am_auto_codecs, "auto_codecs") UpdateCodecCombos() endfunc func UpdateCodecCombos() local $current_vcodec = GUICtrlread($combo_v_codec) local $current_acodec = GUICtrlread($combo_a_codec) GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, "") GetUserCodecs() GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, $video_codecs) GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $audio_codecs) GUICtrlSetData($combo_v_codec, $current_vcodec) GUICtrlSetData($combo_a_codec, $current_acodec) CreateCodecContexts() endfunc func SetLaunchDropCommand() ToggleAppMenuItem($launch_with_drop_command, $am_launch_with_drop_command, "launch_with_drop_command") endfunc func MenuToggleImgButts() ToggleAppMenuItem($image_buttons, $am_image_buttons, "image_buttons", false, true, $image_buttons_orig, $image_buttons_text) ConsoleAdd("Images On (some) Buttons: " & Human($image_buttons) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func MenuToggleToolTipHelp() ToggleAppMenuItem($do_tooltips, $am_do_tooltips, "do_tooltips", false, true, $do_tooltips_orig, $do_tooltips_text) ConsoleAdd("Help(ful) ToolTips: " & Human($do_tooltips) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func MenuToggleConsoleTips() ToggleAppMenuItem($allow_console_tooltip, $am_allow_output_tooltip, "allow_console_tooltip", false, true, $allow_console_tooltip_orig, $allow_console_tooltip_text) ConsoleAdd("Console ToolTips: " & Human($allow_console_tooltip) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func MenuToggleWrapConsole() ToggleAppMenuItem($console_wordwrap, $am_console_wordwrap, "console_wordwrap", false, true, $console_wordwrap_orig, $console_wordwrap_text) ConsoleAdd("Console Wordwrap: " & Human($console_wordwrap) & " (restart to see changes)", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func MenuToggleCustomButtons() ToggleAppMenuItem($enable_custom_buttons, $am_enable_custom_buttons, "enable_custom_buttons") endfunc func MenuToggleOnTop() ToggleAppMenuItem($always_on_top, $am_always_on_top, "on_top") SetOnTop() endfunc func SetOnTop() if $always_on_top = $ON then WinSetOnTop($ffeGUI, "", 1) else WinSetOnTop($ffeGUI, "", 0) endif endfunc func MenuToggleTimeInTitle() ToggleAppMenuItem($time_in_title, $am_time_in_title, "time_in_title") if $time_in_title = $OFF then SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string) endfunc func MenuToggleAllowMultiple() ToggleAppMenuItem($allow_multiple, $am_allow_multiple, "allow_multiple") endfunc func ToggleDoCountdown() ToggleAppMenuItem($do_countdown_timer, $am_do_countdown_timer, "do_countdown_timer") endfunc func ToggleKillffmpegOnExit() ToggleAppMenuItem($kill_ffmpeg_on_exit, $am_kill_ffmpeg_on_exit, "kill_ffmpeg_on_exit") endfunc func TogglePauseIsGlobal() ToggleAppMenuItem($pause_is_global, $am_pause_is_global, "pause_is_global") endfunc func SetWarnOnDelete() ToggleAppMenuItem($always_warn_on_delete, $am_always_warn_on_delete, "always_warn_on_delete") endfunc func SetDeleteToRecycleBin() ToggleAppMenuItem($delete_to_recycle_bin, $am_delete_to_recycle_bin, "delete_to_recycle_bin") if $delete_to_recycle_bin = $OFF then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "warning_seen_output_delete", $OFF) ConsoleAdd("Re-enabled one-time warning about permanent deletion. ", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc func MenuToggleStartMin() ToggleAppMenuItem($start_minimized, $am_start_minimized, "start_minimized") endfunc func ToggleShowFFplayOut() ToggleAppMenuItem($show_ffplay_output, $am_show_ffplay_output, "show_ffplay_output") endfunc func MenuTogglePostFileCapture() ToggleAppMenuItem($post_file_capture, $am_post_file_capture, "post_file_capture") endfunc func MenuTogglePostFileShow() ToggleAppMenuItem($post_file_show, $am_post_file_show, "post_file_show") endfunc func MenuToggleNotesInConsole() ToggleAppMenuItem($button_notes_to_console, $am_button_notes_to_console, "button_notes_to_console") endfunc func MenuToggleSaveReports() ToggleAppMenuItem($save_reports, $am_save_reports, "save_reports") endfunc func MenuSetUseMediaInfo() TogglePref($use_mediainfo) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "use_mediainfo", $use_mediainfo) ConsoleAdd("MediaInfo reporting set to: " & Human($use_mediainfo), @ScriptLineNumber) SetUseMediaInfo() endfunc func SetUseMediaInfo() local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) if not FileExists($mediainfo_location) then ConsoleAdd("MediaInfo.exe not found! Locating..", @ScriptLineNumber) LocateMediaInfo() if not FileExists($mediainfo_location) then AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $am_use_mediainfo, $OFF) $use_mediainfo = $OFF IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "use_mediainfo", $use_mediainfo) endif endif if $use_mediainfo = $ON then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_use_mediainfo, $ON) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nRTChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) $store_probe_type = $nRTChecked $nRTChecked = "" else CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_use_mediainfo, $OFF) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $store_probe_type, $ON) ConsoleAdd("ffprobe reporting enabled.", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("ffprobe format: " & $report_format, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc ; Non-Toggling AppMenu commands.. func SetPostFileRunStyle($nID) debug("SetPostFileRunStyle(nID:" & $nID & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 0 to 2 if $PostFileRunStylesMenuItems[$i] = $nID then exitloop next $post_file_run_style = $PostFileRunStyles[$i] if $pfsChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $pfsChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "post_file_run_style", $post_file_run_style) $pfsChecked = $nID ConsoleAdd("Post-File Run Style set to: " & $post_file_run_style, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Set the window transparency.. func SetTransparency($nID) ; Although you can access menu vars directly in many cases, it's smart to ; set a convention for these calls and always use $app_menu. local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 0 to 9 if $arTransItems[$i] = $nID then exitloop next $user_trans = 10 * $i local $trans_level = 255 * (100 - $user_trans) / 100 WinSetTrans($ffeGUI, "", $trans_level) if $nTPChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nTPChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "transparency", $user_trans) $nTPChecked = $nID ConsoleAdd("Transparency set to: " & $user_trans & "%", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Set FFmpeg process priority.. func SetffmpegCPUPriority($nID) local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 0 to 5 if $arCPUItems[$i] = $nID then exitloop next $cpu_priority = $i ProcessSetPriority($ffmpeg, $cpu_priority) ; only works if running if $nCPUChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nCPUChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "cpu_priority", $cpu_priority) $nCPUChecked = $nID ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg process priority: " & $cpu_priority & " (" & $arCPU[$i] & ")", @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Set the type of reporting ffprobe does.. func SetFFprobeFormat($nID) local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 0 to 6 if $ReportTypesMenuItems[$i] = $nID then exitloop next ; We access the original report types array by index (and access the menu by idx), ; so we can style the actual menu however we want. $report_format = $ReportTypes[$i] if $nRTChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nRTChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) if $store_probe_type <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $store_probe_type, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $am_use_mediainfo, $MF_UNCHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "report_format", $report_format) $use_mediainfo = $OFF IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "use_mediainfo", $use_mediainfo) if not $nRTChecked then ConsoleAdd("ffprobe reporting: enabled", @ScriptLineNumber) $nRTChecked = $nID ConsoleAdd("ffprobe format: " & $report_format, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Set the current drag-and-drop command.. func SetDropCommand($nID) local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 0 to 3 ; $DropCommandMenuItems[$i] = 142, or whatever.. if $nID = $DropCommandMenuItems[$i] then exitloop next $drop_command = $DropCommands[$i] if $nDCChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nDCChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "drop_command", $drop_command) $nDCChecked = $nID ConsoleAdd("Drag-and-drop command set to: " & $drop_command, @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Set the number of custom button columns (from app menu - updates live).. ; func SetCustomButtonColumns($nID) local $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) for $i = 1 to 500 if $CustomButtonMenuItems[$i] = $nID then exitloop next ; if $i = 26 then $i = 0 if $i = 501 then $i = "auto" $custom_buttons_columns = $i if $CBMChecked <> $nID then CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $CBMChecked, $MF_UNCHECKED) CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $MF_CHECKED) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "custom_buttons_columns", $custom_buttons_columns) $CBMChecked = $nID ReCreateButtonGrid() endfunc ; Application menu system functions.. ; func GetSystemMenu($hWnd, $bRevert) local $app_menu = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetSystemMenu", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $bRevert) return $app_menu[0] endfunc func InsertMenu($app_menu, $nPosition, $nFlags, $nIDNewItem, $lpNewItem) local $nResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "InsertMenu", _ "hwnd", $app_menu, _ "int", $nPosition, _ "int", $nFlags, _ "int", $nIDNewItem, _ "str", $lpNewItem) return $nResult[0] endfunc func CreatePopupMenu() local $app_menu = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "CreatePopupMenu") return $app_menu[0] endfunc ; 0xFFFFFFFF means "insert at the end" func CreateSystemMenuItem($sText, $app_menu = -1, $bIsPopup=false, $nPos=0xFFFFFFFF) if $app_menu = -1 then $app_menu = GetSystemMenu($ffeGUI, 0) local $nID = GUICtrlCreateDummy() local $nFlags = 0 if $sText = "" then $nFlags = $MF_SEPARATOR elseif $bIsPopup then $nID = CreatePopupMenu() $nFlags = $MF_POPUP endif $nFlags = BitOr($MF_BYPOSITION, $nFlags) InsertMenu($app_menu, $nPos, $nFlags, $nID, $sText) return $nID endfunc func CheckMenuItem($app_menu, $nID, $nFlags) ; So we can pass values directly from "checkboxe boolean" values.. if $nFlags = $ON then $nFlags = $MF_CHECKED if $nFlags = $OFF then $nFlags = $MF_UNCHECKED DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "CheckMenuItem", _ "hwnd", $app_menu, _ "int", $nID, _ "int", $nFlags) endfunc func AppMenuItemSetState($app_menu, $nID, $state=$ON) if $state = $ON then ; Enabled $state = 0x0 else ; Disabled (greyed) $state = 0x00000002 endif DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "EnableMenuItem", _ "hwnd", $app_menu, _ "int", $nID, _ "int", $state) endfunc func _____________OTHER_TOGGLES() endfunc ; Other global Toggles.. ; Toggle Main Window... func ToggleWindow() if $minimized = $OFF then $minimized = $ON UnSetHotKeys() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $ffeGUI) if $do_drop_window = $ON then GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_DropWindow) else $minimized = $OFF GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ffeGUI) TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_start_minimized, $TRAY_ENABLE) SetHotKeys() endif IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "minimized", $minimized) endfunc func ToggleMaximizeWindow() if $maximized = $ON then GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $ffeGUI) $maximized = $OFF else GUISetState(@SW_MAXIMIZE, $ffeGUI) $maximized = $ON endif IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "maximized", $maximized) ConsoleAdd("maximized: " & Human($maximized), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Replace or add parameters from presets.. func TogglePresetMode() $replace_mode = GUICtrlRead($radio_preset_replace) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "replace_mode", $replace_mode) ConsoleAdd("replace_mode: " & Human($replace_mode), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc func ToggleStorePaths() $store_filepaths = GUICtrlRead($check_store_filepaths) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "store_filepaths", $store_filepaths) ConsoleAdd("store_filepaths: " & Human($store_filepaths), @ScriptLineNumber) endfunc ; Other preset-level toggles.. ; Enable/disable output (for image sequences, etc.).. func ToggleOutput() $altered_do_output = true if $do_output = $ON then $do_output = $OFF GUICtrlSetState($inp_outputfile, $GUI_DISABLE) ConsoleAdd("Output: disabled", @ScriptLineNumber) else $do_output = $ON GUICtrlSetState($inp_outputfile, $GUI_ENABLE) ConsoleAdd("Output: enabled", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc func ClickToggleMatofStatus() $altered_do_matof = true ToggleMatofStatus() endfunc ; Toggle MATOF.. ; This can be set inside DoArgsCreate, hence the loop-preventing flag. go(Simple Test) func ToggleMatofStatus($new_args=true) TogglePref($do_matof) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "do_matof", $do_matof) ConsoleAdd("MATOF Status set to: " & Human($do_matof), @ScriptLineNumber) ; In case called from inside batch (not clicked) GUICtrlSetState($check_do_matof, $do_matof) debug("$ini_outputfile: " & $ini_outputfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $do_matof = $ON then $ini_outputfile = "" if $ini_outputfile then GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $ini_outputfile) else GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, ffeDeTokenizeString(GUICtrlRead($inp_inputfile))) endif if $new_args then DoArgsCreate() endfunc ; Toggling Shutdown on exit greys/ungreys Quit on exit ; func ShutDownOverrideQuit() if $shutdown_when_done = $ON then GuiCtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $ON) GuiCtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $GUI_DISABLE) else GuiCtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $quit_when_done) GuiCtrlSetState($check_quit_when_done, $GUI_ENABLE) endif endfunc func _____________________HOTKEYS() endfunc ; HotKeys. ; ^ = Ctrl ; + = Shift ; Also used, set elsewhere.. ; {SCROLLLOCK} (when FFmpeg is running) ; {PAUSE} (when FFmpeg is running) ; ^q (when FFmpeg is running) ; n (temporarily, when an FFmpeg response is required) ; y (temporarily, when an FFmpeg response is required) func SetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{TAB}", "TabToCreateArgs") endfunc func UnSetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{TAB}") endfunc ; Create the arguments afresh every time you use the key.. func TabToCreateArgs() HotKeySet("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") HotKeySet("{TAB}","TabToCreateArgs") if WinActive($ffeGUI) then DoArgsCreate() endfunc ; Special "Running" HotKeys.. ; In case the user needs to respond to an FFmpeg prompt.. ; These send the keys to StdIn, which FFmpeg intercepts. func HK_FFmpegResponseYes() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then local $ret = StdinWrite($ffmpeg, "y" & $LOG_LF) debug("StdInWrite returned: " & $ret, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string) else HotKeySet("y") Send("y") HotKeySet("y", "HK_FFmpegResponseYes") endif endfunc func HK_FFmpegResponseNo() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then local $ret = StdinWrite($ffmpeg, "n" & $LOG_LF) debug("StdInWrite returned: " & $ret, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string) else HotKeySet("n") Send("n") HotKeySet("n", "HK_FFmpegResponseNo") endif endfunc ; Suspend/Resume console output during a job.. ; func PauseOutPut() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then if $output_paused then $output_paused = false GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_FOCUS) else $output_paused = true GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_DISABLE) endif else HotKeySet("!c") Send("!c") HotKeySet("!c", "PauseOutPut") endif endfunc ; Send an abort command to the running console application (FFmpeg).. func HK_FFmpegAbort() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then debug("sending 'q' to FFmpeg..", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $siw = StdInWrite($ffmpeg, "q") debug("wrote " & $siw & " characters to StdIn.", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug Sleep(250) ProcessClose($ffmpeg) ConsoleAdd("User aborted.", @ScriptLineNumber) DoLog($LOG_LF & "user sent abort command!" & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF) else HotKeySet("^q") Send("^q") HotKeySet("^q", "HK_FFmpegAbort") endif endfunc func HK_RunningAbortBatch() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then $abort_batch = true else HotKeySet("{PAUSE}") Send("{PAUSE}") HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "HK_RunningAbortBatch") endif endfunc func HK_ProcessPauseSuspend() if WinActive($ffeGUI) or $pause_is_global = $ON then if $paused then $paused = false ProcessSuspendResume($ffmpeg, false) SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string) else $paused = true ProcessSuspendResume($ffmpeg) SetWinTitleText($title_msg_string & " (Paused)") endif else HotKeySet("{SCROLLLOCK}") Send("{SCROLLLOCK}") HotKeySet("{SCROLLLOCK}", "HK_ProcessPauseSuspend") endif endfunc ; Ctrl+R during FFmpeg run func HK_ToggleTitleTime() if WinActive($ffeGUI) then MenuToggleTimeInTitle() else HotKeySet("^r") Send("^r") HotKeySet("^r", "HK_ToggleTitleTime") endif endfunc func _________________________FIND() endfunc ; Find.. func HKFindInOutput() FindInOutput(false) endfunc func HKFindReplaceInOutput() FindInOutput(true) endfunc func Butt_FindInOutput() ; Shift Key down (replace).. if _IsPressed(10) then FindInOutput(true) else FindInOutput(false) endif endfunc func FindInOutput($use_replace=false) local $con_txt = GUICtrlRead($edit_console_output) if $con_txt then local $previous_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) if $use_replace then _GUICtrlCustomEdit_Find($edit_console_output, 1) ; test replace else _GUICtrlCustomEdit_Find($edit_console_output) endif AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $previous_event_mode) else SetWinTitleText(" *** The console is empty. Use the force. ***") AdLibRegister("ResetTitle", 3000) endif endfunc func _______________STRING_FUNCS() endfunc ; The usual error checking has been omitted here - let the user func ffeDeTokenizeString($string) if not $string then return $string if not StringInStr($string, "@") then return $string $string = FixPathSlashes($string) ; Dynamic @tokens.. $string = StringReplace($string, "@inputfile", $inputfile) $string = StringReplace($string, "@item", RemoveExtension(BaseName($inputfile))) $string = StringReplace($string, "@ext", GetExtension($inputfile)) $string = StringReplace($string, "@oext", GetExtension($outputfile)) $string = StringReplace($string, "@ofilename", BaseName($outputfile)) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Sec", @Sec) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Min", @Min) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Hour", @Hour) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Mday", @Mday) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Mon", @Mon) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Year", @Year) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Wday", @Wday) $string = StringReplace($string, "@Yday", @Yday) ; Path @tokens.. $string = StringReplace($string, "@mydocuments", @MyDocumentsDir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@desktop", @DesktopDir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@tempdir", @TempDir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@datadir", $data_dir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@outdir", GetParent($outputfile)) $string = StringReplace($string, "@parent", GetParent($inputfile)) $string = StringReplace($string, "@appdir", @ScriptDir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@homedir", @HomeDrive & @HomePath) $string = StringReplace($string, "@programfiles", @ProgramFilesDir) $string = StringReplace($string, "@outputfile", $outputfile) $string = StringReplace($string, "@arguments", $extra_args) $string = StringReplace($string, "@params", $x_param) return $string endfunc func ffeTokenizeString($string) if not $string then return $string $string = FixPathSlashes($string) $string = StringReplace($string, @DesktopDir, "@desktop") $string = StringReplace($string, @MyDocumentsDir, "@mydocuments") $string = StringReplace($string, @TempDir, "@tempdir") if $data_dir <> "" then $string = StringReplace($string, $data_dir, "@datadir") if GetParent($outputfile) <> "" then $string = StringReplace($string, GetParent($outputfile), "@outdir") if GetParent($inputfile) <> "" then $string = StringReplace($string, GetParent($inputfile), "@parent") $string = StringReplace($string, @HomeDrive & @HomePath, "@homedir") $string = StringReplace($string, @ProgramFilesDir, "@programfiles") $string = StringReplace($string, @ScriptDir, "@appdir") return $string endfunc func CtrlASelectAllText() GUICtrlSelectAllText($current_control_focus) endfunc ; Select all the text in a control, usually edit or input controls.. ; Pass the ID of the control.. func GUICtrlSelectAllText($control) DllCall('user32.dll', 'long', 'SendMessage', 'hwnd', GUICtrlGetHandle($control), _ 'uint', $EM_SETSEL, _ 'int', 0, _ 'int', -1) endfunc func ResetTitle() SetWinTitleText() AdLibUnRegister("ResetTitle") endfunc func SetWinTitleText($extra="") WinSetTitle($ffeGUI, "", $my_title & $extra) endfunc func ___________FILES_AND_PATHS() endfunc ; Update the user's existing ini with any new prefs.. ; func UpdateffeIniFile() debug("UpdateIniFile()..", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if FileGetSize($ini_path) < 1 then FileInstall(".\Resources\ffe.ini", $ini_path, 1) return endif local $old_version = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "version", 0) debug("Checking versions: old version: " & $old_version & " my version: " & $my_version, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $vcomp = _VersionCompare($my_version, $old_version) switch $vcomp case 0, -1 ; both equal return false endswitch debug("Updating INI FILE: " & $ini_path & "from: v" & $old_version & " to: v" & $my_version, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $sample_custom_butts, $sample_vmappings, $sample_amappings ; Drop a temporary ini file somewhere.. local $tmp_ini = @TempDir & "\" FileInstall(".\Resources\ffe.ini", $tmp_ini, 1) ; Delete all non-application prefs from the new (temp) ini local $existing_sections = IniReadSectionNames($tmp_ini) for $a = 1 to $existing_sections[0] if $existing_sections[$a] = $NAME_BUTTONS then $sample_custom_butts = IniReadSection($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a]) endif if $existing_sections[$a] = $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS then $sample_vmappings = IniReadSection($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a]) endif if $existing_sections[$a] = $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS then $sample_amappings = IniReadSection($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a]) endif if $existing_sections[$a] <> $my_name then IniDelete($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a]) next ; Grab settings from user's old ini file.. $existing_sections = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) for $a = 1 to $existing_sections[0] local $section = IniReadSection($ini_path, $existing_sections[$a]) if IsArray($section) then for $b = 1 to $section[0][0] ; We manually check for # comments, as AutoIt does not.. if StringLeft($section[$b][0], 1) <> "#" then IniWrite($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a], $section[$b][0], $section[$b][1]) endif next endif next ; New section added - ensure old users get this.. if not InArray($existing_sections, $NAME_BUTTONS) then IniWriteSection($tmp_ini, $NAME_BUTTONS, $sample_custom_butts) endif if not InArray($existing_sections, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS) then IniWriteSection($tmp_ini, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS, $sample_vmappings) endif if not InArray($existing_sections, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS) then IniWriteSection($tmp_ini, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS, $sample_amappings) endif local $backup_dir = GetParent($ini_path) & "\Backup" if not FileExists($backup_dir) then DirCreate($backup_dir) ; Rename their existing ffe.ini to "[@date] ffe.ini" FileMove($ini_path, $backup_dir & "\[" & FileDateStamp() & "][v " & $old_version & "] ffe.ini") ; Move the newly created ini into place, and delete temp file.. FileMove($tmp_ini, $ini_path, 1) ; Finally, update the version info in the ini file.. IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "version", $my_version) endfunc ; Remove all comments from the user's ini file. This will take the standard ffe ; ini from around 41KB to around 7KB. If your ini file grows to more than 60KB ; in size, this happens automatically, to prevent losing actual data. ; ; "The maximum supported size of an INI file is 64KB. ; The maximum size of an individual INI section is 32KB" ; ; If this becomes an issue for anyone; let me know. ; I'll write my own ini functions. ; func CleanIniComments() if $clean_comments = $ON then debug("Removing comments from: " & $ini_path, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $file_array if FileReadIntoArray($ini_path, $file_array) then local $new_array[1] = [0] for $i = 1 to $file_array[0] local $line = StringStripWS($file_array[$i], 3) if StringLeft($line, 1) <> ";" then if $line then ArrayAdd($new_array, $line) endif next local $file_handle = Fileopen($ini_path, $FO_UTF8_NOBOM+$FO_OVERWRITE) if $file_handle <> -1 then _FileWriteFromArray($file_handle, $new_array, 1) FileClose($file_handle) endif endif endif endfunc ; ffprobe/MediaInfo media reporting.. func GenerateReport() debug("GenerateReport()", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug ; SHIFT+Click to open in viewer/editor (grab this modifier NOW).. local $shift_open = false if _IsPressed(10) then $shift_open = true if IsWild($inputfile) then ConsoleAdd("Cannot report on directories or multiple files!", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif if not GetReportingValues() then return false if $save_reports = $ON then if not FileExists($report_directory) then $report_directory = GetParent($inputfile) local $report_loc = $report_directory & "\" & Basename(RemoveExtension($inputfile)) & "." & $report_extension debug("$report_loc: " & $report_loc, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug endif local $report_str, $err, $probe_file, $sw = "" if $use_mediainfo = $ON and FileExists($mediainfo_location) then ConsoleAdd("Running MediaInfo Command-Line: " & $mediainfo_location & $sw & ' "' & $inputfile & '".', @ScriptLineNumber) if $mediainfo_switches then $sw = ' ' & $mediainfo_switches & " " $probe_file = Run('"' & $mediainfo_location & '"' & $sw & ' "' & $inputfile & '"', "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED) else ; Run ffprobe (capturing stdout).. ConsoleAdd("Running ffprobe Command-Line: " & $ffprobe_loc & _ " -v error -show_format -show_streams -print_format " & $report_format & $sw & ' "'& $inputfile & '".', @ScriptLineNumber) if $report_switches then $sw = " " & $report_switches & " " $probe_file = Run($ffprobe_loc & " -v error -show_format -show_streams -print_format " _ & $report_format & $sw & ' "'& $inputfile & '"', "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED) endif debug("$probe_file: " & $probe_file, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug $err = false while true local $console_out = StdOutRead($probe_file) $err = @error if $console_out then $report_str &= $console_out if $err then exitloop Sleep(25) wend ProcessClose($probe_file) StdioClose($probe_file) if $un_escape_output = $ON then $report_str = StringReplace($report_str, "\\", "\") $report_str = StringReplace($report_str, "\:", ":") endif if $save_reports = $ON then if FileExists($report_loc) then FileDelete($report_loc) debug("Media Report Location: " & $report_loc, @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $report_file_open = FileOpen($report_loc, $FO_OVERWRITE+ $FO_CREATEPATH+$FO_UTF8_NOBOM) FileWrite($report_file_open, $report_str) FileClose($report_file_open) endif debug($LOG_LF & "Report String: " & $LOG_LF & $report_str, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug local $report_to_console = true ; Shift key held down - open in viewer.. if $shift_open then if $save_reports = $ON then debug("ShellExecute(" & $report_loc & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug ShellExecute($report_loc) $report_to_console = false else $report_str = "No report saved (disabled). Switching to console output.." & $LOG_LF & $LOG_LF & $report_str endif endif if $report_to_console = true then SetConsoleOutput($report_str, true) endif endfunc ; Grab this fresh for every report.. func GetReportingValues() debug("GetReportingValues()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug $save_reports = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "save_reports", $ON) $report_format = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "report_format", "ini") $report_directory = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "report_directory", "@parent")) $report_extension = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "report_extension", "ini") $report_switches = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "report_switches", "") $un_escape_output = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "un_escape_output", $ON) debug("$save_reports: " & Human($save_reports), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$report_format: " & $report_format, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$report_directory: " & $report_directory, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$report_extension: " & $report_extension, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$report_switches: " & $report_switches, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$un_escape_output: " & Human($un_escape_output), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug $use_mediainfo = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "use_mediainfo", $OFF) $mediainfo_location = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "mediainfo_location", "") $mediainfo_switches = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "mediainfo_switches", "") local $mediainfo_extension = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "mediainfo_extension", "nfo") debug("$use_mediainfo: " & Human($use_mediainfo), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$mediainfo_location: " & $mediainfo_location, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$mediainfo_switches: " & $mediainfo_switches, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$mediainfo_extension: " & $mediainfo_extension, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if $use_mediainfo = $ON then $report_extension = $mediainfo_extension if not FileExists($mediainfo_location) then ConsoleAdd("MediaInfo.exe not found.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif else if $report_extension = "auto" then switch $report_format case "compact" $report_extension = "txt" case else $report_extension = "nfo" endswitch endif GetFFprobeLocation() endif return true endfunc ; Right-Click on input file label.. ; func PlayInputFile() switch $play_command case "shellex" ; ShellExecute($inputfile, "" , "" , "open") ShellExecute($inputfile) case else Run($play_command & " " & $inputfile) endswitch endfunc ; Right-click on output file label.. ; func DeleteOutputFile() local $outfile = GUICtrlRead($inp_outputfile) if not FileExists($outfile) then ConsoleAdd("Can't delete " & $outfile & ". File does not exist.") return endif local $seen_delete_warning local $msg = "Are you sure you wish to delete the output file?" local $do_warning = false local $response if $delete_to_recycle_bin = $ON then ; It's still there. No biggie.. $response = $IDOK ; No reason to post a warning, then.. $do_warning = false else ; File will be GONE! If user has not been warned, warn them now, one time.. $seen_delete_warning = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "warning_seen_output_delete", $OFF) if $seen_delete_warning = $ON then $response = $IDOK $do_warning = false else $msg = "In future, when you right-click on the label for the output file," & $MSG_LF & _ "it DELETES the output file. Gone. Vanished. No backup." & $MSG_LF & _ "(you can also delete to the recycle bin - see your prefs)" & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "It's about to happen now. You will not see this warning again." IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "warning_seen_output_delete", $ON) ConsoleAdd("User warned about permanent button deletion: Check!", @ScriptLineNumber) $do_warning = true endif endif ; Everything can change, if the user has set this.. if $always_warn_on_delete = $ON then $do_warning = true if $do_warning then DialogOpen() $response = MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "Delete Output File?", $msg, 60, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() endif if $response = $IDOK then if $delete_to_recycle_bin = $ON then if FileRecycle($outfile) then ConsoleAdd("Recycled: " & $outfile) endif else if FileDelete($outfile) then ConsoleAdd("Deleted: " & $outfile) endif endif endif endfunc func OpenImagesFolder() OpenSomething(GetParent($drop_win_image)) endfunc func OpenFolderInFileSelected() OpenFolderFileSelected($inputfile, $inp_inputfile) endfunc func OpenFolderOutFileSelected() OpenFolderFileSelected($outputfile, $inp_outputfile) endfunc ; Send a file path to open the parent folder in explorer, with the file selected. ; The $control will flash $warn_colour momentarily if the file does not exist. ; func OpenFolderFileSelected($file, $control=$inp_inputfile) debug("OpenFolderFileSelected " & $file, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug select case FileExists($file) ; This neat function removes the need to check window already exists.. _WinAPI_ShellOpenFolderAndSelectItems($file) case FileExists(GetParent($file)) OpenSomething(GetParent($file), true) case else $warn_control = $control SetWarning(true) endselect endfunc ; All this so we can have smaller menu items! ; ; We create a 2D array to store the control IDs. ; Then we can get back the full path to check; basenames may be the same. ; If the user has no "Open" key (highly unlikely) in this filetype, this will fail.. ; func OpenRecentFile() debug("OpenRecentFile() ID: " & @tray_id, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug local $tray_item_full_path for $id = 1 to $recent_files[0][0] if @tray_id = $recent_files[$id][1] then $tray_item_full_path = $recent_files[$id][0] exitloop endif next debug("$tray_item_full_path: " & $tray_item_full_path, @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug if FileExists($tray_item_full_path) then ShellExecute($tray_item_full_path, "", "", $SHEX_OPEN) else MakeTray() endif endfunc func ClearRecentFiles() redim $recent_files[1][2] $recent_files[0][0] = "" ConsoleAdd("Recent Files list was emptied.", @ScriptLineNumber) IniDelete($ini_path, $my_name, "recent_files") MakeTray() endfunc ; Browse for an input file.. ; When Ctrl key is down, open the current inputfile directory ; with inputfile selected. func BrowseForInputFile() ; Ctrl Key down.. if _IsPressed(11) then OpenFolderInFileSelected() return endif local $input_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "input_dir", @MyDocumentsDir) DialogOpen() local $tmp_ipf = FileOpenDialog("locate the input file..", $input_dir, $file_types, $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST, "", $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if not $tmp_ipf then return false IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "input_dir", GetParent($tmp_ipf)) $inputfile = $tmp_ipf GUICtrlSetData($inp_inputfile, $inputfile) DoArgsCreate() return true endfunc ; Browse for an output file.. ; When Ctrl key is down, open the current outputfile directory ; with outputfile selected. ; func BrowseForOutputFile() if _IsPressed(11) then OpenFolderOutFileSelected() return endif local $save_output_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "save_output_dir", @MyDocumentsDir) DialogOpen() local $tmp_output = FileSaveDialog("specify the output file..", $save_output_dir, $file_types, 0, "", $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if not $tmp_output then return 0 if not StringInStr($tmp_output, ".") then $tmp_output &= "." & $default_extension local $mum = GetParent($tmp_output) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "save_output_dir", $mum) ConsoleAdd("Output dir set to: " & $mum, @ScriptLineNumber) $outputfile = $tmp_output GUICtrlSetData($inp_outputfile, $outputfile) DoArgsCreate() return true endfunc ; Where oh where is ffmpeg.exe.. func TraySetFFmpegBinLocation() SetFFmpegBinLocation() endfunc func SetFFmpegBinLocation($binary_location=false) debug("SetFFmpegBinLocation(" & $binary_location & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug ; Binary location not supplied in arguments, locate.. if not $binary_location then local $ffmpeg_bin_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_bin_dir", @ProgramFilesDir) if FileExists(Getparent($ffmpeg_binary)) then $ffmpeg_bin_dir = Getparent($ffmpeg_binary) DialogOpen() local $tmp_ffmpeg_binary = FileOpenDialog("Please locate the FFmpeg binary..", _ $ffmpeg_bin_dir, "FFmpeg binary (ffmpeg.exe)", $ffeGUI) local $error = @error DialogClose() if not $tmp_ffmpeg_binary or $error then ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg binary location setting unchanged: User aborted.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif $tmp_ffmpeg_binary = ffeDeTokenizeString($tmp_ffmpeg_binary) $binary_location = ffeDeTokenizeString($tmp_ffmpeg_binary) endif debug("$binary_location: " & $binary_location, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if $binary_location = $ffmpeg_binary then ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg binary location setting unchanged.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif if StringMid($binary_location, 1, 2) = "\\" then ConsoleAdd("Cannot set network location for FFmpeg binary. Please try again.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_bin_dir", GetParent($binary_location)) if FileExists($binary_location) then $ffmpeg_binary = $binary_location local $user_ffmpeg_binary = ffeTokenizeString($ffmpeg_binary) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "ffmpeg_binary", $user_ffmpeg_binary) ConsoleAdd("FFmpeg binary location set to: """ & $user_ffmpeg_binary & """", @ScriptLineNumber) EnableRunningControls() $got_helps = "" UpdateCodecCombos() endif endfunc func GetFFprobeLocation() $ffprobe_loc = GetParent($ffmpeg_binary) & "\ffprobe.exe" if not FileExists($ffprobe_loc) then ConsoleAdd("ffprobe.exe not found next to FFmpeg" & $LOG_LF & "please place ffprobe.exe next to ffmpeg.exe.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif endfunc func LocateMediaInfo() local $mi_lookin = GetParent($mediainfo_location) if not $mi_lookin then $mi_lookin = @ProgramFilesDir DialogOpen() local $tmp_mediainfo_location = FileOpenDialog("Please locate MediaInfo.exe..", _ $mediainfo_location, "MediaInfo executable (MediaInfo.exe)", $ffeGUI) local $error = @error DialogClose() if not $tmp_mediainfo_location or $error then ConsoleAdd("Still not got a valid path for MediaInfo. Disabling..", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif if FileExists($tmp_mediainfo_location) then $mediainfo_location = $tmp_mediainfo_location IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "mediainfo_location", $mediainfo_location) ConsoleAdd("MediaInfo location set to: " & $mediainfo_location, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endfunc ;2do - Logging for non-output files (i.e. image sequences) func SaveOutput($output_data) if not $output_data then return false local $log_outputfile $job_log_location = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $current_preset, "job_log_location", $job_log_location)) if not $job_log_location then $job_log_location = "@datadir\logs" CRT($job_log_location) local $use_job_log_location = $job_log_location & "\" if IsWild($user_inputfile) then $use_job_log_location &= "[BATCH]_" if IsWild($user_outputfile) then $log_outputfile = $use_job_log_location & CleanPath(RemoveExtension($outputfile), ".") & _ $matof_separator & $matof_string & ".log" else $log_outputfile = $use_job_log_location & RemoveExtension(BaseName($outputfile)) & ".log" endif local $dl_append = 10 if $job_log_append = $ON then $dl_append = 9 local $my_log_file = FileOpen($log_outputfile, $dl_append) FileWriteLine($my_log_file, $output_data) FileClose($my_log_file) endfunc func _____________IMPORT_EXPORT() endfunc ; Import / Export.. func ComboImportData() MenuImportData() endfunc func TrayMenuImportData() MenuImportData() endfunc func ImportButtons() MenuImportData($NAME_BUTTONS) endfunc func MenuImportData($dtype="") local $import_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "import_dir", @MyDocumentsDir) local $i_type = "data" if $dtype then $i_type = $dtype local $data_inifile = FileOpenDialog("locate the " & $i_type & " file..", _ $import_dir, "Ini files (*.ini)|All files (*.*)", $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST, "", $ffeGUI) if not $data_inifile then return if not FileExists($data_inifile) then ConsoleAdd("Import aborted.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "import_dir", GetParent($data_inifile)) ImportData($data_inifile, $dtype) endfunc func ImportData($import_file, $dtype="") if not FileExists($import_file) then return false ConsoleAdd("Beginning data import..", @ScriptLineNumber) local $import_ini_sections = IniReadSectionNames($import_file) ; Present dialog for importing: main settings, presets, custom buttons.. DialogOpen() local $user_choice = CorzImportExportChooser($import_ini_sections, "import", 0, $dtype) local $err = @error DialogClose() if not $user_choice then local $msg = "Import aborted." if not $dtype then $dtype = "usable data" if $err then $msg &= ": no " & $dtype & " found in file." ConsoleAdd($msg, @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif local $do_add = false, $r_type, $do_added = false local $tmp_ini = @TempDir & "\ffe-import-temp.ini" local $restart_required = false local $restart_settings = StringSplit("image_buttons,sort_presets_list,do_tooltips,console_wordwrap", ",") FileCopy($ini_path, $tmp_ini) for $i = 1 to $import_ini_sections[0] $do_add = false switch $import_ini_sections[$i] case $my_name if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_SETTINGS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $NAME_SETTINGS endif case $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_SETTINGS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS endif case $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_SETTINGS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS endif case $NAME_BUTTONS if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_BUTTONS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $NAME_BUTTONS endif case else if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_PRESETS) and not StringInStr($import_ini_sections[$i], $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING) then $do_add = true $r_type = "preset" & ": " & $import_ini_sections[$i] endif endswitch ; We have something to add from this section.. if $do_add then local $this_section = IniReadSection($import_file, $import_ini_sections[$i]) if not @error then switch $import_ini_sections[$i] ; main settings.. case $my_name DialogOpen() local $warn_main_settings = MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL+$MB_ICONWARNING, "Overwrite MAIN Settings?!?", _ "This will COMPLETELY OVERWRITE MAIN FFE SETTINGS!!!" & $MSG_LF & _ "(but only those settings present in the imported ini file)" & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you wish to do this? ", 30, $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $warn_main_settings = 1 then for $st = 1 to $this_section[0][0] if IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $this_section[$st][0], $this_section[$st][1]) then ConsoleAdd("Wrote setting: "&$this_section[$st][0] & "=" & $this_section[$st][1], @ScriptLineNumber) ; Ahhhh.. NOW we see the beauty of matching ini pref and var names... Assign($this_section[$st][0], $this_section[$st][1], $ASSIGN_EXISTFAIL) if InArray($restart_settings, $this_section[$st][0]) then $restart_required = true $do_added = true endif next endif case $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS for $st = 1 to $this_section[0][0] if IniWrite($ini_path, $import_ini_sections[$i], $this_section[$st][0], $this_section[$st][1]) then ConsoleAdd("Wrote mapping: " & $this_section[$st][0] & "=>" & $this_section[$st][1], @ScriptLineNumber) $do_added = true endif next case $NAME_BUTTONS ; We add/overwrite individual buttons, not simply replace the section.. for $st = 1 to $this_section[0][0] if IniWrite($ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS, $this_section[$st][0], $this_section[$st][1]) then ConsoleAdd("Wrote button: " & $this_section[$st][0] & "=" & $this_section[$st][1], @ScriptLineNumber) $do_added = true endif next ; preset.. case else if IniWriteSection($ini_path, $import_ini_sections[$i], $this_section) then ConsoleAdd("Imported " & $r_type & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) $do_added = true endif endswitch endif endif next if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_PRESETS) then UpdatePresetsCombo() if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_BUTTONS) and $enable_custom_buttons = $ON then ReCreateButtonGrid() if $do_added then local $bax_ini = GetParent($ini_path) & "\PRE-IMPORT [" & FileDateStamp() & "] ffe.ini" if $restart_required then ConsoleAdd("Init settings detected - restart to see changes.", @ScriptLineNumber) if FileMove($tmp_ini, $bax_ini) then ConsoleAdd("Old ffe.ini backed up to: " & $bax_ini & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) endif else FileDelete($tmp_ini) endif endfunc func MenuExportData() ExportData() endfunc func TrayMenuExportData() ExportData() endfunc func MenuExportButtons() ExportData($NAME_BUTTONS) endfunc func ExportData($dtype="") local $ini_sections = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if not IsArray($ini_sections) then return ConsoleAdd("Beginning data export..", @ScriptLineNumber) local $tmp_ini_path = @TempDir & "\ffe-data-export.ini" if FileExists($tmp_ini_path) then FileDelete($tmp_ini_path) ; Present dialog for exporting: main settings, presets, custom buttons.. DialogOpen() local $user_choice = CorzImportExportChooser($ini_sections, "export", 0, $dtype) DialogClose() if not $user_choice then ConsoleAdd("Export aborted.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif local $do_add = false, $r_type, $do_added = false ; Run through section-by-section.. for $i = 1 to $ini_sections[0] $do_add = false switch $ini_sections[$i] case $my_name, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_SETTINGS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $ini_sections[$i] endif case $NAME_BUTTONS if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_BUTTONS) then $do_add = true $r_type = $NAME_BUTTONS endif case else if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_PRESETS) and not StringInStr($ini_sections[$i], $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING) then $do_add = true $r_type = "preset" & ": " & $ini_sections[$i] endif endswitch if $do_add then ; ANY additions will set this flag. $do_added = true local $this_section = IniReadSection($ini_path, $ini_sections[$i]) if not @error then switch $ini_sections[$i] ; Main settings.. case $my_name, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS if IniWriteSection($tmp_ini_path, $ini_sections[$i], $this_section) then if $r_type = $my_name then $r_type = $NAME_SETTINGS ConsoleAdd("Exported '" & $r_type & "'.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif ; Custom buttons.. case $NAME_BUTTONS if IniWriteSection($tmp_ini_path, $NAME_BUTTONS, $this_section) then ConsoleAdd("Exported '" & $r_type & "'.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif ; Preset.. case else if not InArray($not_presets, $ini_sections[$i]) and _ StringLeft($ini_sections[$i], StringLen($PRESET_BACKUP_STRING)) <> $PRESET_BACKUP_STRING then if IniWriteSection($tmp_ini_path, $ini_sections[$i], $this_section) then ConsoleAdd("Exporting preset '" & $r_type & "'.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif endswitch endif endif next if $do_added then local $export_name = "ffe-export-" if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_SETTINGS) then $export_name &= StringLower(StringReplace($NAME_SETTINGS, " ", "-")) & "-" endif if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_BUTTONS) then $export_name &= StringLower(StringReplace($NAME_BUTTONS, " ", "-")) & "-" endif if StringInStr($user_choice, $NAME_PRESETS) then $export_name &= StringLower(StringReplace($NAME_PRESETS, " ", "-")) & "-" endif CRT($export_name, "-") local $export_dir = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "export_dir", @MyDocumentsDir) DialogOpen() local $saved_file = FileSaveDialog("specify a location to save the file..", _ $export_dir, "Ini files (*.ini)|All files (*.*)", $FD_PROMPTOVERWRITE , $export_name & ".ini", $ffeGUI) DialogClose() if $saved_file then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "export_dir", GetParent($saved_file)) local $i_type = "data" if $dtype then $i_type = $dtype if FileMove($tmp_ini_path, $saved_file, 9) then ConsoleAdd("Finished exporting " & $i_type & " to: " & $saved_file & ".", @ScriptLineNumber) endif else ConsoleAdd("Well, that was fun.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif endfunc ; Custom inport/export user chooser.. ; Returns a string containing relevant substrings, "main settings", "presets" and "custom buttons". ; e.g., if everything is selected the string is, "main settingspresetsbuttons". func CorzImportExportChooser(ByRef $ini_sections_array, $mode="import", $timeout=0, $dtype="") if not IsArray($ini_sections_array) then if $mode = "import" then ConsoleAdd("No ini [sections] found to import!", @ScriptLineNumber) else ConsoleAdd("A serious ini-based error of some unknown description occured.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif return false endif local $ie_title = "ffe " & $mode & " choices.." local $prompt = "Which data do you wish to " & $mode & "?" local $err = 0, $i_type, $no_match = false local $ie_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_x", $x + 6) local $ie_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_y", $y + 26) local $ie_w = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_width", 300) local $ie_h = 170 local $min_w = 300 if $ie_w < $min_w then $ie_w = $min_w local $return = false local $previous_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $previous_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) local $style = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SIZEBOX) local $styleX = BitOr($WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) local $ie_GUI = GUICreate($ie_title, $ie_w, $ie_h, $ie_x, $ie_y, $style, $styleX, $ffeGUI) GUIsetFont(9) local $but_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 6, $ie_h-26, 60, 22) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKSTATEBAR+$GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH) local $but_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", $ie_w-60, 0, 50, 22, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKSTATEBAR+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT) GUISetCoord(10, 7) GUICtrlCreateLabel($prompt, 0, 0, $ie_w-30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, default, 800) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) GUISetCoord(20, 27) local $chk_everything, $chk_main_settings, $chk_presets, $chk_custom_buttons local $got_main = false, $got_presets = false, $got_buttons = false, $t_count=0 $i_type = $NAME_SETTINGS $chk_main_settings = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(_StringProper($i_type), 0, 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) if InArray($ini_sections_array, $my_name) _ or InArray($ini_sections_array, $NAME_VIDEO_MAPPINGS) _ or InArray($ini_sections_array, $NAME_AUDIO_MAPPINGS) then $got_main = true $t_count += 1 if $dtype = $i_type then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ON) else if $dtype = $i_type then $no_match = true GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) endif $i_type = $NAME_PRESETS $chk_presets = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(_StringProper($i_type), 0, 22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) if HasPresets($ini_sections_array) then $got_presets = true $t_count += 1 if $dtype = $i_type then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ON) else if $dtype = $i_type then $no_match = true GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) endif $i_type = $NAME_BUTTONS $chk_custom_buttons = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(_StringProper($i_type), 0, 22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) if InArray($ini_sections_array, $i_type) then $got_buttons = true $t_count += 1 if $dtype = $i_type then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ON) else if $dtype = $i_type then $no_match = true GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) endif if $t_count > 1 then $chk_everything = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("All", 120, 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) endif if $no_match then ; No matching (specific) sections in specified import file.. $err = 1 ; We have a match.. else ; Single type specified (from contextual control) if $dtype then ; No choosing required., return type directly. $return = $dtype else ; OK, let's CHOOSE... GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ie_GUI) WinMove($ie_title, "", default, default, $ie_w, $ie_h) if $timeout <> 0 then local $dialog_begin = TimerInit() local $size_array, $got_ok = false WinActivate($ie_title) while true switch GUIGetMsg() case $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED $size_array = WinGetPos($ie_title) if not IsArray($size_array) then continueloop if $size_array[2] < $min_w then WinMove($ie_title, "", default, default, $min_w, $ie_h) if $size_array[3] <> $ie_h then WinMove($ie_title, "", default, default, $min_w, $ie_h) case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $but_Cancel $return = "" exitloop case $but_OK if GUICtrlRead($chk_main_settings) = $ON then $return &= $NAME_SETTINGS if GUICtrlRead($chk_presets) = $ON then $return &= $NAME_PRESETS if GUICtrlRead($chk_custom_buttons) = $ON then $return &= $NAME_BUTTONS $got_ok = true exitloop case $chk_everything if GUICtrlRead($chk_everything) = $OFF then GUICtrlSetState($chk_main_settings, $OFF) GUICtrlSetState($chk_presets, $OFF) GUICtrlSetState($chk_custom_buttons, $OFF) else if $got_main then GUICtrlSetState($chk_main_settings, $ON) if $got_presets then GUICtrlSetState($chk_presets, $ON) if $got_buttons then GUICtrlSetState($chk_custom_buttons, $ON) endif endswitch if $timeout <> 0 then if TimerDiff($dialog_begin)/1000 > $timeout then exitloop endif wend if $return or $got_ok then ; save position/size for next time.. $size_array = WinGetPos($ie_title) ; 0-1-2-3:x-y-w-h if IsArray($size_array) then if $size_array[0] then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_x", $size_array[0]) if $size_array[1] then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_y", $size_array[1]) if $size_array[2] then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "import_export_chooser_width", $size_array[2]) endif endif endif endif AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $previous_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $previous_coord_mode) GUIDelete($ie_GUI) return SetError($err, 0, $return) endfunc func __________________________INFO() endfunc ; Add some text onto the end of the console output and scroll to end of the output.. ; The original text is returned so we can wrap this function, if required.. func ConsoleAdd($out_string, $ln=@ScriptLineNumber) if $output_paused then return $out_string local $dlevl = 3 ; Automatically switch the level of any message containing "error" if StringInStr($out_string, "error", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC) then $dlevl = 1 SetWinTitleText(" ERROR! [see console for details]") AdLibRegister("ResetTitle", 3000) endif debug("Console Add: " & $out_string, $ln, $dlevl);debug local $end = StringLen(GUICtrlRead($edit_console_output)) _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($edit_console_output, $end, $end) GUICtrlSetData($edit_console_output, $out_string & $LOG_LF, 1) _GUICtrlEdit_Scroll($edit_console_output, $__EDITCONSTANT_SB_SCROLLCARET) return $out_string endfunc ; REPLACE the console output with some new output.. ; The original text is returned so we can wrap this function, if required.. ; func SetConsoleOutput($out_string, $scroll_top=false) GUICtrlSetState($edit_console_output, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($edit_console_output, $out_string) if $scroll_top then _GUICtrlEdit_Scroll($edit_console_output, 0) else _GUICtrlEdit_Scroll($edit_console_output, $__EDITCONSTANT_SB_SCROLLCARET) endif return $out_string endfunc func CopyConsoleOutput() CopyControlToClipBoard($edit_console_output, "console output") endfunc func CopyControlToClipBoard($control, $name) local $msg if GUICtrlRead($control) then ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($control)) $msg = " *** " & $name & " copied to the clipboard ***" else $msg = " *** the " & $name & " is empty! nothing copied to the clipboard! ***" endif SetWinTitleText($msg) AdLibRegister("ResetTitle", 3000) endfunc func ClearOutput() SetConsoleOutput("") endfunc func DoAboutBox() DialogOpen() AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $aw = 330, $ah = 210 local $GUI_About = GUICreate(" about " & $my_name & ".. ", $aw, $ah, -1, @DesktopHeight/4, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $ffeGUI) GUICtrlCreateIcon($me_app, 0, 15, 10, 32, 32) local $build = GetExtension($my_version) if $build then $build = "." & $build if $special_build then $build = $build & " ( " & $special_build & ")" GUICtrlCreateLabel($my_name & " v" & $version & $build, 55, 10, default, 22) GUICtrlCreateLabel(chr(169) & " " & $my_domain & " 2007-" & @Year & " ;o) ", 55, 28, default, 22) GUICtrlCreateLabel($my_name & " is a simple, powerful front-end for FFmpeg, " & _ "enabling quick alterations to its parameters for rapid testing and production. " & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "ffe uniquely uses MATOF" & chr(153) & " technology to automatically update output filenames to " & _ "match your encoding parameters, enabling you to save lots of slightly different versions of a file " & _ "very, very quickly; in other words, 'find the best settings'" & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Do you want to visit the " & $my_name & " web page at this time? ", 15, 50, $aw-25, $ah-90) local $GUI_About_NO = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", $aw-140, $ah-25, 60, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) local $GUI_About_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", $aw-72, $ah-25, 60, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP,$BS_FLAT)) ; GUICtrlSetState($GUI_About_OK, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_About) local $msg while true sleep(10) $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $GUI_About_NO exitloop case $GUI_About_OK VisitURL($my_url) exitloop endswitch wend GUIDelete($GUI_About) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) DialogClose() endfunc func DoAboutFFmpeg() DoFFmpegCommand("-version") endfunc func GetLogLocation($this_preset=$my_name) local $i = ffeDeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $this_preset, "log_location", $log_location)) if $i <> "-" then if $portable then if $i and TestFileWrite($i) then $log_location = $i else if TestFileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log") then $log_location = @ScriptDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log" endif endif elseif IsDir($i) and TestFileWrite($i & "\" & $my_name & ".log") then $log_location = $i & "\" & $my_name & ".log" elseif $i and TestFileWrite($i) then $log_location = $i else $log_location = @TempDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log" endif endif debug("$log_location set to: " & $log_location, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug endfunc func TrayDownloadImagePack() DownloadImagePack($x + 15, $y+338, $width-26, 58) endfunc ; Download a wee selection of sample images to get you started. ; There are more images at the download URL, below.. ; func DownloadImagePack($windoid_x=default, $windoid_y=default, $windoid_w=default, $windoid_h=default) if $windoid_x = default then $windoid_x = -1 if $windoid_y = default then $windoid_y = -1 if $windoid_w = default then $windoid_w = 400 if $windoid_h = default then $windoid_h = 46 DialogOpen() ConsoleAdd("Downloading ffe image pack..", @ScriptLineNumber) local $image_pack_url, $img_files, $img_url, $local_img_path, $local_img_list $image_pack_url = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "image_pack_url", "") if not $image_pack_url then $image_pack_url = "" local $list_file = "image_pack_urls.txt" $local_img_list = $data_dir & "\" & $list_file debug("$local_img_list: =>" & $local_img_list & "<=", @ScriptLineNumber, 6);debug FileDelete($local_img_list) local $tooltip_windoid = GUICreate("downloading", $windoid_w, $windoid_h, $windoid_x, $windoid_y, _ BitOr($WS_POPUP,$WS_DLGFRAME,$DS_MODALFRAME), BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,$WS_EX_TOPMOST,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG), $ffeGUI) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Downloading ffe image pack..", 5, 3, $windoid_w-10, 22, $SS_LEFT, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) local $tool_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 5, 25, $windoid_w-10, 24, $SS_LEFT, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $tooltip_windoid) ConsoleAdd("Grabbing image list..", @ScriptLineNumber) local $dl = BackGroundDownload($image_pack_url & $list_file, default, default, $local_img_list) if @error == 0 then FileReadIntoArray($local_img_list, $img_files) if not IsArray($img_files) then ConsoleAdd("Error reading Image List.", @ScriptLineNumber) return false endif debug_PrintArray($img_files, "List of $img_files:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug local $current_img ; Run through the list.. for $this_img = 1 to $img_files[0] $current_img = StringStripWS($img_files[$this_img], 3) debug("Current image file: =>" & $current_img & "<=", @ScriptLineNumber, 11);debug ; Ignore comments.. if $current_img and StringLeft($current_img, 1) <> ";" then $img_url = $image_pack_url & $current_img $local_img_path = $drop_win_image_folder & "\" & StringReplace($current_img, "/", "\") if not FileExists(GetParent($local_img_path)) then DirCreate(GetParent($local_img_path)) if FileExists($local_img_path) then GUICtrlSetData($tool_label, "Skipping: " & $current_img) ConsoleAdd("File exists (skipped): " & $current_img, @ScriptLineNumber) Sleep(166) ; The "doing something" delay. It's a human thing. else GUICtrlSetData($tool_label, "Downloading: " & $current_img) Sleep(500) $dl = BackGroundDownload($img_url, default, default, $local_img_path) if @error <> 0 then debug("@error: " & @error, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug debug("@extended: " & @extended, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug ConsoleAdd($dl, @ScriptLineNumber) exitloop endif ConsoleAdd("Downloaded: " & $current_img, @ScriptLineNumber) endif endif if $this_img = $img_files[0] then ConsoleAdd("Downloading complete.", @ScriptLineNumber) endif next ; Clean-up.. FileDelete($local_img_list) GUICtrlSetData($tool_label, "Image Pack Downloaded!") else debug("@error: " & @error, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug debug("@extended: " & @extended, @ScriptLineNumber, 1);debug ConsoleAdd("", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("Download ERROR!", @ScriptLineNumber) ConsoleAdd("ffe could not retrieve the image list!" & $LOG_LF & _ "Without the image list, no images can be downloaded.", @ScriptLineNumber) GUICtrlSetData($tool_label, $dl) ConsoleAdd($dl, @ScriptLineNumber) endif GUIDelete($tooltip_windoid) DialogClose() HideDropWindow() endfunc func __________ANCILLARY_FUNCS() endfunc func DialogOpen() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $ffeGUI) UnSetHotKeys() endfunc func DialogClose() GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $ffeGUI) WinActivate($ffeGUI) SetHotKeys() endfunc func GetEditStyles() if $console_wordwrap = $ON then return BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN, $ES_MULTILINE, $ES_NOHIDESEL) else return BitOR($WS_HSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_MULTILINE, $ES_WANTRETURN, $ES_NOHIDESEL) endif endfunc ; Check if mouse is over certain controls and act accordingly.. ; Returns the ID the mouse is currently over, if required. ; func CheckMouse() local $mouse_pos = GUIGetCursorInfo($ffeGUI) if not IsArray($mouse_pos) then return false ; So these functions aren't firing a zillion times a second.. if $previous_pos <> $mouse_pos[4] then ; Help buttons.. if IsArray($help_texts) then if IsArray($help_butts) then local $help_hover = InArray($help_butts, $mouse_pos[4]) if $help_hover then GUICtrlSetData($lab_help_info, _ StringLeft($help_texts[$help_hover], StringInStr($help_texts[$help_hover], "|") - 1)) else GUICtrlSetData($lab_help_info, "") endif endif endif ; Highlight active labels. ; Nice idea, but we should think about some kind of AA instead of many ; global flags to store on/off states. ;2do - consider different colours for different actions, e.g. right-now-click button = green on mouseover ; We don't put them all into a single select, as it would make mouse-overs less responsive. ; select ; inputfile label.. case $set_if = false and $mouse_pos[4] = $lab_inputfile GUICtrlSetColor($lab_inputfile, $COLOR_SKYBLUE) $set_if = true case $set_if = true GUICtrlSetColor($lab_inputfile, default) $set_if = false endselect select ; outputfile label.. case $set_of = false and $mouse_pos[4] = $lab_outputfile GUICtrlSetColor($lab_outputfile, $COLOR_SKYBLUE) $set_of = true case $set_of = true GUICtrlSetColor($lab_outputfile, default) $set_of = false endselect select ; crop w / h label.. case $set_wh = false and $mouse_pos[4] = $label_active_crop_wh GUICtrlSetColor($label_active_crop_wh, $COLOR_SKYBLUE) $set_wh = true case $set_wh = true GUICtrlSetColor($label_active_crop_wh, default) $set_wh = false endselect select ; crop x / y label.. case $set_xy = false and $mouse_pos[4] = $label_active_crop_xy GUICtrlSetColor($label_active_crop_xy, $COLOR_SKYBLUE) $set_xy = true case $set_xy = true GUICtrlSetColor($label_active_crop_xy, default) $set_xy = false endselect $previous_pos = $mouse_pos[4] endif ; Button text changes.. ; We set a $shifted flag to prevent updating the buttons every 1/100th second when nothing is happening select case _IsPressed(10) and WinActive($ffeGUI) and not $shifted $shifted = true ; "Do It!" becomes script output.. GUICtrlSetData($butt_doit, "script output") GUICtrlSetData($butt_wipe, "restore") ; Set the number of frames (saved to ini) GUICtrlSetData($butt_quicktest, "set frames") GUICtrlSetData($butt_mediareport, "open report") ; Custom buttons - Let the user know these can be edited.. for $i = 1 to $custom_buttons_array[0][0] GUICtrlSetFont($custom_buttons[$i], $custom_buttons_font_size-2) GUICtrlSetData($custom_buttons[$i], "Edit " & $custom_buttons_array[$i][0]) next case not _IsPressed(10) and $shifted GUICtrlSetData($butt_doit, "do it!") GUICtrlSetData($butt_wipe, "wipe") GUICtrlSetData($butt_quicktest, "short test") GUICtrlSetData($butt_mediareport, "media report") for $i = 1 to $custom_buttons_array[0][0] GUICtrlSetFont($custom_buttons[$i], $custom_buttons_font_size) GUICtrlSetData($custom_buttons[$i], $custom_buttons_array[$i][0]) next $shifted = false endselect ; Check if mouse hovering over drop window.. local $drop_mouse_pos = GUIGetCursorInfo($GUI_DropWindow) if IsArray($drop_mouse_pos) and $drop_mouse_pos[4] then ; @extended is read inside the main loop. return SetExtended($drop_mouse_pos[4], $mouse_pos[4]) endif return $mouse_pos[4] endfunc ; Focus detected on $inp_outputfile and others.. ;2do - could store selections of all intputs and restore.. a rainy-day task! func CheckFocus($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg debug("CheckFocus(current current_control_focus): " & $current_control_focus, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug local $iFlag = BitShift($wParam, 16) switch $lParam case GUICtrlGetHandle($inp_outputfile) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $inp_outputfile FocusTo_inp_output() endswitch case GUICtrlGetHandle($inp_inputfile) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $inp_inputfile endswitch case GUICtrlGetHandle($inp_input_params) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $inp_input_params endswitch case GUICtrlGetHandle($inp_extra_args) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $inp_extra_args endswitch case GUICtrlGetHandle($edit_console_output) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $edit_console_output endswitch case GUICtrlGetHandle($edit_in_args) switch $iFlag case $EN_SETFOCUS $current_control_focus = $edit_in_args endswitch endswitch debug("$current_control_focus: " & $current_control_focus, @ScriptLineNumber, 9);debug endfunc func FocusTo_inp_output() if $do_matof = $ON then ToggleMatofStatus() endif endfunc ; Right-Now-Click(TM) Functions (skip the context menu, save a click, save time, save your fingers!) ; func CheckForRightClickTask() if $right_clicking then return local $cursor_info = GUIGetCursorInfo($ffeGUI) $right_clicking = true AdlibRegister ("EndRightClick", 250) switch $cursor_info[4] case $lab_inputfile PlayInputFile() case $lab_outputfile DeleteOutputFile() case $check_run_ffmpeg_task EditFFmpegTask() case $check_run_ffplay_task EditFFplayTask() case $butt_quicktest UserEditShortTestParams() case $butt_wipe RestoreBackupPreset() case $check_run_pre_job_commands SpecifyPreJobCMDsFile() case $check_run_post_file_command SpecifyPostFileCommand() case $check_run_post_job_commands SpecifyPostJobCMDsFile() case $label_active_crop_wh, $label_active_crop_xy UserEditCropTestFrames(default, true) endswitch endfunc func EndRightClick() $right_clicking = false AdlibUnRegister ("EndRightClick") endfunc ; Yes, every time you press the mouse button in the GUI.. func PrimaryUpCheckSize() debug("PrimaryUpCheckSize() --> CheckSize()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if $current_control_focus <> $edit_in_args then CheckSize() DoArgsCreate() endif endfunc ; Get window to conform to minimum sizes.. func CheckSize() debug("CheckSize()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug $too_far = false local $size_array = WinGetClientSize($ffeGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return false ; User window made too small for controls.. if $size_array[0] < $min_width then WinMove($my_title, "", default, default , $min_width+10) $too_far = true endif if $size_array[1] < $min_height then WinMove($my_title, "", default, default , default, $min_height+$height_magic) $too_far = true endif if $too_far then $size_array = WinGetClientSize($ffeGUI) $width = $size_array[0] $height = $size_array[1] ; not actually required ; The user went too far! ; ffe has been automatically resized - re-create the button grid.. if $enable_custom_buttons = $ON and $custom_buttons_columns = "auto" then debug("CheckSize() ---> ReCreateButtonGrid() ....................", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ReCreateButtonGrid() endif endif if $minimized = $OFF and not $do_gen then GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ffeGUI) ; Quick check on x/y so relative dialogs can remain so.. $size_array = WinGetPos($ffeGUI) if IsArray($size_array) then if $size_array[0] <> $x then $x = $size_array[0] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "x", $x) endif if $size_array[1] <> $y then $y = $size_array[1] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "y", $y) endif endif return true endfunc func ResizeSaveXYWHPrefs() SaveXYWHPrefs() endfunc func SaveXYWHPrefs($shutdown=false) debug("SaveXYWHPrefs()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if not CheckSize() then return ; Set the actual variables, too, so we can refer to them when creating dialogs. local $size_array = WinGetPos($ffeGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return if $size_array[0] < (@desktopWidth-25) then $x = $size_array[0] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "x", $x) endif if $size_array[1] < (@desktopHeight-25) then $y = $size_array[1] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "y", $y) endif $size_array = WinGetClientSize($ffeGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return if $size_array[0] >= $min_width then $width = $size_array[0] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "width", $size_array[0]) endif if $size_array[1] >= $min_height-$height_magic then $height = $size_array[1] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "height", $size_array[1]) endif if not $shutdown then ; We may need to re-calculate the number of custom button columns.. ; the $too_far flag prevents a second firing of ReCreateButtonGrid() after the PRIMARYUP event.. if $custom_buttons_columns = "auto" and $enable_custom_buttons = $ON and $too_far = false then debug("SaveXYWHPrefs() ---> ReCreateButtonGrid() ....................", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug ReCreateButtonGrid() endif endif endfunc ; Either at launch time or on file drop.. ; func DoDropCommand() switch $drop_command case "Go" DoIt() case "Play" PlayIt() case "Generate" $do_gen = true DoIt() case "Report" if not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($inputfile), "D") then GenerateReport() endswitch endfunc ; Read the user's video and audio codec prefs and either load their list or ; use FFmpeg to generate a fresh codec list for the codec combos. ; If the user's list is empty, fall-back to generating a fresh list. ; func GetUserCodecs() $auto_codecs = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "auto_codecs", $OFF) debug("$auto_codecs: " & Human($auto_codecs), @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug switch $auto_codecs case $ON ; Conversely; user has specified auto-codecs but that failed (for ; some reason). Fall-back to ini file. If that fails, we will try ; FFmpeg again, one type at a time.. if not GetCodecsFromFFmpeg() then continuecase case else $video_codecs = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "video_codecs", "") if not $video_codecs then ; No video codecs specified, get these from FFmpeg.. GetCodecsFromFFmpeg(true,false) ; Video codecs loaded from ffe.ini, so load audio codecs.. else ; Ensure "disable" is included in list.. if not StringInStr($video_codecs, "|- disable video -") then $audio_codecs &= "|- disable video -" $audio_codecs = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "audio_codecs", "") ; No audio codes in ffe.ini, get from FFmpeg.. if not $audio_codecs then GetCodecsFromFFmpeg(false,true) else if not StringInStr($audio_codecs, "|- disable audio -") then $audio_codecs &= "|- disable audio -" endif endif endswitch debug("$video_codecs: " & $video_codecs, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug debug("$audio_codecs: " & $audio_codecs, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug endfunc ; Get the -encoders help from FFmpeg and parse it for the currently available ; encoders which we use to create lists for the codec drop-downs (combos). ; func GetCodecsFromFFmpeg($do_video=true, $do_audio=true) local $file = @TempDir & "\encoders" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c """ & $ffmpeg_binary & """ -encoders > " & $file , "", @SW_HIDE) if not FileExists($file) then return false ; We need a blank item at the start, for intuitive user input.. local $v_codecs = "||" local $a_codecs = "||" local $this_codec local $encoders_help_array = FileReadToArray($file) if not IsArray($encoders_help_array) then return false ; Skip intro. ; Run through the lines.. for $i = 9 to Ubound($encoders_help_array)-1 $this_codec = StringStripWS($encoders_help_array[$i], 3) ; Grab this now; we'll use it.. local $first_letter = StringLeft($this_codec, 1) ; Strip off the unwanted parts.. (I do hope they don't change this format! lol) $this_codec = StringRegExpReplace($this_codec, "\H{6}\h([^\h]+)[\h]*.*", "$1", 1) switch $first_letter case "V" if $do_video then $v_codecs &= $this_codec & "|" case "A" if $do_audio then $a_codecs &= $this_codec & "|" endswitch next ; Quick check to ensure we have what we expect.. if (StringInStr($v_codecs, "x264") and $do_video) or (StringInStr($a_codecs, "mp3") and $do_audio) then ; Ensure essential list items are present.. if $do_video then $video_codecs = $v_codecs & "copy|- disable video -" if $do_audio then $audio_codecs = $a_codecs & "copy|- disable audio -" FileDelete($file) return true endif endfunc func AbortBatch() $abort_batch = true endfunc ; Momentary warning. ; Flash a control background (or foreground) red. ; ; $warn_control is a global variable we set to whatever control we want the ; warning to be displayed on. That's really poor English! ; Choose from background (default) or Foreground (text) warning. ; func SetWarning($bg=true) if $bg then GuiCtrlSetBkColor($warn_control, $warn_colour) AdlibRegister("EndBGWarning", 666) else GuiCtrlSetColor($warn_control, $warn_colour) AdlibRegister("EndFGWarning", 666) endif endfunc func EndWarning($bg=true) if $bg then GuiCtrlSetBkColor($warn_control, default) else GuiCtrlSetColor($warn_control, default) endif endfunc func EndBGWarning() EndWarning(true) endfunc func EndFGWarning() EndWarning(false) endfunc ; Validate the user colour and convert it into a binary string to be used as a ; color value for AutoIt functions (they don't mind that it's a string!).. func GetUserColor($user_color) ; lop off any preceding "#".. $user_color = StringRight($user_color, 6) debug("$user_color: " & $user_color, @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug ; Magical Binary Conversion.. return "0x" & $user_color endfunc ; Delayed start.. func DelayedDoIt() if $delay_start_at then TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_delayed_start, $OFF) $delay_start_at = false return false endif DialogOpen() local $previous_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $previous_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) local $datetime_picker, $now_date[7] = [False, @Year, @Mon, @Mday, @Hour, @Min, @Sec] local $msg, $tip, $ttt, $aw = 285, $ah = 190 local $GUI_Delayed = GUICreate("Delayed Start Options.. ", $aw, $ah, -1, @DesktopHeight/4, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $ffeGUI) local $dummy_first_control = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateLabel("You can run the job at a later time." , 15, 15, $aw-25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select the required countdown delay:" , 0, 20, $aw-25) $tip = "Select the number of days to wait before starting the job. " $ttt = "Days Delay" local $lab_days = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Days:", 0, 27) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) local $combo_delay_days = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 30, -2, 42) for $i = 1 to 365 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $i) next GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) $tip = "Select the number of hours to wait before starting the job. " $ttt = "Hours Delay" GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hours:", 55, 2) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) local $combo_delay_hours = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 35, -2, 42) for $i = 1 to 24 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $i) next GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) $tip = "Select the number of minutes to wait before starting the job. " $ttt = "Minutes Delay" GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minutes:", 50, 2) GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) local $combo_delay_minutes = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 45, -2, 42) for $i = 1 to 60 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $i) next GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, $tip, $ttt) GUISetCoord(15, 75) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Alternatively, pick a date/time directly:" , 0, 20, $aw-25) local $check_enable_datepick = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 0, 22, 26, 26, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE,$BS_ICON)) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $me_app, $time_icon_index, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\Resources\Icons\ffe-time.ico", -1, 0) endif local $picker = GUICtrlCreateDate($GUI_Delayed, 30, 1, 226, 24, $DTS_UPDOWN) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9.5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $ttt = "Direct Date & Time Input" GUICtrlSetTipOptional(-1, "click here to instead enable direct date & time settings. ", $ttt) ; Grab the handle and we can use the groovy _GUICtrlDTP_* functions ; (similar, but better, to using _GUICtrlDTP_Create()).. $datetime_picker = GUICtrlGetHandle($picker) _GUICtrlDTP_SetFormat($datetime_picker, "ddd yyyy MMM dd hh:mm ttt") _GUICtrlDTP_SetSystemTime($datetime_picker, $now_date) local $range_array[14] = [true, @Year, @Mon, @Mday, @Hour, @Min, @Sec] _GUICtrlDTP_SetRange ($datetime_picker, $range_array ) local $dummy_last_control = GUICtrlCreateDummy() for $i = $dummy_first_control to $dummy_last_control GUICtrlSetResizing($i, BitOr($GUI_DOCKTOP, $GUI_DOCKLEFT, $GUI_DOCKSIZE)) next guiSetCoord($aw-172, $ah-28) local $GUI_Delayed_NO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 0, 0, 75, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP, $BS_FLAT)) local $GUI_Delayed_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Delay", 80, 0, 80, 20, BitOr($WS_TABSTOP, $BS_FLAT, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)) ControlFocus($ffeGUI, "", $combo_delay_days) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_Delayed) while true sleep(10) $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $GUI_Delayed_NO exitloop case $GUI_Delayed_OK ; Not required, but makes things clear.. $delay_start_at = "" if GUICtrlRead($check_enable_datepick) = $ON then local $user_time_array = _GUICtrlDTP_GetSystemTime($datetime_picker) _GUICtrlDTP_Destroy($datetime_picker) $delay_start_at = $user_time_array[0] & "/" & $user_time_array[1] & "/" & _ $user_time_array[2] & " " & $user_time_array[3] & ":" & $user_time_array[4] & _ ":" & $user_time_array[5] else ; Countdown.. if GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_days) then $delay_start_at = _DateAdd("D", GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_days), _NowCalc()) else $delay_start_at = _NowCalc() endif if GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_hours) then $delay_start_at = _ _DateAdd("h", GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_hours), $delay_start_at) if GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_minutes) then $delay_start_at = _ _DateAdd("n", GUICtrlRead($combo_delay_minutes), $delay_start_at) endif exitloop case $check_enable_datepick local $state = $GUI_ENABLE if GUICtrlRead($check_enable_datepick) = $ON then GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Delayed_OK, "Set Time") GUICtrlSetState($picker, $GUI_ENABLE) $state = $GUI_DISABLE else GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Delayed_OK, "Set Delay") GUICtrlSetState($picker, $GUI_DISABLE) endif for $i = $lab_days to $combo_delay_minutes GUICtrlSetState($i, $state) next endswitch dim $range_array[14] = [true, @Year, @Mon, @Mday, @Hour, @Min, @Sec] _GUICtrlDTP_SetRange($datetime_picker, $range_array) wend GUIDelete($GUI_Delayed) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $previous_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $previous_coord_mode) DialogClose() if $delay_start_at then TrayItemSetState($tray_toggle_delayed_start, $ON) endfunc func __________________________EXIT() endfunc ; Bye Now! func Restart() DoQuit(0, true) endfunc func User_DoQuit() DoQuit(0) endfunc ; Really, Bye! ; func DoQuit($ext=0, $reload=false) UnSetHotKeys() ; not actually required if $kill_ffmpeg_on_exit = $ON then ProcessSuspendResume($ffmpeg) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'DebugSetProcessKillOnExit', 'int', true) else ProcessSuspendResume($ffmpeg, false) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'DebugSetProcessKillOnExit', 'int', false) endif if $minimized = $OFF and $maximized = $OFF then SaveXYWHPrefs(true) endif if (not $do_quit) and ($retain_exit_settings = $ON) then IniDelete($ini_path, $EXIT_PRESET) SavePreset($EXIT_PRESET) endif VersionCheckOnline($my_name, $versioncheck_url, $download_url, $ini_path, $my_name, $my_version) ; Keep recent files.. ; (do this last, in case it's large and we hit the ini character length limit before it parses out) ; Invalid (cropped) entries will be automatically removed at launch. if $retain_recent_files = $ON and $recent_files[0][0] then $recent_files = TwoDCol2OneDArray($recent_files) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "recent_files", ArrayJoin($recent_files, "|")) endif ; Fade-out (would ideally like a TV power-off, like the HUDL2). Och well.. for $tc = 255 to 0 step -20 WinSetTrans($ffeGUI, "", $tc) Sleep(10) next ; Do this AFTER the saving X/Y prefs for main GUI, or else they will be GONE. GUIDelete($ffeGUI) if $dropwin_visible then HideDropWindow() ; Reclaim small amount of memory.. AAWipe($known_files) if $reload then Run(@ScriptFullPath) exit $ext endfunc ; AutoIt Wrapper / Compiler directives.. ; #Region ; For resources included with FileInstall() #pragma compile(Compression, 9) ;::dev::.. ; If you want your binary NOW, comment this out.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=Y ; See the notes above debug() (in cel.au3) for what /rsln does. #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/StripOnly /rsln ; Like calling the wrapper with /debug, which we do anyway. This is handy, though .. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_LogFile=%scriptdir%\wrapper.log #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=N #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 -v 1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Stop_OnError=Y ; Main program icon.. ; NOTE: *** MAY NEED FORWARD SLASHES IN RELATIVE PATHS - YMMV!!! *** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Resources\Icons\ffe.ico ;-5. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\document-outline.ico ;-6. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\magic-wand.ico ;-7. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\document-small.ico ;-8. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\folder-small.ico ;-9. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\folder-small-outline.ico ;-10. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\auto-out.ico ;-11. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\ffe-time.ico ;-12. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\tooltip.ico ;-13. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=Resources\Icons\target.ico ; Free-Form Res Fields.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Author|Cor #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Contact| #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Instructions|enable MATOF, drag and drop files into ffe, choose a preset, do it! #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Long Description|ffe is a Windows front-end for the marvelous FFmpeg. It was designed for rapid testing of the many (many) FFmpeg settings, enabling one to quickly find the best settings for a particular file, and when you do, save it as a preset, for future use. Find any cute settings along the way, save those as a handy button. Of course you can also use ffe to perform the actual conversions, with output piped directly into your GUI. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Publisher| #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Web Page| #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Compiled|%date% %time% ; These now have their own fields.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=ffe ; Application's resource info.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=ffe ; This is the one that shows up in Process Explorer.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=ffe - FFmpeg Front-End for Windows #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion=2 ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|DEBUG ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|Beta Release #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|Public Release ; I must get a shot of my son's Surface and see if this does anything! I suspect not. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi=Y ; Run pre- & post-compile tasks elevated (as admin).. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before_Admin=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After_Admin=Y ; Tasks to perform BEFORE compilation.. ; ; You might want to comment this out (kills any running instance of ffe).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before=taskkill /F /T /IM ffe.exe ; But if you do, copying your new binary over (below) probably won't work. ; Tasks to perform AFTER compilation.. ; ; Backup this version of the script (dropped into a, below). So I don't have to remember to.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%in%" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" ; Handy to keep a backup of the stripped version, too.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=move /Y .\%scriptfile%_stripped.au3 ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ;::dev::.. ; Copy latest binaries to app folders (overwrites existing binary).. ; Your copy of ffe may be somewhere else.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%outx64%" "C:\Program Files\corz\ffe\ffe.exe" ;::dev::.. ; You can probably comment-out this entire next section. ; It relates to building the distribution and source packages. ; ; It has some useful commands for your reference, though. ; ; It should be noted, the copies of cel.au3, etc., that I keep in my Resources ; directory, are hard links to my master files. If you are unfamiliar with the ; wonders of hard (and symbolic) links, see here: ; ; Only one version of the files exists. The others, like the ones in here are ; "sorta shortcuts that work just like the originals". Check it out. ; ; ffe beta package.. ; Move latest binaries, etc. to distro folder (out of the way of the source).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\ffe" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\ffe\Info" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=move /Y "%outx64%" "..\ffe\ffe.exe" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\QuickStart.txt" "..\ffe\QuickStart.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\ffe.ini" "..\ffe\Info\ffe.ini" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Itstory.txt" "..\ffe\Info\Itstory.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About This Folder.txt" "..\ffe\Info\About This Folder.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "..\..\Free Software License.txt" "..\ffe\Info\Free Software License.txt" ; Source pack update... #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\ffe source pack" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\ffe source pack\Resources" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%in%" "..\ffe source pack\%scriptfile%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Itstory.txt" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\Itstory.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\cel.au3" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\cel.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\EditFind.au3" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\EditFind.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\GIFAnimation.au3" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\GIFAnimation.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\ffe.ini" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\ffe.ini" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\ffe.png" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\ffe.png" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About Resources.txt" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\About Resources.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\QuickStart.txt" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\QuickStart.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "..\..\Free Software License.txt" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\Free Software License.txt ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=Xcopy ".\Resources\Icons" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\Icons" /E /H /C /I #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=Xcopy "..\..\stuff\Notepad++Goodies" "..\ffe source pack\Resources\Notepad++Goodies" /E /H /C /I ; ; ; RELEASE.. ; Create zips of both distro directories.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\ffe" "..\ffe\" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\ffe source pack" "..\ffe source pack\" ; Multi-Hash (MD5+SHA1).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\ffe" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\ffe" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\ffe source pack" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\ffe source pack" ; Backup this version of the source files to #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ;; ; ; ; ; BETA.. ; ; Create zips of both distro directories.. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\ffe beta" "..\ffe\" ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\ffe beta source pack" "..\ffe source pack\" ; ; Multi-Hash (MD5+SHA1).. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\ffe beta" ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\ffe beta" ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\ffe beta source pack" ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\ffe beta source pack" ; ; Backup this version of the source files to ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ;; ; NOTE: The 7z and checksum program directories are in my %PATH% (System Properties >> Advanced >> Environment Variables). ; Finally, remove the (now-zipped) source files.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" #cs A few tests.. In a decent text editor you can simply select a line and run the test with the current script. Gotta love AutoIt! :: Load with preset.. load(MP3) load(Reverse Video+Audio) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\PS3 Baby_360p.mp4" go(Reverse Video+Audio) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\PS3 Baby_360p.mp4" go(SINGLE FILE TEST) :: Launch and Go.. go(ffe) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\ScooterRace.flv" go(MP3 (True Stereo)) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\Puffy Ami Yumi.wmv" go(Grab 150 Frames from URL) ; Launch, go and quit.. run(SpeedUp x2) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\ScooterRace.flv" run(Reverse Video+Audio) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\PS3 Baby_360p.mp4" quit(MP3) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\ScooterRace.flv" ; Launch, generate .bat file and quit.. generate(MP3) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\ScooterRace.flv" :: batches.. go(x265 Simple) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\*.mkv" go(x265 Simple) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\*.mp4" go(x265 Simple) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\*.m??" generate(x265 Simple) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\*" :: FAIL.. go "B:\Test\ffe\IN\ScooterRace.flv" ^^ this should NOT go! :: No such preset! run(FICTION) "B:\Test\ffe\IN\PS3 Baby_360p.mp4" generate(x264 Simple Test) B:\Test\ffe\IN generate(Simple Test) B:\Test\ffe\IN ; WTF! Not loading filepaths unless enabled!?!? go(Simple Test) #ce ; Fire-up the new version.. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After = start "" "C:\Program Files\corz\ffe\ffe.exe" ; When you run AutoIt wrapper, compile the script; the version number is automatically increased. ; It actually edits this file. So no editing during compiling! And you lose your undos! Nah. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement=Y ; Version (keep this!).. ; This is visible all over the place (explorer properties, on mouse hover, etc.) ; and also used internally for version checking and the about box.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= ; find nasty end-of-line comments: (\w+)(\h+);.*$ ; *** BEFORE COMPILING:: ; To delete debug lines, do a regex search for: debug.*\(.*0\) #EndRegion